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Powerful April 8 Mass Meditation for Solar Eclipse!
Written by Vidya Frazier

As you are likely aware, a total solar eclipse is set to cross the United States on April 8, 2024.
There’s been a great deal of speculation as to what might happen when it occurs, especially in the US.
This is mainly due to the intriguing and somewhat disturbing historical, religious and astronomical synchronicities involved between this solar eclipse and the previous one in 2017 that also crossed over the US.
First, it’s difficult to ignore the unique alignment of dates and locations associated with these two celestial events. The 2017 and 2024 eclipses are linked by a span of 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days. And I think we all are aware of the significance that multiples of 6 have to the dark powers-that-be — and how they use these kinds of numerical patterns to energize their plans.
Another strange phenomenon is that the upcoming eclipse will also cross through seven cities in the US named “Salem” — a name that was originally short for “Jerusalem”, and thus has biblical and historical significance. The 2017 eclipse also passed through seven cities with the same name.
And strangely enough, this upcoming one will also pass through a number of cities named “Nineveh,” the name of another city that appears in the Bible — this one within the context of “wickedness” and “redemption.”
Furthermore, the precise midpoint between these eclipses reportedly coincides with significant global and national events, including releasing the first covid injection in the United States, the day Biden was elected president, and the day of a lunar eclipse.
Some people have noted that the paths of these eclipses and also a 2023 eclipse purportedly form the ‘Aleph‘ symbol, interpreted by some as “God’s Signature”, suggesting a deeper, perhaps divine, significance to these occurrences.
There are additional odd and somewhat disturbing synchronicities that researchers like Reinette Senum and a variety of astrologers have come up with for this upcoming solar eclipse.
But what is particularly strange is that NASA claims that on April 8 an “explosive devil comet” is expected to return for the first time in 71 years.
And what is even more concerning is there seems to be extensive preparation by aviation authorities, law enforcement, and hospitals for this 2024 event. But, perhaps most disturbing of all, is the intense preparation occurring within Homeland Security with a focus on biological attack scenarios.
It’s Important to Not Go into Fear
But I write all this not to cause fear about what might happen on April 8. In fact, all these signs could possibly surprise us and actually prove to be positive ones in some way.
After all, we can bet that the Earth Alliance has probably been busy preparing for this event, as well, and may be able to stop any nefarious plans of the Deep State.
Or — we may end up noting that nothing at all occurs – or at least nothing that personally affects us. We’re all aware, I think, of how often we’ve been given dates in the past for possible frightening events that never seem to happen. So it’s important to remember this.
Nonetheless, the date does somehow seem important and possibly pivotal for how events in the world, and especially the US, might go. We need to stay alert and aware and be smart about what we might choose to do on April 8. And also watch what might begin happening, especially in the US, after that date.
But, perhaps most importantly, it might be wise for us to do what we can as Lightworkers to use this energetically-significant time of the eclipse to help guide the collective consciousness into a positive future – and assist in diverting any negative intent certain powers in the world might have for us in using this event to their advantage.
Mass Meditation for April 8
A powerful way is to join one of the mass meditations that are being planned for the date and time of the eclipse. I think we all know mass meditations are powerful. Two that are being planned at this point are here and here.
In participating in one, we can make it our intent to help protect everyone from any negative event that might be planned. And also help restore the Constitution of the United States as written and intended by the founding fathers.
Pleiadian Contactee, Cobra, tells us that this eclipse “will be one of the key moments of opportunity to strengthen the positive timeline for the United States to enter the Age of Aquarius.”
The Exact Time of the Full Eclipse
It has been determined that the best time for a mass meditation will be 6:18 PM UTC.
In the US, this means:
- Honolulu – 8:18 AM
- Anchorage – 10:18 AM
- Los Angeles – 11:18 AM
- Denver – 12:18 PM
- Chicago – 1:18 PM
- New York – 2:18 PM
Here is a 3-minute video advertising one of the mass meditations that will be taking place by the “we-love-mass-meditation” people. I imagine they will be posting their video of a guided meditation for April 8 soon.
Should you just wish to do your own meditation, you will find the steps to focus on in the description below the YouTube version of this video.
Whatever you decide, remember to mark your calendar now for April 8, to remind you to stop what you’re doing on at the time of the eclipse, and join the Lightworker masses in meditating for the New Earth to be born. As the huge group of powerful Lightworkers across the world that we now are, we really can make a difference!
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