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Mira From Pleiadian Council: Guiding Humanity's Ascension
Written by Valerie Donner

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.
I am here to speak with you today to give you an update about what is occurring on the Earth. I speak as a member of the Earth Council. I work full-time with this council and have been for many years.
I recommend that you look around and view these occurrences from a different viewpoint than perhaps your current perspective. Maybe you can see the world of the old third dimension crumbling? You might see the strangeness of the old world as you advance in to higher consciousness in the fifth dimension or higher.
Yes, the energies are strange and can be a bit uprooting. Some of you are observing humanities behavior as bizarre and maybe even stupid. You might wonder what has been short circuited in some peoples’ brains when they make the decisions they make. These behaviors can actually push you to your limits.
These unreasonable irrational behaviors are showing you the end of the third dimensional Earth. You see some people taking risks you would never take. Many have lost their bearings. The old fill in factors that kept everyone under control are ceasing to exist.
The reason for this is that in the higher consciousness none of these old factors are necessary. You will be living in divine flow without the need for the use of lower technology and certainly without lower consciousness. Your blinders are off now and you are seeing it with real time vision.
This means you are awake. Congratulations! The more nonsensical the world becomes, the further you will have risen into the fifth dimension. The time of the old-world leaders, organizations, systems, and controls, etc. are departing, thereby giving you the freedom you have long needed and deserved. As your galactic family, we celebrate with you the new beginnings. We cheer you on in every way and we assist where we are needed. You are not alone.
We love you, applaud you and are here for you. I am Mira.
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