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Diverse States Of Awareness, Brain Function And The Formation Of Reality

Diverse States Of Awareness, Brain Function And The Formation Of Reality

“It’s really important to understand we’re not seeing reality,” says neuroscientist Patrick Cavanagh, a research professor at Dartmouth College and a senior fellow at Glendon College in Canada. “We’re seeing a story that’s being created for us.”

While we might be familiar with this scientific fact it doesn’t mean that we function in our lives based on this understanding.

Most all our actions are so automatic and pre-constructed, built on old models of behavior, that we are aware of very little of the backdrop of said reality. We often end up on the treadmill of reality feeling as if we are going somewhere but actually going in a circle. What’s the evidence of that? Humans expire over and over as a result of the treadmill that dead end. The ancients sought to end this wheel, and some have.

Most do not. Why is that? Their level of awareness is also caught in a loop and although there is evolution to their awareness, the individual has a buried cut off code that causes this brain loop. While scientists spend time circling around the elephant in the room which is the looping cut off code and the firing of neurons. Neurons emit photons and photons carry the electromagnetic force supporting an incredible communication network across spacetime “Physicists have long known that a quantum of light, or photon, will behave like a particle or a wave depending on how they measure it”. These are huge implications in understanding more about this system that you are navigating this 3d reality in. (You build a foundation of information that will better allow you/us to activate and regulate our vessels) The brain fills in missing pieces all day long. It creates a story for us, generally based on a story that we “need”. We ultimately generate the loop indirectly and directly.  How we experience reality is always a paradox.

Penetrating the coded gateways of a limiting reality is no small fete. Hacking your brain and your mind to bypass these reinforcements designed for this lower version of the game requires a true interest, commitment and deep level of “will”. Or one may remain in a comfortable level of “spirituality” that often lends a sense of expansion. But look around you, why are your spiritual “gurus” expiring? Your question should be an inquiry of what it is that they still needed to understand; instead of spinning the reasons why into even more feel-good conclusions. We do so because it justifies not having to go all in. Are you here to crack the code or not? Perhaps you are not and that’s ok. For those who are it must be understood that it require fortitude. Everyone is not here to make that trek in this moment in time but others are. This is how we continue to forge a path for ourselves and for those who may wish to do so in the future. Others have forged paths as well and when we are ready and open only then will we begin to see these paths behind the reality grid.

What are the petty distractions that currently fill up your mind and your life? We must all ask ourselves that questions not just once but always, because the distractions are relentless! But our future selves which we may perhaps view as our higher self; has set this obstacle course in place because it forces you to wake up! Stepping into quicksand of reality will either trigger your master memory or one will succumb to the quicksand. Your master self knows that the quicksand is an illusion in the game like everything else. But to actually walk through the quicksand cracks the code and we walk through the simulation once our frequencies override the frequencies that hold the construct in place in our brains network.

For some this will make sense and for others simply read this a few times and it just might. The fact that you are reading this means that its part of your exit or waking up strategy otherwise you would have ignored it. What an incredible game of realms yet unseen and your vastness across time and space yet to be realized. Wherever you are in this moment, feel the feeling and if you feel a sense of contentment with your awareness then be there with that feeling. If you feel a sense of adventure and hunger for the unknown, then embrace that feeling and give yourself permission for the removal of veils so that one may see even more. Wake up!

More Info Here:

Are There Optical Communication Channels in Our Brains?

What Does Quantum Theory Actually Tell Us about Reality?

“Reality” is constructed by your brain. Here’s what that means, and why it matters

soniaSonia Barrett


©2022 Sonia Barrett  - Source
Sonia Barrett is known for her cutting edge insights with much of it supported by quantum physics. Theoretical Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami refers to her as a true mystic. Her work bridges the gap between science and spirituality in a simplified format. She addresses the programming, beliefs and concepts by which we have lived our lives both individually and collectively. 

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