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11/11 Portal
Written by Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
We are heading into a very harmonic passage. A portal of unity for those who are ready to leave more illusions and begin a path of self-synthesis.
A journey of conscious integration in which we no longer judge, but embrace all as equal, so we can witness from a neutral perspective all that takes place within ourselves, and in our human reality, from a more evolved perspective.
Walking the path of unity consciousness is not an easy journey. Self-synthesis beings by first embracing our shadows, knowing who we are completely, and accepting all we have previously done when we possessed a lower level of consciousness. It is through unconditional love and forgiveness towards ourselves first that we neutralize our past unconscious deeds.
We all have been programmed to feel guilt, blame, and other lower feelings that only keep us disempowered and in a state of victimhood. However, it is when we begin to take responsibility and act with total integrity, as we feel and think, that our journey as unified beings begins, for now, we have nothing to lose, as we no longer live in fear, and are ready to face anything that comes to challenge our firm decision to seed Love.
The 11/11 portal is a great source of balance, together with all these planetary energies conglomerating together, especially with the eclipses that we just had and whose energies will continue for the following months. All these events will offer us assistance to help us break free from what is not serving us anymore in our personal evolution: limiting beliefs, old programs, and many other mental constructions that only feed our human delusions, so we can begin to move forward, into the New Earth's harmonic timeliness, where we can align with the infinite possibilities that are there for us to pursue and experience.
The 11/11 portal is a unifier one, bringing all energies together, so we can begin the process of polarity and DNA synthesis, as they both complement each other. Unification codes that will help us decipher our DNA and the many messages that were left there for when we were ready to embrace who we truly are, in nature.
DNA healing and rehabilitation is just the first step towards decoding all the wisdom, power, and unique abilities within our DNA, and that will help us retrieve our authentic essence and personal mission.
Guides offer us a great unifying tool, sound. Sound is a very harmonic and healing tool for us to reach an inner state of peace, and balance required for us to embrace higher levels of love. It is a sacred tool that takes us closer to who we truly are, for we are light, and light is sound, as it was at the beginning of Creation, for sound and light are the first emanations of God's Source.
There are many who are still in a phase of recovery, healing their heart from the many wounds that as we live, we experience. Sound creates a protective and healing atmosphere that will help us while we are passing through this corridor of confusion and hopelessness, until we see the light of who we are again, moving into a more joyful state of being.
The universal crystal that Guides offers us, as I previously shared, is a rare and precious one: a papagoite crystal, of which an Ajoite crystal, of similar properties, can also be a good substitute. This crystal is a powerful unifier, for us to anchor the 11/11 energies. It helps us first open our soul portal, which resides in the fifth chakra, and that takes us into the God Illumined lanes, so we can obtain more guidance. It also allows us to restore our bodies and surrender so the healing and harmonic energies can settle within us.
A crystal that is going to help us balance ourselves, at all levels. However, for us to create this inner equilibrium, first we need to surrender and embrace all opposing feelings, thoughts, and essences that reside within us, and that often collide, causing separation.
This is a very important phase, as we transit into the New Year, for we are given, for an entire Year, the opportunity to heal, and above all, harmonize our bodies and personal reality, so we can now step into a new cycle of wisdom integration, with this new seventh universal year 2023.
As we continue working on unity, for as humans, we will always have this as one of our main lessons, our bodies may to experience physical sensations, in the parts of our bodies where separation is profoundly anchored.
When we make sure we do not have any physical medical condition, it is vital to listen and work with our bodies, energetically, for they are showing us where this fragmentation has been accumulated, crying out now for us to release years of unresolved pain, disempowerment, and many other programs that we are now ready to release.
Your is the personal choice to begin loving yourself, embracing a path of unity, in which we organically start acting as loving and conscious sovereign beings, in communion with All, as it was meant to be at the beginning, remembering that what we do to ourselves, we do to All.
Have a blessed 11/11 Beloved Ones!
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution.
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