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Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: December 23 - 29
Written by Pam Younghans
JUPITER-SATURN FOR THE HOLIDAYS: We've been working with the challenges related to a hard aspect between Jupiter and Saturn for several months now.
The two planets were exactly square (90 degrees apart) on August 19, but due to retrogrades will be precisely square two more times: this week, on December 24, and again on June 15, 2025.
Jupiter represents the principles of growth and expansion, while Saturn symbolizes consolidation and stabilization. Idealistic Jupiter promotes faith, but realistic Saturn requires certainty. The square between the two planets manifests in each of us, and in society, as a conflict between Jupiter's openness to new ideas and experiences and Saturn's preference for what appears most reliable because it is familiar.
The Jupiter-Saturn square is the first hard aspect between the two planets since they conjoined for "The Great Conjunction" in Aquarius on December 21, 2020. During the period from August 2024 through June 2025, humanity is facing its first test of our commitment to the ideals that we felt so strongly in late 2020: a respect for individual rights and freedoms; a desire for cooperation and community; a willingness to be openminded and accepting of differences; and an understanding of our interconnectedness with each other and with all life.
ASPECTS THIS WEEK: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day:
Sun square nodal axis: A resistance to facing emotional issues can interfere with our coming to terms with our true needs and desires.
Venus sextile Chiron: A willingness to be authentic can open the door to healing in our relationships.
Jupiter square Saturn: Obligations can feel like burdens and the old ways can feel restrictive now. We could be especially bored with "life as usual," even if we are uncertain as to what else is possible or we are fearful of change.
Sun quincunx Mars: People can be short-tempered today, or demanding of attention. We may experience an inner conflict between our responsible self and the part of us that simply wants to have fun.
No major aspects are exact today.
Mercury opposite Jupiter and square Saturn: Conversations are intense, as some exaggerate to make a point while others are critical and controlling. Political and religious topics are the source of strong confrontations. We may feel that we are at an impasse. There could be obstacles and delays in communications, technology, and travel. It is not advised to make important decisions today, since thinking may be too idealistic or overly pessimistic.
Venus square Uranus: There is a need for freedom and space even in healthy relationships under this influence. Some may act in surprising ways as they rebel against the restraints of commitment. Impulse purchases are another symptom of this aspect, representing a desire to experience the excitement of something new.
Mercury semisquare Pluto: Conversations could be intense. There is a need to get to the heart of the matter, even if it is uncomfortable.
Venus sextile Eris: We are eager for new experiences in relationship and are willing to take risks.
Chiron stations direct: With Chiron at a standstill this week and next, old wounds and hurt feelings may come to the surface. We could feel insecure and lack our usual confidence, or perhaps have trouble knowing what we truly want. Chiron always offers the opportunity for healing, if we take the time to express love and understanding for the part of ourselves that is fearful, rather than ignoring its presence or telling it to be quiet so that we can get "more important things" done.
Sun sesquiquadrate Uranus and Mercury sesquiquadrate Mars: We may be especially restless and easily irritated with these aspects in effect. Conversations could quickly become argumentative due to the underlying stress that everyone is feeling.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This year brings you into alignment with some of your innate gifts and higher wisdom, encouraging you to express them through your career or the other ways in which you manifest your purpose. These gifts support you in taking on an authority role, and may particularly benefit those who are drawn to social or political involvement. Minor relationship issues could arise this year, requiring you to reassess your commitments based on what is truly of greatest value to you. (Solar Return Sun semisquare Venus, conjunct Pallas Athene)
In peace, love, and gratitude,
Aspects of Note This Week:
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
- MONDAY: Sun square nodal axis, Venus sextile Chiron
- TUESDAY: Jupiter square Saturn, Sun quincunx Mars
- WEDNESDAY: No major aspects are exact today
- THURSDAY: Mercury opposite Jupiter, Mercury square Saturn
- FRIDAY: Venus square Uranus
- SATURDAY: Mercury semisquare Pluto, Venus sextile Eris
- SUNDAY: Chiron stations direct, Sun sesquiquadrate Uranus, Mercury sesquiquadrate Mars
- JANUARY: Intensified emotions, polarization (Mars opposite Pluto). A need to withdraw and protect (Mars re-enters Cancer). A shift in our evolutionary directive (North Node enters Pisces). Power struggles and surprising twists (Saturn semisquare Pluto, Uranus stations direct).
- FEBRUARY: Information overload (Jupiter stations direct in Gemini). A heart opening and spiritual promptings (Neptune conjunct North Node). Unexpected turns in the road (Full Moon square Uranus). Emotional reactivity and defensiveness (Mars stations direct in Cancer).
- MARCH: Reassessing values and relationships (Venus stations retrograde in Aries). Profound shifts, revelations, and karmic completions (Total Lunar Eclipse opposite Saturn, Partial Solar Eclipse). Taking time to review and regroup (Mercury stations retrograde). Heart awakenings and the birth of the spiritual warrior (Neptune enters Aries).
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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