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What is Really Happening with the Los Angeles Area Fires
Written by José Stevens PhD

This is a huge event and truly impactful in ways that people cannot deny, ignore, or minimize and pretend that nothing is happening out of the ordinary. This is a massive purification for the area. Fire is always purification and wind is change. Courage is the big lesson for the month.
The Los Angeles area has always been a focal point for creativity and change and there is reason that the entertainment, film, and music industries have such a large footprint there. The land in the Los Angeles basin is crisscrossed with earthquake faults and that is why these and other industries have thrived because the land is unstable, constantly shifting, and disrupting the status quo, a phenomenon that is actually great for creative and inventive type people, who thrive in an area that can be destructive at times. Without destructive change creativity does not thrive because it relies on constant change. The nature of the land supports dynamic inventive ideas and this includes the influences of shifting elements like air, fire, and water that on occasion reach extremes in Los Angeles and environs. In short it is a dangerous and exciting environment to live and work in, unlike more stable places like for example Dallas, Texas or Cincinnati, Ohio where life is more traditional and predictable, more conservative. Of course, there is a price to pay for the excitement of living on the edge and this is called instability and radical events.
Whenever anything becomes too entrenched the destructive and creative forces ensure change and if the changes are resisted then the change comes in unpleasant forms. Over the years certain processes have been initiated in the entertainment and music industries for example, that have stifled creativity and monetized all production so that certain formulas must be followed or they do not get funding or air time. So many films are just sequels and repeats, known quantities, and new projects have a hard time getting off the ground because the suits are cautious. When creativity is blocked like this it has to go somewhere. So it goes into destructiveness, even flooding, fires, and windstorms to name just a few possibilities.
For those of you who heard our trends talk, 2025 is an artisan year and artisans are both very creative and comfortable with destroying the old to pave the way for the new. The fires in the greater L.A. area are a perfect example of how nature often does this for us. So, many artisans are subconsciously rubbing their hands together and thinking, “Oh boy, now we get to build a whole bunch of new things. There’s a big new canvas out there.” In addition, there is the possibility of not only reinventing the environment but reinventing oneself as well.
The mode for the year is aggression and you can see how the energy of aggression is quite apparent in the fierce winds and consuming flames. So, aggression is not just a human trait, it is very much an aspect of nature. Aggression is not necessarily bad, but it is very intense to experience and be a witness of.
The warrior aspect of the year is represented in the form of first responders, firefighters, national guardsmen, pilots, and police who get to step in to protect, save, defend both properties and people, and handle the crisis.
The population of the L.A area includes quite a cross section of people of all different soul ages and in addition it is quite diverse ethnically and racially. It also has its share of young souls who are attracted to the glamour, commerce, and money-making opportunities of this highly competitive city. All young souls seek to be at the top of the ladder but there is not very much room on that top rung and the ones that are there are always looking out for who is about to knock them off. Young souls learn a lot through loss because they spend so much time losing. Think of all the people who want to be president or an A list movie star and the very few who make it there. Most never make it or if they do, they can’t hold onto it and flame out or they get there and then find it doesn’t make them happy after all. The current crisis is an opportunity to experience the medicine of loss in order to learn some big-time lessons about discovering what it is like to start over, losing security and having to trust spirit instead
A very important aspect of this mass event is that out-of-control fire is a great equalizer and celebrities run down the street along with everyone else escaping the flames. People of every strata lose everything in such catastrophes, people of all stripes become just humans and everyone helps one another. Well maybe most people do with a few exceptions. Sometimes this is necessary to restore the understanding that underneath we’re all human and share the same fates. There is also a refocus on what is truly important, family, inner life, and just being alive and conscious.
When this is over there will be a consciousness shift in that area in a good way. A lot of corruption will be cleared out and people will be more sober realizing that no one is immune from big mother nature. Money, status, and the status quo will not necessarily save people. They will have to support one another. Hearts will open more and kindness and generosity will show up more in good ways. That is the thing that will protect people and others the most.
Yes, there will be looters and gaugers as well showing us the ruthlessness that we have allowed to flourish amongst us. This can be a wake-up call as well. Not okay!
These fires are bigger than just individuals losing homes and businesses. This is an opportunity for a huge reset from an imprint of the mid 50’s 70 years ago (A 70 year cycle?) of glamour and the hierarchy of fame and fortune represented by material success. That model perhaps has had its day. Time to welcome in a new model, perhaps totally different.
In many ways Los Angeles leads, so the rest of the country had better take heed because this is what is coming all over, not just in the United States but all over the world in a whole variety of ways. There is no immunity. The politicians in Washington are not immune either and it will go hardest on those who are the least prepared and the least conscious of greater movements in the world. These would be those who attack, point fingers, blame and make everything into a political opportunity to score points to destroy the opposition, even this catastrophic event that should only spark compassion and not hate. So, this is an opportunity for real leadership to come forward from those with more awareness and consciousness. This is where older souls begin to emerge and take more charge. It’s just a big wake-up call and it will be so big as to be like a thunderbolt, a massive shake up that is sorely needed. As we have spoken of before, anything out of balance, out of alignment with integrity, responsibility, and honesty is going down and it will go down not subtly but in real or metaphorical flames.
Awhile back when there were huge fires in New Mexico and fire threatened the land where we have programs, we put a call for prayers and these prayers were answered in a remarkable way. At that time, we spoke about the Toltec and Native American understanding of the four fires, the beneficial grandma cooking fire, the little boy fire (wild and out, of control), the grandpa ceremonial fire, and the fire of the Sun, the fire that gives life.
Sometimes the little boy who likes to start fires, the ones that grow huge and get out of control, has to be reigned-in by his grandma, the cooking fire. She has to be called in to discipline the little boy and school him in the ways of productive fire. So, she has to be appealed to, like a goddess of old to help us humans out of our messes. When she was appealed to in New Mexico several years ago, the fires slowed way down and ended their worst destructive rampage. This needs to be done anywhere and anytime a little boy fire takes off. This may seem irrational or like magical thinking but if the shoe fits, wear it. The alternative may be much worse. The process is very simple. Make a simple offering to her like flowers, fruit or even something personal and leave it out under a tree. Take a lighter (safe fire) and light it for her (fight fire with fire) for thirty seconds or so. Then respectfully call upon her in your own way and ask her to curb the little boy and teach him some discipline. Then thank her profusely. Even a small number of people doing this can make a big difference. It can be cheaper than millions of dollars of fire-fighting equipment and safer than subjecting firefighters to life threatening smoke and flames.
Finally remember that from a shamanic point of view, all is medicine. Therefore, fire is medicine and wind is medicine or they can be poisons as well. To turn them into medicine, understand what they are trying to teach us and learn the lesson. Don’t be afraid whatever happens. To erase fear stop thinking of yourself as separate. Everything is connected. We are the fire. We are the wind. When we are something, it is not our enemy, it is our friend and there is nothing to be afraid of. When we see ourselves as having Spirit in us and we see that fire and wind have Spirit in them as well, something alchemical happens and everything goes into alignment. See and experience that this is true.
For those of you who have already lost your homes and businesses we are truly sorry for the suffering and shock this has caused. Perhaps it has paved the way for something better that will be revealed in time. Know that we and others are doing everything we can to support you and calm the hungry flames and wild winds. I was born and raised in Hollywood myself and mourn the loss of so many familiar places.
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