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The Grandmothers' Urgent Call to Return Home
Written by Sharon McErlane

Note from Sharon—
I’m coming more and more alive within the Net of Light now, and this experience that I’m having is for you too, though I don’t know if I'll be able to find the words to express it.
No… I can’t. But I‘ll stop trying and ask the Grandmothers to speak it.
The Grandmothers speak: “You are coming awake now. You are opening to your real self, the self that has never been absent and never will be absent. You are starting to re-member yourself, starting to recognize that you are MORE than you have previously known. Your heart is expanding and so is your mind. You are growing into yourself.
“It’s time for this to take place. Although the world seems to be falling apart, you are coming together. And each time you purposefully slow your breathing and think of the Net of Light this happens. Think of your connection with us, your connection with one another and all forms of the Divine. Think of Jesus. Think of Quan Yin. Think of Buddha, Muhammad, Maria, any form of the beloved that comes to you. Think like that and do it often. Call on the Highest Love and you will instantly begin to re-member yourself.
“Think now of the radiant Net of Light that holds the cosmos and holds you, you precious human being. You are precious. You are part of the divine weaving. Without you, the world would not be complete. So take your place on the Net of Light. Somewhere where two of those radiant strands come together is a place that will feel right for you. Sit down there and rest while the Net of Light holds you. Let it rock and uplift you. Rest.
“There is nothing for you to do now but breathe. Breathe with the Net of Light. Let it hold you, breathe you and love you. This is the Net of Light, the Net of Life of the Universe and you are at one with it. This is home for you. The Net of Light is home for everything that lives. Realize that now and let yourself come home. Come home and stay there.
“Let the world rave on for as long as it needs to do that. Let all the craziness rise up and express itself. You can’t stop it, you can’t change it, but you can witness it. You can witness it with compassion from the peace of your own home. Come home now.”
1-22-25, the Great Council of the Grandmothers
~Sharon and the Net of Light Team
We have received feedback from several people about how uplifting it is to sing the Grandmothers' songs. So every newsletter will include a link to a song we've recorded.
Most of the songs we sing at gatherings and Online Teachings are on the website. Open the menu and click on Songs. The lyrics are also in a songbook at the top of the page. There is also a version of the songs with chords.
This month, we put this song in the spotlight:
We are One in the Spirit
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