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2032: Understanding the Spiritual World for Humanity's Future
Written by Gigi Young
When people complain that the political system is ineffective, or that the world is fast descending into a dystopia, the reason for that is that we have not yet established an objective view of the spiritual world. We do not yet understand the supernatural world of beings and higher planes as we do the natural world.
As a result, natural science is deteriorating and its pathological materialistic approach is attempting to destroy our perception of the spiritual world. This leaves humanity vulnerable to the two destructive spiritual extremes: dogmatic religion (Ahriman) and the New Age (Lucifer).
If there is no objective spiritual understanding to root the mind in everything falls apart, eventually. If a spiritual world indeed exists, in which there is overwhelming evidence of, then we must seek to know that world objectively, we must know the spiritual world as objectively as our physical one. Only then can humanity truly be free.
Free of the fearful tribalism of the dogmatics and also free of the Luciferic impulse that drives individuals to seek freedom for freedom’s sake. This perpetual impulse to feel ‘free’ leads to the senseless and egotistical destruction of all tradition, even what is true and meaningful.
Within the Luciferic individual, a spiritual law is felt as a prison, to them spirituality is not something that should be objectively true, it is whatever they feel it to be. It is driven by emotion and desire rather than true understanding of the cosmos. To the Luciferic individual, spirituality is something they use to feel better, it is not a serious pursuit.
At this stage, as we approach the potential to descend into a technological dystopia, not observing occult science has devastating effects on our development. Approaching the development of super-computers and AI as though it is purely a social phenomenon is a mistake. And, the perspective that is most effective to address the toxic, technological juggernaut heading towards us is to hit hard from the spiritual perspective.
Specifically this should be approached by explaining the phenomenon of the golem, or homunculus. I have explained this concerning reality in Mars Mysteries ( ).
In short, the golem is an object, in this case a machine, that is created to house a demonic entity. A machine, such as a computer, especially with its electrical components, can therefore become a body for a demonic being.
What makes the creation of golems worse is that in the past a golem was made of earth, or dirt. Now we have a computer-golem that has an intelligence system within it, specifically the mind of collective humanity that has been mirrored through machine learning. Now, we have a golem with a kind of imitation of the human mind.
This Ahrimanic being can then inflict incredible influence on the world, especially if the earth is saturated in discordant man-made radiation, magnetism and electrical impulses. Man-made radiation, magnetism and electricity can alter the etheric body of the earth and the human being. They draw the etheric substrate into extremes causing ripping (extreme heat) and calcifying (extreme cooling).
If humanity continues to approach the rapid development of technology as a mundane concern we will not have time to confront what is coming. If humanity can begin to bring forth the appropriate spiritual arguments, those who are entirely unaware to the spiritual world may wake up and be more prepared for what is ahead of them.
All things begin in the spiritual world and manifest in the physical, there is no exception to this law. Thus, the greatest blows are thrown when we can clearly and effectively argue from that angle. And, in fact, any argument that does not include the spiritual, or includes a poorly developed spiritual premise, is weak and destined to be ineffective. All truth is spiritual truth. All lies stem from not understanding the spiritual world.
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Gigi Young Credit: here
“..It is not just my job to look at the higher dimensional strings that are pulling you along, it is my job to help you navigate them; to help you move into your highest potential. Intuitive readings fall flat if they are merely a series of predictions with no deep knowledge or guidance behind them. It is my job to help provide clarity on where you are right now and where you have been and then bring the focus on how to align yourself into your highest potential..”
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