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February 2025 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss

February 2025 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss

Message for February 2025

The first few weeks of a new year often feel heavy, particularly in the darkness of the northern hemisphere. It’s only really when we reach Imbolc, when we can begin to sense the light returning again as the days grow slightly longer and the first snowdrops appear. There is often great momentum in January to start new projects and to create new resolutions, but intuitively January feels more like a month for retreat than for charging ahead.

This is perhaps the first year that I’ve chosen to go with the retreat of the darkness, to sink into January and to let go. It was distinctly uncomfortable at first, as I fidgeted and resisted the quiet, feeling like I should be boldly making plans for the fresh year, being busy and taking charge, but I stayed with it, and over time, it felt right to be still. The stillness wasn’t a void of emptiness, it was a nest of restoration and a place to re-balance. I needed to learn the art of ‘not doing’, of leaning into the quiet and letting go.

We all spend so much of our lives trying to keep on keeping on, pushing ahead, trying to make life right, and trying to fix the things we feel are broken or imperfect. At the same time, we spend so much time focusing on where we want to be (or feel we ought to be) and forget where we are. Modern life is spent in the fast lane where our technology shapes and defines our time. It’s only when we step away for a while that we begin to realize that those text messages don’t have to be answered immediately, and that social media notification doesn’t have to be read. Let it go. At least for a little while. Learn how to be comfortable with not doing.

Of course, technology is great, and it has the potential to bring the world together, but there is also the risk that we become so consumed by it that we lose sight of where we are, and the world in which we all live. Letting go for a while, allows us to switch off from the 24/7 bombardment of life and this means we can each start to re-centre and re-align from within. So, instead of living a life determined by external forces, we are living life in tune with our hearts and souls.

When we re-connect to the earth’s cycle, and start to unfurl again as the light begins to return, this feels like a more natural time to think about what’s next. So, instead of charging into the year, a period of retreat allows us to rest and re-centre before moving forward once again. Many of us have intuitively followed such a path this year, even those in southern climes where the sun is high and bright. Retreat is an opportunity for reflection, but it’s also an opportunity to rest in stillness, to breathe and to be. There is nothing to do, just a willingness to take an in-breath after an out-breath and repeat.

Now the spring flowers are beginning to emerge and turning their heads towards the shimmering sun, it’s time for us to burst into life once again. Living with the natural flow, choosing to set down that technology from time to time, and breathing deeply into life, are needed now in order to let the light of our souls guide us.

We each have a purpose in life. Some spend their whole lives not knowing what this is or not looking for it. Others embrace their purpose wholeheartedly, whilst the majority touch it from time to time, but can’t see how to make it reality. Of course, the latter puts us into a conditional and linear state of being, as we can see the gap between where we are and where we want to be more clearly than just being where we want to be. When we open up to purpose and we choose to believe, the dynamic shifts and although this doesn’t fix anything, it allows us to look at the bigger picture and to live our lives with more purpose and direction than ever before.

So, February looks set to be a month for re-emergence, and for turning towards the growing light, seeking warmth, inspiration and nourishment from gently moving with the cycles, and finding peace within. It’s hard to encapsulate the intensity of the chaotic rambunctiousness of energies at the moment, the fear, anger and bewilderment are palpable, and many are consumed with this. It’s understandable, but this chaos is corrosive, and it erodes the soul from within if we don’t step back and breathe.

Despite the darkness of the winter and the chaos all around, the light always finds a way through. It therefore seems important that we facilitate this light, allowing it to radiate and illuminate, inspire and heal, as the more of us that can now become beacons of light, the more hope we can have. Of course, it’s hard to have hope sometimes, but when we focus on balance and peace within, we can touch hope. It’s only when we get lost in the world around us that we can become lost and consumed by the chaos. It’s time for balance; that’s what we need now.

As we weather the storms of life, when we allow our hearts and souls to shine brightly, we find a way through. The world may feel fractured and divided, but instead of being sucked into this, when we breathe and open up to the light, we remain whole, and we become the glimmers of hope, love and compassion. Being whole doesn’t come from resisting the darkness, it comes from allowing it. We all have darkness within us, we all have light, and just like the seasons, the dark and the light within, ebb and flow. When we become one with our ever-changing essence, we realize that there is no better moment than now to dance freely once again…

As always, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.

