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Heart in Service: Transform Your Life
Written by Hope Fitzgerald

Greetings, Wavy One, and welcome to June!
And what an eventful week! Not only have there been 2 fascinating interviews (see below), but I've had wonderful calls with many of you from around the world - thank you for sharing your beautiful hearts and souls with me!
Throughout the sessions, a single theme has emerged that seems to be on many people's minds: Service and Purpose. So, I wanted to address this today...
How may I serve?
As we continue to evolve and become increasingly aware of being a walking/talking fractal of Source (substitute whatever word you prefer), it's natural that a yearning starts to grow within us to do more, be more and live up to our full potential.
I get this one SO well because that's exactly what was in my heart for a long time before the Infinity Wave appeared. For decades I pondered if I'd ever move from "believing to knowing" or simply spend the rest of my life in the wonderment phase. I felt somewhat adrift, but not unhappy. Just incomplete.
What can I do to help to reveal my purpose?
In 2010, to take action for myself and my friends, I started weekly and monthly gatherings of sound bowl meditations with the only goal of being together in our mutual expansion.
Looking back, these regular sessions spurred my growth tremendously as we were all in excited curiosity, often having scintillating conversations about our inner explorations. Meanwhile, I continued to research both the spiritual and the latest science.
I just kept putting one step in front of the other, following my inclinations, until the dramatic events that introduced the Wave. So, if I had to boil it down, I'd say: chop wood, carry water, and drop all expectation.
I didn't realize at the time that I had a common mindset... Not seeing what I could call "results," I later realized that I wasn't fully trusting the process, nor was I entirely comfortable in the "not knowing."
In our modern cultures, we're often not aware of how completely entrained we are to a scientific "If this, then that" approach, such as, "If I meditate for x years, shouldn't I be farther along?"
But spiritual development doesn't work like that. It's non-linear, and I can attest to the fact that things are happening on subtle levels, even if we're not consciously aware of them.
I suggest detaching from a picture of how it will look when you've arrived at so-called "enlightenment." In truth, as I've said many times before, it's not an end stage, but a series of enlightenments that keep occurring even after we've left this earthly realm. Yours may be just around the corner!
(HERE'S a recently channeled Hathor meditation that seems appropriate for this topic.)
Maybe I'm already serving...?
I know you know this, but it bears repeating: each one of us has a unique path in the unfoldment of their soul's purpose. For some (like my husband), creating uplifting business relationships and working conditions is the mechanism through which a soul evolves and that's service enough. Then there's the act of raising a family, which is a huge, not-to-be-diminished, act of service, along with administering to ailing loved ones. Some people start a coaching business on the side as a way to both share and continue to learn about raising consciousness. For others, a 100% dedication to a charitable cause is the only way to go.
Could there be more ways to serve?
Here's what I've experienced in every case: these service opportunities can take you by surprise. And when they hit, it becomes impossible to imagine your life without them.
A case in point is what happened to me last year on a trip to Nepal with my friend, Dr Clint G Rogers of the Ancient Secrets Foundation. As some of you know, I had been supporting one orphanage in Nepal through this foundation for several years, so when a trip was offered to meet them, something in me jumped at the chance. I couldn't explain the urge that made me sign up for such a long and arduous journey.
And whoa! I never expected to a.) become attached to one 17-year-old boy named Rabin, b.) fall in love with not just one orphan home, but nine, and c.) become transfixed by the idea that the older kids absolutely needed continued protection once they had to leave the homes at 18.
Turns out, the gap between safe orphan homes and independent living is a worldwide problem for young adult orphans, so it's no surprise that they're often targeted by human traffickers.
One year later, a group of us who just couldn't live with the potentially treacherous consequences of that, have been inspired to launch a 1-year program to support the 18+ kids on their first wobbly legs of independent life.
We're raising $100,000 by July 30th to support 55 young, spirited, beautiful adults to be set on a secure path, which in the future will enable them to give back to their younger brothers and sisters in a vibrant feedback loop of love and guidance.
To sum up my main message: the more we loosen our control and surrender to Source's guidance and then make choices from that position, the more Source will trust that you're ready for whatever the next level is for you. Just keep saying "YES" and prepare to be surprised!
Love and infinite blessings,
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