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Daily Angel Message: Elevated Optimism
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for September 8, 2023
September’s Theme: “What Do I Want?” “What do I need?” These are some of the questions that we often ask ourselves. So as we head into Autumn and the season of introspection dig deep and harvest the answers that will help you on your path.
Negative energy is like quicksand. The more energy you give it the harder it is to free yourself. ~Cat
Today’s Message:
910: Today is all about keeping our energy elevated and being optimistic.
Sometimes this can be difficult, especially when something bad happens and our thoughts and mood take a nosedive into the basement. The key is to do your best to move past it even if you can’t let go altogether. Focus on other things and the event will lose it’s power.Today we are receiving assistance from Spirit (Divine, Goddess, God, etc) in keeping our thoughts elevated particularly in areas that pertain to “Why am I here?”. Allow yourself to absorb new ideas that come out of the blue. These will provide needed and valuable insights that will help us along our path. Remember, information comes in many forms and that positive energy helps us to draw what we need to us like a magnet!
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Haniel showers us with stardust, illuminating our thoughts and memories so that we can remember what magickal beings we truly are, which assists us in the creation process.In turn this shows us how to receive with grace and gratitude. This process accelerates when we allow beauty and harmony to surround us. It’ helps us to enjoy ourselves which makes blessings easier to receive.
The Ascended Master Serapis Bey brings us the necessary spiritual insight we need when dealing with negative people, feelings or situations. By surrounding yourself with loving energy you can find the peace you need to deal with off color moments. He teaches us that loving self care allows us the choice of removing ourselves from negative people and situations.
The Mayan goddess Ixchel helps to get our creative juices flowing by breaking through the barriers we have erected that are blocking our progress. Call on her if you are starting something new. “ Clear your mind and allow the creative source to fill you. New things are waiting for you to embrace them!”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Amazonite. This stone is sometimes called the stone of hope. It helps us to speak our truth with confidence and instills us with hope itself. It calms and soothes frayed nerves during times of stress and helps us to feel and embrace universal love. It works with both heart and throat chakras.
Larimar helps to remove self-imposed barriers that may be keeping us from accepting our personal power and stops self-sabotaging behavior by bringing out the best in us. It helps us to see the things that we have to be grateful for and the tiny miracles that we take for granted. This sky blue stone also helps to ease our obsession for material things and shows us how to put things into perspective so that you manifest what you really need. It shows us how to go with the flow.
Rose Quartz today to bring inner peace and harmony. The energy of this stone is very soothing and can help calm frazzled nerves. It helps to promote the softer, move loving view that we need to embrace gratitude, it soothes and clears the emotions and fills us with loving compassion. It works with the heart chakra to gently wash away negative feelings that we harbor against ourselves and lifts the emotions to promote joy and peace. It opens our heart and shows us the love in relationships and situations, which helps us find a balancing point Use this gentle stone to shower yourself with loving care and to send healing to those little places that most need it.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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