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Get Ready for Big Changes
Written by Hope Fitzgerald

Greetings, Wavy One!
You may not be into astrology - and that's fine. I only look at it once month, but I do so because if everything is connected, then that includes the firmament, right? ;)
When we looked at the astrology for the month during the Infinity Circle last Monday, we saw that starting now and through the rest of the year, we're in for massive changes.
In fact, mid-July may signal THE turning point, after which life will not be the same.
I know. That's a big statement, not meant to be frightening.
And if it turns out to be wrong, I'll be the first one to say "YAY!"
If, on the other hand, big, evolutionary waves are on the horizon, I'd rather be prepared.
Now, who's to say if the changes are for the good or not?
I trust in the evolutionary process and take confidence in the consistent messages from our unseen guide teams who say that though there may first be strife and chaos, there will eventually be beauty, balance, abundance, and all the other things we've dreamed of for so long for our dear planet.
But in order for that to happen, lots of seemingly cemented ideologies and systems need to break down and go. As you can imagine, that could look super messy and confusing.
Whether we like it or not, Change, both personally and globally, is afoot, so let's first accept that.
How we're going to deal with it is the next question.
This might be a good time to talk about Change Literacy.
But what does it mean exactly?
To have literacy is to be knowledgeable or competent in a specific area. And although all of us have been through lots of Change, especially in the last 4 years, most would not describe ourselves as literate in it - am I right?
That's because most people don't WANT to become literate. We'd much rather keep things in the knowable range Just as They Are, thank you very much. (LOL)
After all, Change is hard work, scary, tedious and full of ambiguity so, why go to all that trouble? Why rock the boat?
Well, as you know, Change is inevitable - you may as well try to hold back the tide!
It's in how we embrace Change as a necessary motivator for polishing our souls that determines our literacy in it.
We know without a doubt that our minds and hearts can affect the present and even the future, so it's essential that we each do our part to further the positive cause.
It just makes sense to put ourselves in the very best shape to be able to do that.
Because assistance with Change is right in the wheelhouse of the Infinity Wave, we use it coupled with Gary's incredibly specious and resonant music to soften people into a state of ease with all the necessary adjustments that we have in front of us as individuals and as a species.
Love and Infinite blessings,
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