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Solstice Light Grids Activation by Arcturians and Pleiadians
Written by Solara An-Ra Views: 3201

We are the Arcturian Scientific Collective, working with those who you have named the Guardians of the Inner Earth, who are themselves a sub-group of Sirian scientists.
As with all collaborations that are for the benefit of an entire planetary matrix and consciousness - together with the civilisation presently inhabiting that planetary consciousness - as with all collaborations of this nature, there are groups that are drawn towards that project through their desire to be of service in the evolution of that planet and tribe. and so have we, the Arcturian Scientific Collective come to share our gifts; our knowledge and our ability to shift energy in order to assist with the cementing, if you like, the stabilisation of the Light Grids of Gaia - your beautiful planet.
Know that what is coming into fruition at this time on and in your planet is almost beyond belief. Know that we are not talking about a project, plan or experiment that was thousands of years in the making - or hundreds of thousands of years - but rather millions of years! For millions of years, since the initial terraforming of your planet which would allow it to hold life forms, your evolution has been assisted. Of course, we are talking about that which you have come to know as the Divine Plan for Ascension of Gaia - but we would describe it in a different way. This evolutionary experiment was about being able to hold multiple levels of consciousness - higher dimensional frequency - in a physical being. These physical beings are the humans of today!
And so, in one respect we would say that the plan has already succeeded - for all of you already have activated 12-starand DNA, it is simply not fully activated in all of you! But there are no human beings on the planet now who do not have this potential 12-strand DNA already in that stage of activation!
In this short Period of 2,126 years that you call the astrological Age of Aquarius - in this short period of time you are being blasted with high Photon-Frequency - like an electrical Light storm of higher dimensional frequency raining down upon you - all of your DNA is activated through this! And it is being held in place by the 5th dimensional frequency emanating from the Core Crystal which is being held in this simultaneously with the 3D version of you and your planet. And the idea is to activate this high frequency within your cells while you are in your physical biology. Of course this means that your physical biology becomes less and less dense - more and more vibrational - and this you feel within yourselves.
We, the Arcturian Scientific Collective, working with our Sirian brothers and sisters, are holding the Light Grids of Gaia in formation now. As you have travelled to these many Sacred Sites of your planet - some known and some unknown - just like your Lemurian and Atlantean forebearers, reactivating the portals that keep the Light Grid which is closest to the surface of the planet in formation, so what you call the Lay Lines of Gaia have been re-activated. And we are working to stabilise this now. We are the Stabilisation Team, if you like. We are using our laser technology to assist the Sirians to stabilise the Light Grids, including coordinating this activation with your planet - with your Core Crystal - with your 12-strand DNA - and with the Ascension Grid of Gaia (which is further away in the atmosphere or aura of your planet,)
And so you can understand that what we are achieving now is beyond our wildest dreams - beyond the wildest dreams of the Intergalactic Confederation, in whose consciousness this plan was initiated. The fact that you have come so far - have overcome so many obstacles and unforeseen difficulties such as the off-world visitors who have attempted to disconnect your 12-strand DNA and who have successfully we should say in part limited the consciousness of your people and planet through the Piscean Age - and who are no longer the puppet-masters for they have been removed.
(Solara: this Arcturian group numbered 2 - 3,000 transmitting from a singular Light Ship. On my request, they handed over to my Pleiadian guides, who are holding space for the entire ascension project. They are more similar to us and understand us very well and what we are going through emotional challenges we are facing. The Arcturians added a last the telepathic message to me as a P.S: "Debrief Complete." :))
With love love love as always,
Solara An-Ra
Magic Weaver & Frequency Keeper for Gaia
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