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Why You Should Have a Travel Bucket List

Why You Should Have a Travel Bucket List

The idea of facing our own mortality and embracing our temporary presence on this planet through planning specific milestones is not a new one. It has inspired many a bucket list that includes everything from fear-defeating endeavors such as sky-diving, to visiting the Egyptian pyramids, and dining on a fancy rooftop in a metropolis such as Sydney. Travel, however, has a multifaceted purpose when it comes to accepting your mortality and crafting a roadmap of your future visits to add more meaning to your existence.

Travel has the ability to heal, to expand our horizons, and to teach us to appreciate the little things we already have in life. In the current, pandemic-ridden situation, many have delayed creating such a list. In fact, you should do the exact opposite – fuel yourself with dreams and aspirations by creating a travel bucket list to keep you inspired during these trying times.

Imbue your now with future worth

Imbue your now with future worth

The pandemic seems to have enabled the spread of more than a virus. It has caused a surge of negativity among people who are under strict lockdown rules, and who cannot spend time with close relatives and friends, let alone hop on a plane to visit the Mediterranean.

To make your difficult present more positive and more hopeful, you should start planning your bucket list to meditate about all the places you’ll visit. Visualizing them, mapping out each worthy stop, and noting down specific ideas you have will allow you to immerse yourself in the beauty of travel even while you’re still at home, waiting for the next opportunity to experience the world.

Expand your knowledge of new cultures

Expand your knowledge of new cultures

The world is such a small box when you limit yourself to experiencing only the few streets close to your home and the few vacation spots you’re already familiar with. Your bucket list should reflect the immense cultural heritage of various people, and you should find ways to get to know as many as possible in your life. Plan to spend your holidays in new places, not just the nearby lake house, and allow your bucket list to be diverse and scattered across the globe.

Without planning your bucket list for travel, you’ll easily miss out on many valuable opportunities that are considered secluded and remote, but equally valuable for learning about the many wonderful people and their cultural wealth.

Leave your comfort zone

Leave your comfort zone

New places are exciting, unfamiliar, and can even be intimidating. We’ve heard so much about Australian wilderness, that those who haven’t truly met the versatile ecosystem of this vast continent might assume that there’s not much more to see. And yet, the country is riddled with beautiful beaches, metropolises that would take years to explore, and unforgettable nature reserves.

Packing your bags and going on an exciting family trip around Australia might just be the best way to experience everything this country has to offer. Of course, beforehand you should research accommodation, road trip ideas, and must-see spots that everyone will enjoy. You and your family will get a chance to learn about the native people of this ancient continent, taste unique culinary delights infused with international influences, and plan memorable experiences for yourselves.

Build a sense of purpose through volunteer work

Build a sense of purpose through volunteer work

More often than not, your mindset towards travel shouldn’t be limited to what the world can offer you. Consider what you can offer the world. In addition to building our own internal universe of accomplishment through work, education, and family life, we can offer so much kindness and help, and traveling the world in order to do good will do wonders for your spiritual wellbeing.

Whether you choose to work with sea turtles, koalas in Australia, or elephants in Africa and Asia, you will not just get to see the mesmerizing vistas of their natural habitats. You’ll be enriched by a purpose beyond selfishness, and your actions will help these organizations thrive.

Master new skills and share yours with the world

Master new skills and share yours with the world

Learning is a mindset, not a stage in life that ends as soon as you throw that cap in the air with your college classmates. Then again, education is not something everyone is provided, and knowing that so many children are deprived of a chance to learn, you can actually make a difference in your own, humble way.

Let your bucket list reflect the need to share your knowledge and skills with those who need them most. You’ll inevitably learn new skills along the way, too, be it a new dance of the local people, or you’ll pick up tricks and hacks of surviving in nature. Make sure that you give back to the world through your travel, as while you’ll gain invaluable experiences by traversing the globe, this colorful world of ours can also greatly benefit from your presence.

Life may be short and you might already have a purpose-filled life as it is, but travel adds more color to your existence and helps you learn for as long as you live. While travel isn’t possible now, and you’re limited to exploring your local destinations, you can rest assured that once the world slowly recuperates, your spirit and mind will both expand as a result of more travel down the road, and your bucket list will allow you to have a structured plan for your future adventures.



Sophia Smith is beauty and style blogger, an eco-lifestyle lover, graphic designer and a DIY enthusiast. She is very passionate about natural skincare, minimalist wardrobe, yoga and mindful living. Sophia writes mostly about beauty-related topics in her articles. She has contributed to a number of publications including: Eco Warrior Princess, Viva Glam Magazine, How to Simplify and Carousel.

You can find out more about her writing by following her on: Facebook  Twitter  Google +

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Sophia Smith 

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