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Laka's Message: Life On The Moon

Laka's Message:  Life On The Moon

Beloved friends of earth!

In these moments of communication, we will visit the moon together!

Indeed, this sacred planetary system of life in many forms is alive with consciousness. The moon is a living entity that allows life to thrive and be sustained by an enormous vibrational frequency of continual change. The energy that is produced and fluctuates to be harnessed by other life is significant for the occupants of the moon and areas far reaching in your galaxy. There are many moons of creation, but only one that serves you in these moments.

The sacred moon that is involved in your life in intricate manners of being, was expressed in one moment by god source. The life force of all creation has designed the human body to perform in cycles and rhythms of certainty. So it is with the moon and the ongoing interactions with the body. Many attest to feeling energy within their lives and bodies with direct correlation to the moon with endless cycles.

Pleiadians call the moon, “mizeoh.” There are areas on this beautiful entity that express exquisite nature in vibrant colors. Mountains, plants, streams and minerals allow lifeforms to thrive and be sustained ongoing. There are beings of peace that live among carved crystals that are fashioned into homes. Art and music are enjoyed as pleiadians are entertained as friends. There are celebrations with meals and great discussions as these beings are loving and of the light! Their name is meiz and their frequency resonates in octaves undetected by humans.

Areas of the moon are layered with many levels of frequencies. Just as earth is surrounded by what is known as 3-d, there are densities on the moon that are unseen and undetected by those in form. Spirit is within and around all life and observes everything in existence. So it is with life on the moon. There are high vibrational beings and those in densities of darkness.

The meiz were upgraded to light bodies by the visiting galactic federation. They were found to be innocent of the atrocities of actions by other beings present on the moon. The meiz stand between six and eight feet tall. Their bodies are translucent and their facial features resemble humans. They have no hair and wear no clothing. They procreate energetically and live infinite lives with bodies of light.

The galactic federation has recruited many of these sacred souls to join as members of the light forces. Until the grand shift, these recruits will serve as junior members. Their dedication is pure and they continue to share light throughout the galaxies.

There are bases created on the moon that are magnificent meeting places for the galactic federation. These powerful intel operations are undetected by any race. Far beneath the surface of what is seen, are tunnels with crystal walls and doorways. Within large rooms there are screens with images of any galaxy chosen to observe. Motherships are accessed and information is exchanged. There are areas with music and relaxation. Indeed, the bases are beautiful beyond human comprehension.

As we move beyond the areas of light, there are beings that are to be avoided. These beings are called tazepia. They resemble mantis insects and are grotesque to all life forms that observe them. They delight in causing problems and chaos. They often hurl rocks at one another as they are scavengers for food and sustenance. They live approximately sixty years and incarnate back into their own race. They could have changed by embracing light but their darkness permeates their being, they hide in rocks and caverns when the light forces are present.

In your life on earth, you have been allowed to know partial truth with many lies. There is always so much more than governments and military operations allow. There have been reports of mountainous areas on the moon with possible structures and openings. How little is known by eyes that can observe only one density. Realize the truth of life that speaks volumes about life unseen to you. Knowing that the galactic federation moves seamlessly through your life unseen and undetected will allow you to gain a new perspective about the moon.

This living entity called mizeoh is part of your life on earth. With massive amounts of energy, the ocean tides are stabilized in rhythm, the temperature of the earth is maintained and multiple factors of body rhythms are affected with cycles and necessary changes for nature and animals. The moon is serving you well with a spiritual connection of sacred energy.

We honor the great mizeoh and we present this respect to those on earth that have longed to have truth and wisdom regarding life unknown!

I Love You So!

Laka From The Pleiades


Judith is Kab’s mother in this lifetime, and she is the human incarnation of Aya, Kabamur’s mother on Taygeta. Both Judith and Kab have incarnated together in this lifetime to share with the world about Pleiadians and about the coming Shift. Judith has fully activated clairvoyant abilities; remote viewing, astral travel, multi-dimensional sight, visions of past and future, interactions with Fairies and Angels, and ongoing telepathic contact with Pleiadian Guides. Their Taygeta family is at the forefront of operations relating to Earth’s coming Ascension.
“Kab” is the human incarnation of Kabamur, son of Elder Ikai of Taygeta and Aya, and brother of Laka, Neioh and Akatu. He has incarnated with Aya to share Pleiadian Messages and awareness of the Shift in the last days. Kab is one of many that will serve as Ambassadors when Pleiadians are introduced to humans following the Shift to Sheen.



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