With love,



You have been on the precipice of change for quite some time, hovering between where you were and where you want to be, perched in-between chapters. There is a part of you longing to push ahead in order to create the momentum to charge towards new pastures, but there is also a part of you holding back, trusting the currents to guide you. This inner ‘push/pull’ is tiring at times, but this also highlights a belief that resides deep in the core of your being that in order to create change, you have to be active, to get out and to ‘do’. However, your intuition and wisdom tell you this isn’t the case, as change isn’t always an active force, sometimes it’s a state of mind or a state of ‘being’. February looks set to be a month where you begin the process of reconciling the push/pull in order to find a stronger and clearer resolve within your heart and soul.

Life isn’t always about doing and busy-ness, and this is a time for inspired thought and creative wisdom to take centre stage, as you seem ready to create more breathing space in your life, and to find peace with the push/pull. Whilst you will always be seeking out new terrain, the more peace you can find in the process, the more you will realize that change doesn’t have to be fractious and chaotic, it can be gentle and graceful as well. So, take a deep breath, let go of the push, release the pull, and your awareness will begin to shift from chaos to stillness. This isn’t a magic fix, but the phenomenal power of your mind and intuition will help you to step towards a more balanced way of living and being that allows you to live your life wholeheartedly and creatively, and to let your strengths and gifts shine…


As your inner revolution continues, February looks set to be a month where you begin the process of creating more balance in all areas of your life. You often give so much of yourself to others, you give your time, energy, resources, and even your hopes and dreams to those around you, and you often over-give of yourself in the process. Although you have always had a giving and generous nature, intuitively you know there’s a need to make some tweaks and adjustments as to how you live your life. You will always give of yourself to others, but it’s time now to prioritize your own needs and to find clarity when it comes to living your best life. Your tendency to do so much for others has left you disconnected from your earthy essence, and it’s important to ground yourself once again, in order to feel your creativity and strength rising up. Creating boundaries isn’t selfish, it’s vital to your well-being, and it’s also good for others to know that you are not available 24/7 as you need time to honour yourself and to re-connect to your hopes and dreams.

Your wisdom, creativity and strength are re-emerging, and you seem ready to live more consciously and to listen to your intuition to guide you; let the light of your soul gently take you by the hand as you step beyond the daily distractions of life. The more you start to prioritize your own needs and begin to ringfence your time, the more you will be able to de-clutter your life and breathe freely. Of course, you will always be a support to others, but these changes are about re-shaping and re-defining your boundaries and re-affirming your own needs. Finding balance in your life lets you breathe, and can bring you focus and clarity when it comes to embracing new opportunities and exploring pastures new…


As you continue to contemplate how to re-shape and re-define your life, you have turned towards your heart and soul in order to find a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. You are creative, vibrant and passionate, and these qualities bring you a fluidity that enables you to go with the flow. Yet, your tendency to think and over-think can stifle this fluidity and leave you feeling stuck and unable to move. It’s hard to articulate, but it’s as though you are tied to a piece of elastic that allows you to creatively flow until your mind kicks back in and this pings the elastic back again. Over time, this constant ebb and flow has become exhausting, not to mention a tad boring. It’s as though these two different facets pull in different directions rather than coming together into a more coherent whole. It seems clear that it’s time now to find a new way of living and being that allows you to combine your head, heart and soul to work in unity. This is more about being than doing, a sense that you need to relax, take a breath and to stop trying to second guess yourself.

You will never have all of the answers to the many unanswered questions, but this should be a source of inspiration that encourages you to make the most of life anyway. You can never truly know the joy of letting the many different facets of your being merge and become one unless you allow the process to unfold. Let your intuition guide you, as this is your time to shine. February marks the beginning of a new chapter of balance and truth as you let go of many of those old beliefs, and seek out new adventures and ideas. Inevitably with new beginnings, there will be endings, but you seem ready now to breathe more deeply into life once again…


February looks set to be a month where you continue to look at the deeper undercurrents in the bigger picture of your life. You have turned towards your inner world and started the process of re-connecting to your true sense of self, and this has brought you clarity when it comes to your true priorities. You have spent a great deal of time trying to be the person you’ve felt you ought to be, trying to people please and trying to ‘do the right thing’, and this has made you weary and skeptical, unsure of where you end and where others begin. This has left you wondering who you truly are and what you truly want in life. At the same time, you wonder how others see you as you often feel like a ‘walk over’ as you bend and flex to the needs, wishes and whims of others. Your accommodating nature often makes for a more peaceful life, but it has created a layer of angst that bubbles just under the surface. There’s a part of you that wants to set boundaries, to say ‘No!’ much more, and to stand in your own truth. Yet, you don’t, you hold back stay quiet and continue to master the art of bending and flexing. This frustrates you and annoys you, but you continue to do it! Why?

