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Message from God: 21 Days Of Meditation
Written by Jahn J Kassl

In a meditation, let go of the demand for perfection and for a perfect life in which you and those around you have to function perfectly! Let it go - and when you're ready, it will happen!
Dedication and practice
Your life is about living your blueprint more and more precisely and harmoniously. This - it cannot be repeated often enough - requires your dedication and practice, your courage to try and your intelligence to correctly classify failed attempts.
Many people are control-addicted perfectionists. You neither admit to yourself that you are wrong nor make mistakes. For these people, failure is out of the question, it is intolerable and is avoided at all costs. In an emergency, such people talk up the results instead of seeing what is happening.
Beloved human being, nothing is in a hurry in this world and nothing demands perfection in a perfect world.
What you can and should do if you are a perfectionist is to become aware of this as the first step. If it is like that, then it is like that – and that’s good! Accepting it is the first step to letting go. Then signal to the divine light that you are ready to deviate a little from your perfection.
In a meditation, let go of the demand for perfection and for a perfect life in which you and those around you have to function perfectly! Let it go - and when you're ready, it will happen!
21 Days
Ideally, meditate on this topic for 21 days in a row. If this is impossible, then meditate on it as regularly as you can manage. After these 21 sessions in the light, your subconscious mind has absorbed the new command and you will no longer be sabotaged by the subconscious mind.
Deal with any patterns, limitations, beliefs and programming that you notice! 21 days of meditation in divine light and your inner programs will be rewritten.
This is how the miracle of your slow transformation happens and your decisions become more accurate, disappointments decrease and happiness increases.
What do you, human being, want to achieve when everything you are is within you?
If you want to maintain your control and power mechanisms, if you want to remain a perfectionist, you will keep turning the wheel of time until you get tired of it and yourself.
Every river flows into the ocean and every soul starts moving one day and finds its own source in GOD.
GOD is perfection in everything that is. Perfect or imperfect? What worries you, because you are completely human.
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