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Surgeon Calls on Guardian Angel for Help
Written by Lorna Byrne
A surgeon asks his guardian angel for help.
Hello to all my dear friends. I wanted to share something beautiful with you today.
A man once told me a story about his brother, a surgeon living in Canada.
The man's brother had been going through a very hard time for a few years. He had lost his faith in God, becoming rather cynical and bitter.
He told me that his brother had once been a brilliant surgeon, but that he had lost some of his skill and confidence along the way.
Because of this, he was now in a very dark place.
The man had become so concerned about his brother that he flew to Canada to visit and try to help.
Once there, his brother told him he was considering handing in his resignation and giving up his career as a surgeon entirely.
No matter what he said to try and change his brother's mind, he wouldn't listen.
Just as he was packing his bags to fly out of Canada, his brother spotted something poking out of one of the bags and asked about it.
It was my first book, Angels in My Hair.
Suddenly, the man knew what he needed to do. He felt his guardian angel urging him.
He reached out and offered the book to his brother, who burst out in laughter.
"I don't even believe in God, never mind angels," the surgeon laughed.
This didn't sway the man. He made his brother promise to read the book, although he doubted if he actually would.
After the man left Canada, he prayed. He prayed that his brother would read the book and find a new sense of hope in life and his work as a surgeon.
A few weeks later, his brother called him. He told him he had kept his promise and read the book, and that it had made him think.
He told him that, just the day before, an emergency case came to the hospital and he had been the only surgeon on duty.
He needed to find a tiny fragment of metal inside a man's chest. If he didn't, the patient would likely die.
The patient was bleeding heavily as he tried to locate this tiny piece of metal, which was like looking for a needle in a haystack.
He was about to give up when he remembered that he could ask his guardian angel for help.
Then, without any real belief or faith that it would make a difference, he asked.
"Please help me," he said to his guardian angel within his mind.
Suddenly, he could feel hands touch his own hands, guiding him. He allowed himself to be guided.
Immediately he found the tiny piece of metal within the patient's chest and removed it, saving his life.
The surgeon cried over the phone to his brother. He knew it was his guardian angel's touch that he had felt. He knew God and the angels were with him, just as they had been every moment of his life.
It is very rare for anyone to feel the touch of their guardian angel in this way, but it was allowed so the man could find his confidence and faith once again.
I know there were countless healing angels around him that day as well.
Many surgeons have told me that they never operate without asking God for help. They have also told me that they believe in guardian angels and call on them often when they need assistance.
However, I have met very few surgeons who are aware of healing angels.
No surgeon ever operates without healing angels present.
Love and blessings to you all,
Lorna Byrne is an international number 1 bestselling author (her last two books have gone straight in at #1 on the UK Sunday Times Chart) with more than a million readers around the world. Her books, Angels in my Hair, Stairways to Heaven, A Message of Hope from the Angels and Love from Heaven have been translated into 30 languages.
Lorna has been seeing angels since she was a baby. Very unusually, she sees angels physically with as much clarity as the rest of us see people and she sees them every day. This diminutive, soft-spoken, uneducated Irish woman who did not talk about what she was seeing until seven years ago, says she has no idea why she can see angels when others can’t, adding that she is just an ordinary person.
© 2024 Lorna Byrne
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