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Journey with Adama: Exploring Chapter 10 of Telos Book II
Written by Possidonius Neto
Dear brothers! I AM ADAMA!
Continuing our journey, we will comment today on chapter 10 of book II of Telos.
Many wonder, why do we talk so much about networks, energy networks, crystalline networks, star networks? What are these networks really? Symmetrically, there are points on the planet that connect directly to the Earth's core, as if they were wires being fed by Gaia; like big hands stuck on the planet. This is a metaphorical view for you to understand what these networks are.
Each point of this, interconnects with the other, in a linear way, as you know, linking one point to another. Imagine that there is a wire connecting one point to the other; and all points interconnect, none are left out. If you expand your thoughts you will see that a large network will be formed around the planet. And that really is what happens, it is the networks that exist around Gaia. And I would say that they exist throughout the universe.
Each planet, each orb, connects with another great universal network, with the networks of its galaxy, with the networks of the great Central Sun, and that is where all the energy expands. Right now, this large network around the planet is being charged with a lot of energy. And who generates the energy for this network? The Earth's Crystalline network. Although many think because crystals are just stones that do nothing, crystalline beings are responsible for all the maintenance of this great network on the planet. And today they are tasked with making this network increase its power more and more.
Imagine a device that you have on the surface connected to the outlet. If you don't plug this device into the outlet and it needs electricity, it doesn't work properly; for it to work you need to connect it to electricity. I will make a parallel between us. We humans are connected to these networks so that we can receive all the energy necessary to maintain our bodies. And no, it doesn't matter if you are there in the Third Dimension and I am here at the Fifth, this is the primary source for our existence, because this energy comes from God the Father/Mom; then she carries our bodies so that we can stay alive.
Very well. And this Crystalline Network that is being loaded and amplified at this moment affects you too; to you who are on the surface. Their DNA strand is not fully known to their scientists, they only see one part, because the other part has been obscured so that you remain in duality on this planet. With the activation of this great energy network around Gaia, it is as if you have been connected to a higher voltage than the voltage you normally lived. And this voltage is heating up your DNA network, activating all other lines.
Soon, very soon, many of you will have the chain fully activated. No more just 2 tapes, but 12. And this will make you feel, perceive, see, everything around, but not with physical eyes, with the eyes of the soul because your vision beyond the dimension will be activated. And you will be able to move between dimensions, constantly, without any kind of damage.
You may ask us: “ So why don't you move between Thursday and Third to be with us? ” Understand the following: where do you live today? In the Third Dimension, their bodies are used to it. When they pass to the Quinta their bodies will be surprised, but they will adapt little by little. But the great property of staying in Terceira will continue to exist. Then you can come to the Fifth Dimension, yes, but for a little while yet, because your bodies will not be ready to receive so much energy in such a short time.
And when I speak bodies, I speak physical bodies, not astral bodies. In the same way we do. Our usual medium is the Fifth Dimension, can we go to the Third? We could, but it would be very exhausting for us, it would be very painful to enter a lower vibration than ours. So we prefer, as I have already said, to meet halfway, in the Fourth Dimension, which is halfway for us and halfway for you.
So right now, the activation of these networks around the planet is bringing all the evolution of their bodies. And there is no choice. “ I want or don't want ”. Everyone is being hit by the transformations. Do not understand that with this everyone will ascend; I would say that everyone can ascend, if they want, because ascension does not depend only on a crystalline body, it depends on the heart, it depends on their will, and his behavior towards what is around him.
I would say to you that at this moment, this great energy that is on the planet comes from the Christian Beings, the Brotherhood of the Rose. So each of you can make your connection, just a simple stone, small as it may be, but it may be the contact with this great Kingdom. Prepare the stone, and leave it in a place that only you have access to. Say to the stone: “ You are my connection to the Crystalline Beings ”. Nothing more. Just wait. And from time to time you can look at that stone and something comes to mind. Don't think it's silly you asked for a connection and it will happen.
The closer you are to the Crystal Beings, the more your bodies will be ready for change. But it must be done with Love and trust. Don't do it. Do it with your heart.
Translation by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B - Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner
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