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Dream it!
Written by Hope Fitzgerald

Greetings, Luminous One!
Feeling Inspired yet?
As we learned during the Infinity Circle last Monday (recording below), the astrology of 2023 will crank up the pace of life, especially after the 21st when the retrograded planets will all finally be direct.
Fortunately, we still have a few days to gather ourselves before this new launch of energy. (All I can say is, fasten your seatbelts!)
If you’re feeling any urgency, that’s good because our time for definitively choosing what’s right/wrong for us is here. We’ve been preparing for this for the last few years and now the first ripples of the Aquarian Age are upon us, even before Pluto moves into Aquarius in March.
Why such a fuss about what Pluto's up to?
Because when Pluto moves around, big changes tend to happen. Evolutionary changes that affect life forever. (If you listen to the Infinity Circle recording, you'll hear what I mean.)
Insight Astrology puts it this way:
"Pluto rules, or perhaps represents, the cycle of life, death and rebirth in the universe. As human beings, born with an innate tendency towards attachment, we revere this cycle but we also greatly fear it.
The principle of Pluto is essential. Without death there can be no life. The process of decay is what creates the soil that nourishes the seed. Mythologically, we see Pluto in the tale of the phoenix rising from the ashes, in the symbolism of the easter egg and in the Christian idea of being ‘born again.’ Pluto brings us very close to this process and this can be painful.
The purpose of Pluto transits is to make room for the new by sweeping away the old. However we are prone to become attached to people and things and situations in our lives and struggle with the fact that fundamentally all things are impermanent."
This is no ordinary time, which is why we need Inspiration more than ever to help us shape our destiny.
The original meaning of Inspire is "to breathe in ... the essence of divinity ... producing the urge to do something, often creatively."
In times of great transition, we can't use the old playbook to craft something new - we need to be Inspired to create a fresh vision. In short, let's use inspiration to help us through change creatively.
But first, let's understand a little about what this 'change of the guard' is about.
Because astrology is just words and symbols on a page until we engage with it, it’s important to bring it alive by understanding what the transit from Capricorn to Pluto means for us personally and collectively.
How are we being prompted to grow through this experience?
As a hint, here's a profound perspective from Astrobutterfly that I encourage you to read in entirety HERE.
Here’s an edited excerpt:
"Many people have high hopes for Pluto in Aquarius.
However, we cannot constructively move into the future unless we understand the past – unless we integrate Pluto in Capricorn’s 15-year long transit.
Transits build upon each other. Pluto in Aquarius builds on Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto’s ingress into a new sign initially corrects the flaws of the previous Pluto transit.
If we learn the lessons of the previous transits, we smoothly move into the next Aquarian chapter of our lives.
But have we truly integrated Pluto in Capricorn’s lessons?
Capricorn is the sign of institutions, big corporations, politics and top-down structures. Capricorn is a governing system that manages different moving parts so they can work in a coherent whole.
Does that mean that Pluto in Aquarius will ‘cancel’ all the politicians and all the CEOs?
As long as we think of Pluto in Capricorn as “them” we completely miss the point of this transit. Pluto in Capricorn is not the politicians. Pluto in Capricorn is not the CEOs.
Pluto in Capricorn is every single one of us.
Pluto in Aquarius will not save us from ‘greed, politicians and corruption” – it’s becoming our own authority that will.
Rejecting or rebelling against authority is the unhealthy Aquarius approach to transcending Capricorn ... Vilifying the leader/authority is a short-term solution that always backfires.
There are no shortcuts to integrating Pluto in Capricorn...
We can no longer rely on the parent, the coach, the manager, or the politician to tell us how to live our lives. And we can no longer blame them for what goes wrong in our lives.
What Pluto in Capricorn wants from us is to take responsibility for our lives... and the consequences of our actions. That’s when we become an adult. Parents and children are limited and bound up in the child parent roles and their inherent rules. Adults are free.
When society awakens to the Aquarius/Uranian archetype, we no longer need totalitarian leaders. We no longer need consolidation of power. We no longer need a one world order. We become an authority of our own."
As Capricorn into Aquarius pushes us to assume even more sovereignty for ourselves, one benefit of that might be that we'll experience our thoughts and wishes becoming reality faster than ever before.
So, what do we want to dream up?
Last week we explored how Inspired Thinking is directly linked to Inspired Action, so this week let’s explore how this "divine breath" can move us into Inspired Dreaming.
If thinking produces specific strategies and actions, dreaming allows for unbounded visioning.
I think starting the new year with a fresh set of goals is all very well and good, but should also include a review of those wishes that might seem beyond reach - The Bucket List.
Inspired Dreaming can easily be jumpstarted by reassessing all those items that have been on your Bucket List for years. Now would be a great time to review and perhaps reorder it in terms of priorities because you're not the same person who created that list in the first place.
What can drop off the list and what simply can’t wait another year to come to fruition?
What's crucially important to you now? What do you want to make sure to do, say or be before you exit? Because Pluto is asking...
Dream it in, baby! See yourself doing whatever it is, fully loving the experience and feeling the grateful satisfaction of having dreamed your dream into reality.
Do it, do it now.
Tomorrow night we're back to our regular Monday Meditation at 7:30pm EST - I hope to see you there!
Much love and infinite blessings,
Please join me tomorrow night for the monthly Infinity Circle at 7:30pm EST. This is a longer gathering because I go through the astrology for the month.
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