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Council Of The Pleiades: To Be Complete - But Not Perfect!

Council Of The Pleiades: To Be Complete - But Not Perfect!

As you approach wisdom and the ONE truth in GOD, you encounter many truths.

They are truths that transform and change at each next higher level of awareness. However, the point is that you stand up for and live YOUR truth at your current stage of life – and that you draw wisdom, strength and courage from it. This also means being open and unashamed about your mistakes, neither accusing nor condemning yourself for them, and not blaming anyone outside of yourself for them. To be whole is not to be perfect, to be whole is to be complete as you are now.

Step by step

To attain the highest wisdom and to stand with both feet firmly rooted in the middle of life, that is the path that is becoming visible to more and more people today. The light passes through to you and so you are created anew – step by step to keep the laws of the divine order and to come closer and closer to the truth in GOD. This will lead you to wisdom and love in all situations and circumstances.

We represent the COUNCIL OF PLEIADES!

The Pleiades form the spiritual home for many human-born and many incarnate from the Pleiades down on earth. Familiar and close we are to you, who now rise to the great leap and prepare for the upliftment of the Earth.

We stand by your side in peace and quiet and we carry your burdens when you can no longer continue.

We are the family from the light, which influences the destinies on earth favourably with the ARKTURIANS, directs them in a lightful way and shapes them for the benefit of all life. You are not alone, and you were and never will be.

In this message, we will tell you where to look and where to focus your attention now.

Focused transformation work

Remain focused on your still unresolved issues! Climb up staircase by staircase to the light and soar up more and more through focused transformation work!

Settling one’s affairs, cleaning up what needs to be cleaned up, and living according to the laws of divine order will lead to the desired result.

To live according to GOD’s laws means to be in harmony with your truth and to make your decisions based on your current knowledge without compromise.

Many people still act contrary to their inner knowledge and so they tread water or fall behind in spiritual development.

Doing your duty and being truthful at every stage of life is what you should put all your energy into now.

Living your truth

As you approach wisdom and the ONE truth in GOD, you encounter many truths. They are truths that transform and change at each next higher level of awareness. However, the point is that you stand up for and live YOUR truth at your current stage of life – and that you draw wisdom, strength and courage from it.

This also means being open and unashamed about your mistakes, neither accusing nor condemning yourself for them, and not blaming anyone outside of yourself for them.

To be whole is not to be perfect, to be whole is to be complete as you are now.

This inner strength is now required of you, for neither can you hide your light nor your shadows any longer. Everything becomes visible.

The great cleaning up begins within you and we stand with you and we pause with you as you recognize yourself in your fellow – to bow in wonder before what life teaches you and to be and become in humility until the highest wisdom has taken possession of you and to live your truth until you are absorbed by the ONE truth.

  • We are the patrons of your journey.
  • We are the guardians of your path.
  • We are the companions of all days.


Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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