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Weekly Forecast: February 4 - 10, 2024
Written by Kelly M. Beard

Time of Change
New Hopes & Dreams
Expanding Your Perspective
Your Definition of Freedom
Independence & Leadership
New Beginning & Clean Slate
Healing of All Self-Love Issues
Acknowledging a Turning Point
Complete Rebirth/New Life/Revitalized Image
Trying New & Innovative Ways for Living
Your Unique Contribution to the Community
Using the Sacred Season to Rest, Replenish & Ruminate
Inspiring Fiery Creativity, New Projects or Infusion of Old Projects
Imbolc :: Candlemas :: Cross Quarter :: Aquarius Gate of Power :: is the second of 8 Sacred Seasons ~ Inviting a Renewal of the Light. The Light is returning, the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter. Cross Quarters are considered the *Gates of Power* ~ the in-between ~ the mid-point between the Solstices and Equinoxes. In agriculture, this is called the *Sweet Spot* ~ the thin membrane between Seed & New Life. This particular one inspires a Purification through Fire & Water that will help you prepare space for new energy to flow through. This is the season that you commit to the process of nurturing the intentions that you set for the new year around Winter Solstice. In order to create anew, often, sacrifices, choices & changes must be made. This time of year also coincides with several celebrations, when many cultures give up something cherished in an effort to cleanse, clean & clear a space for renewed growth, within your Being and your environment. This is about clearing a space for the *new* to come in. (You should prepare as if it has already arrived.) This season will culminate in 6-months (August) with the Leo Gate of Power/Cross Quarter/Lammas, so what would you like to express or create by then? What are you willing to give up to further your goals? What are you willing to fight for in order to preserve or protect it? What relationships are you cultivating at this time?
2/5 :: Mercury Enters AQUARIUS (until Feb 23rd):
This is the time of year when we review all that we have accomplished with an eye toward what we can build-on in the upcoming new year. We get a little more serious & focused on our goals & how we will accomplish them. We look at our exchanges to see which ones are solid and which ones are not and we start to look at new commitments going forward. Mercury has just wrapped up its extended stay in Sag/Capricorn, encouraging a re-write of your personal Story around your individual Purpose. As it finally moves on, its first stop is Aquarius is with Pluto so transformation is inevitable – prepare for change on multiple levels. This is an opportunity to release any attachments to the “old story” of the “old you.” 2024 is new territory and we have all been stripped pretty raw in recent years so whatever parts of you, your ideas, thoughts & concepts that are still solid, those that are the unique aspects of you which need to shine now! Channel your unique perspective through diverse mediums – be open to new language, revolutionary concepts and radically different ideas that are likely to upset the status quo but they will also usher in creative solutions. So use this time in Aquarius to clarify where you have held onto an old purpose or persona over-long, assess how rigid your own thinking can be periodically and under what circumstances it hurts more than it helps. Use Mercury in Aquarius energy to help break out of any kind of mental blockage or personal rut. This is the time to ask your Guides for the most creative solutions, radical ideas and unique genius to be awakened and channeled through you in a healthy, productive way that expands your individual world and makes you more valuable to the community. This is a rebirth after the Retrograde period.
2/5 :: Mercury (mind, thoughts & ideas) ~conjunct~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This activation plunges you into the depths of your own mind and consciousness, intensifying all forms of communication. Whether immersed in solitary contemplation or attempting to convey a message to another, superficial and breezy exchanges become unlikely under this energy. The inclination is to delve persistently until reaching the core or fundamental issue. It proves beneficial for soul-searching when driven by an authentic desire for truth rather than an inclination to avoid it. However, it can be less favorable when fixated on someone or something that no longer serves your highest good. The challenge lies in the potential for intense focus on your own perspective, which, though valid, may obscure the obvious due to any emotional undercurrents which you may not be fully aware of at this time. While your intensity can influence others, be mindful of the fine line between sharing information and attempting to persuade or manipulate, as the latter can attract more challenges & opposition. Conversely, you may find yourself on the receiving end of such intensity. As this energy is temporary, the optimal approach is to redirect that intensity inward, peeling back layers to discover your own truth and purpose. The channels are open for a brief period, allowing communication and reception from the deepest part of your SoulSelf. Consider this an initiation of all new consciousness & self-expression.
2/6 :: Pallas Enters SAGITTARIUS (until May 16th):
Pallas entered Scorpio, kicking off a process of evolution for a full year (Nov 19, 2023 – Nov 30, 2024) in a way she has not done since 2001. First, she will move through Scorpio and then Sag and then Retrograde, extending her stay in this zone of your chart. It is a powerful re-set that will give you access to your own unique wisdom & power. Also, keep in mind, Scorpio brings the conception of a creative baby or an individual healing process, Sag will expand the creation or process in a spiritual or inspirational way and then Capricorn will ask you to make it real, give it form & structure or a foundation to exist upon … and then you can go forward in Aquarius to serve humanity in some way, if you choose!
