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Pleiadian Collective - Dementia
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Friends of the great planet earth,
We honor your endeavors to thrive and survive so many maladies in your current density!
This was not always your truth as you have lived in perfection in the higher realms. Having no disease or death in your origin, you took a chance once again to live in duality and face the challenges of the great planet that serves you well.
In these moments we will address a condition that has many variables and changes along the course of onset. This issue is dementia and there are many types. Having dementia can affect the person greatly but the pain and loss is felt within loved ones as they are left to cope with their own loss.
Dementia is a condition that many adults and even children can experience. Most people associate dementia with the elderly but in truth, healthy young adults can progress into a syndrome of such decline that they lose themselves in their identity. But what about the soul? What is being experienced in the depth of knowing? Let’s probe all avenues of knowledge for information and comfort.
There are many types of dementia that may develop. The most common type is Alzheimer’s disease. This occurrence is terminal in duration to the person with this malady. Organs will harden as the brain is quickly changing. The decline in cognitive function as well as the body operating properly is seen and noticed quickly by family members and caregivers. Early signs of development will be forgetting names, recent events, poor hygiene, mood changes and outbursts. Depression and confusion are prevalent with the sufferers of this onslaught of symptoms. Brain cells are dying and the person will have difficulties with walking and speaking. The end of life is progressing to the point of barely coping and the loss is felt deeply with all family and friends.
Those with dementia begin with normal lives and ordinary feelings. As they begin to have symptoms, they most likely will hide this from others. They have not progressed to a place of being diagnosed but they sense that something is wrong. Often by the time that assistance is needed, there is a deep progression and the person is having a difficult time hiding hallucinations, memory loss or confusion with everyday tasks. Then everything opens like a flood and no one can hide the apparent deterioration of one that can no longer function.
Childhood dementia can develop as a baby, a small child or a teen. Symptoms present with memory loss, confusion or learning abilities. Parents are frightened when this diagnosis is given and many do not seek answers for a long time. No one is thinking of dementia when observing one so young. But it happens with genetic conditions and rare anomalies. The soul is completely aware of all that is transpiring. In calmness and quiet power, the soul looks on with love. Most of these children will live less than thirty years.
Some of the major categories of dementia are Alzheimer’s as mentioned, vascular, Lewy body, frontotemporal, mixed and so many others. These diagnoses serve as labels to identify regions of brain deterioration with corresponding actions of compromise. Each type reveals changes that will affect speech, personality, gait, understanding, body movement and even the ability to swallow. The end stages of dementia often results with a feeding tube to ensure proper nutrition.
Caregivers and family members will benefit with assistance in groups for support. It is crucial to get plenty of rest and time alone. Self care and meditation will assist those with exhaustion as they return to care for the one slipping away.
Music for the patient as well as caregivers and families will ease the transition as progression is absolute. Many of those in the presence of those leaving will begin to question the frailty of life and the purpose of suffering. In this manner of questioning, many will awaken to understand they are infinite beings. Without teaching or doctrine, each being alive knows somehow they will continue.
The soul is perfect and complete. The higher self is aware of all that transpires. In silent observation, the soul feels no pain or discord. In peace, the soul awaits departure with lessons learned and their family of origin waiting. The realization that so much was lived for the purpose of love, will allow the soul to know clearly that it was all worth it. Nothing is ever wasted.
Whatever you are facing, only love is real. You were never meant to remain in the earth school. You are so much more than bodies that end and stories that were created by your soul in order to gain experience with all the depth of ups and downs. Expanding in consciousness is a sacred gift that you are giving to yourself. Well done beloved one, well done indeed!
Rise in light!
We will meet you there!
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