As Pallas moves through SAG, she activates your Inner Wise Elder, the part of you that can conceive an expanded vision, heal the imagination and change the world with your perceptions & unique perspective. This energy awakens your faith & renews your belief systems. She asks you to reflect on how deep the connection is between your physical & mental health & well-being and what you believe to be true or possible. For your Inner Artist, this energy can also inspire new creative expression that incorporates symbolism, philosophy, culture & diverse beliefs. This energy will push you to be painfully honest with your Self & Others, demanding integrity in all exchanges. This is the wisdom & power of bringing diverse ideas together to create an alchemical mix that is unique to that time & space.
NOTE – that Pallas is going to Retrograde in Sag and going Direct in Scorpio, extending this entire process of recalibrating your beliefs so that you can step into your power & wisdom at a whole new level. This means that you will be doing a deep healing review in your Scorpio/Sag Depts and the idea is to glean as much wisdom & clarity as possible so that, when it goes forward and moves on into Capricorn, you will have a whole new vision and some major healing already integrated so manifesting the Next Level of your own Unique Genius and setting your Self up to make a contribution to society will flow organically.
The last few times that Pallas moved through SCORPIO/SAG = 2019 :: 2014-15 :: 2010 :: 2005
The last time it Retrograded in the same zone was 2001 and the next time will move through is 2028-29.
DATES to Remember:
Pallas Enters SCORPIO :: 11.19.2023
Pallas Enters SAG :: 2.6.2024
Pallas Rx 8* SAG :: 3.29.2024
Rx RE-Enters SCORPIO :: 5.16.2024
Pallas Direct 19* SCORPIO :: 7.9.2024
Dir RE-Enters SAG :: 9.8.2024
Pallas Enters CAPRICORN :: 11.30.2024
2/7 :: Ceres Enters CAPRICORN (until Dec 7th):
This is yet another indication of initiating new ways of nourishing ourselves and nurturing others that is up for renewal. It’s time to achieve a dream that is really close to your heart and it can be a good time to nurture a business if that is what you are initiating at this time – it reminds me of advice I give to those with Cancer/Capricorn activated: Treat family like a business and business like a family. What I mean by that – is to have really good boundaries, excellent communication & conscious awareness of the family needs when dealing with loved ones (that you share many lessons and much karma with) … and at the same time, in business or dealing with the public, you want to treat them like the kinfolk they really are – your sisters and brothers, trying to figure life out just like you are. In Capricorn, the Council of Grandmothers are present and remind us that there is an element of social responsibility with this placement, it is time to be completely responsible for your footprint on this planet and it is time to look beyond your Self to see what you are actually contributing to the planet at this time. Are you leaving it better than you found it? It really is a delicious opportunity for us to start fresh, with new structures in place that honor everyone’s true purpose on Earth. Let’s begin to visualize a world where more people know their true purpose and understand & honor it naturally and joyfully.
DATES to Remember:
Ceres Enters CAPRICORN :: 2.7.2024
Ceres Retro 21* CAPRICORN :: 5.14.2024
Ceres Direct 7* CAPRICORN :: 8.26.2024
Ceres Enters AQUARIUS :: 12.7.2024
2/7 :: Venus (resources & relationships) ~trine~ Uranus (freedom & liberation):
This energy is bound to infuse a touch of excitement into your life, presenting opportunities to explore new avenues and intentionally immerse yourself in situations that demand improvisation or quick thinking. We are amid a phase of breaking old patterns and reshaping them into more positive and effective forms. While you can still embody your true values & priorities, there has been a shift within you. This cosmic blessing enables alignment with greater personal integrity & authenticity, which permeates everything you cherish and hold dear. Relationships might feel unusually charged. Established relationships could experience a shake-up, adding a sprinkle of extra “spice,” while new relationships sparked during this time may be invigorating and unconventional, yet potentially short-lived. However, this brevity is not necessarily negative! It is an ideal opportunity for experimenting with fresh ideas and new ways of expressing, discovering what truly resonates with your heart. Use this energy to soak up some good energy & rare wisdom from those who are unique, those who do things differently and live life to the fullest!
2/7 :: Mars (actions & choices) ~sextile~ Neptune (dreams & visions):
This energy propels your dreams into action! It is the perfect time to contemplate your true desires and assess whether your current path aligns with your larger life-goals. Your intuition is particularly sharp, enhancing your alertness and readiness to act on received insights. The guidance you are receiving aims to steer you toward a more enlightened strategy for manifesting your Truth & Purpose. Additionally, this phase is conducive to tangibly assisting others in realizing their dreams as well. It carries the spirit of the volunteer—idealistic, and devoted to catalyzing positive change!
2/8 :: Sun (source & essential Self) ~square~ Uranus (awakening & radical shift):
As with any Uranus activation, this one disrupts the normal flow in order to facilitate a ‘break to realign’ moment. While sometimes disruptive & challenging, the ultimate result is refreshing in some way. Consider the energy that thickens, gathering for a severe thunderstorm, then releasing buckets of heavy, steady rain, for hours, you sleep deeply and awaken to a bright sunny morning with birds chirping unusually loud outside your window. Got the visual? This activation is the necessary challenge that gets your attention that something better is available, if you’re willing to improvise and think on your feet. If you’ve been unusually restricted in some way, you may feel restless. Rather than being reactive to the unexpected shift (within or without), it’s best to take a pause for the cause, step back and try to gain some perspective. Remember to be present, too far in the past can be depressing and too far into the future, and you cause your Self unnecessary anxiety. Breathe, be under the sky, invite clarity about the next step and trust your gut. This energy, while sometimes uncomfortable and often sudden, is very necessary to disrupt any illusions/delusions that you may be holding on to. It’s time to express your Self in all new ways so, naturally, the old ways stop working in order to get your attention.
2/8 :: Vesta Direct in GEMINI (until March 31st):
Vesta has embarked on a year-long journey from June 2023 to June 2024, focusing its recalibration efforts on your Gemini/Cancer Departments. This cycle of recalibration occurs once every four years and carries significant transformative energy. Looking back, I delved into the past occurrences: Vesta’s last retrograde through all Gemini was in 2012-13; similarly, the last retrograde solely in Cancer was in 2005-06, and the combination of Gemini/Cancer last occurred in 1994-95, marking a pivotal era in my own sacred journey.
Vesta went backwards in Cancer, reviewing how important physical safety and emotional security is to every human being. The Retrograde asked you to re-establish personal self-care practices so that you can be stronger and more sovereign going forward. As it goes Direct in Gemini, we activate this new consciousness around your personal needs. As you reassess and realign your language with your renewed vision, you will be able to rewrite your personal story, integrating a narrative enriched by a supportive network of friends and allies who champion your aspirations and sacred endeavors.
Vesta’s lingering influence directly impacts both Cardinal and Mutable signs—Aries/Libra, Cancer/Capricorn, as well as Gemini/Sagittarius and Virgo/Pisces. This cosmic journey deeply activates two-thirds of our chart, offering a potent and rare connection to our Sacred Selves. Those bearing Gemini/Cancer energy undergo a profound initiation into their Sacred Self, a rarity in celestial alignments. Reflect upon who you were and what you held as “sacred” back in 1994-95—a time that converges with other cosmic themes from the early 1990’s that are back now. I’ll provide reminders along this journey. Best of luck on this transformative voyage of your Sacred Self!
DATES to Remember:
Vesta in GEMINI :: June 22, 2023
Vesta in CANCER :: Sept 13, 2023
Vesta Rx 7* CANCER :: Nov 2, 2023
Vesta Rx RE-Enters GEMINI :: Dec 20, 2023
Vesta DIR 21* GEMINI :: Feb 8, 2024
Vesta RE-Enters CANCER :: March 30, 2024
Vesta Enters LEO :: June 19, 2024
2/9 :: AQUARIUS Super/New Moon:
This month, we are ready to seed completely new patterns & cycles of being an individual contributor to a larger community. Every year, we use this time to laser away the non-essential and anything blocking the new vision for the year from taking root. What is most important to you this year – 2024? Are you working on the new role that you want to play going forward at this new level of maturity and higher level of consciousness? And what kind of communities do you want to be a part of? And contribute your energy to? Aquarius New Moon is when you can dig into how your own *Unique Essence* can contribute to humanity & the planet in some way. It’s connecting to your Heart (Leo) and discerning what you most Value (Taurus) and are willing to build or invest in so that you are stabilized & whole enough to channel your own clean, authentic Power (Scorpio) for the greater good of ALL Life! (Aquarius) This month, my Fixed Babies are on deck! Aquarius/Initiation ~ Leo/Integration ~ Taurus/Scorpio/Growth, Change & Development. Dec/Jan has led right to here & now, so it is good to do a little review of what NEW Sagittarius Truth/Story is emerging and what NEW Capricorn Structure/Foundation you are creating that will *contain, nurture & support* your NEW Aquarian Unique Brilliance that wants to come through YOU! Even if it is simply living more completely centered in your own Authentic Self and sharing THAT with others!
2/10 :: Mercury (thinking & expression) ~square~ Jupiter (consciousness & beliefs):
This energy presents a challenge: it urges you to merge your individual perspective with the grander vision for your life. While it offers a fresh view of the broader perspective, you might find yourself less inclined toward the intricate details required to materialize it. It is a conducive phase for expanding consciousness and be more innovative in your thinking, yet as you gain insights, remain mindful of the necessary steps to transform your ideas into tangible realities. This activation serves as an opportunity for adjusting your course concerning your ideas, thoughts & concepts. It encourages receptivity to new learning or the arrival of vital information that changes your thinking in some way. However, be aware that you will need to stabilize any new beginnings and possibly revisit overlooked details in your eagerness to embrace the newfound truths unveiled from within.
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