At the end of the day, only you know why you prefer to bend and flex, keeping on keeping on, but it seems important to at least take some time out for a while in order to re-assess your life, and your path ahead. You are a vibrant, creative, innovative, and wise soul, and it’s time to wholeheartedly believe this in order to create a brand-new way of living and being that sets you free from repeating patterns and inspires you to explore pastures new…


You have spent a great deal of your life doing your best, trying hard to help and please others. You are the glue, the rock and the lighthouse, bringing support and guidance along the way. You are the strawberry jam in the Victoria sponge of life, the ‘keep it all together-er’. Although you rise to the challenge, it has taken huge amounts of your resources over the years as you have felt a sense of obligation to be the one that everyone else depends on. Whilst you know this, it’s still hard for you to step back and find a more enriching path that gives you breathing space and the room to flourish and thrive. Why do you feel that you have to carry the burden? Why do you feel that everything will fall apart without you holding it all together? Being a ‘keep it all together-er’ not only takes energy, but it stops you from focusing on your own needs and dreams. It seems that you stepped into this role a long time ago and never really found a way out.

You can’t always hold things together as sometimes life has to take another direction, sometimes those around you have to find their strength, and sometimes letting go is the biggest gift you can offer. February looks set to be a month where you start to think more wholeheartedly about how you want to live your life, and if being the ‘keep it all together-er’ is enough for you now? You have grown and evolved beyond the four walls of your everyday life, and it’s time to contemplate what you truly want and who you want to be. Your phenomenal energy and resolve mean you will always be the one others turn towards, but this doesn’t mean you can’t honour your own needs and follow your own dreams. It’s time to let your heart and soul guide you…


As you continue to find ways to lighten the load in your life, there is a sense that you are beginning to focus on your true priorities and explore some long-held dreams. You have spent a great deal of time managing your life by boxing it all up and taking it with you wherever you go, and this has resulted in a huge pile of boxes in your ‘to do’ list marked ‘miscellaneous’, and you are beginning to realize the ‘curse of the miscellaneous’ as you have absolutely no idea what’s in any of them! Of course, we all accumulate ‘stuff’ in life, as that’s a part of being human. Yet, when you end up surrounded by piles of boxes containing things that you once thought might come in handy one day, it can feel overwhelming on every level. Although the contents of some of these boxes could indeed one day be useful, the issue is that you cannot be free to explore life if you are spending time and energy managing, and carrying, the boxes.

The idea of ‘less is more’ seems apt for you in February as you realize that in order to focus on your true priorities and dreams, you need to let some of the ‘stuff’ go. Yet, instead of sifting through every single box marked ‘miscellaneous’ just in case there’s something of use, perhaps it would be more liberating to take a deep breath and let it go. Yes, let it go. This might instill a vague sense of panic, but intuitively you know that you’re ready to let it go and breathe deeply into the space it creates. Deep within the core of your being there is a growing sense of freedom rising up, and it’s time to become one with this over the weeks ahead, in order to re-connect to your courage, wisdom and creativity…


February looks set to be a month of continued insight and inspiration as the winter darkness begins to clear, revealing a dazzling clear blue sky. The darkness of the winter storms come and go in many forms, and it seems the one you’ve been facing recently has created a great deal of unrest on every level of your being. It has stirred your depths, and brought a great deal of buried detritus to the surface, and this has left you questioning your goals, beliefs and motivations. Of course, detritus is not necessarily a bad thing, it’s generally the result of the build-up of experiences, thoughts and events that collect in your consciousness over time, and much of it serves no particular purpose other than to clutter up your inner world. So, although the detritus surfacing may feel un-nerving, it’s actually an opportunity to lighten the load and create some much-needed space within your heart and soul. Instead of feeling weighed down and weary, this is your chance to blast that detritus into oblivion in order to create a new way of living and being, that feeds your creativity and brings you joy.

It’s time to contemplate what’s next in your life, as your heart and soul are calling out for you to re-connect and re-affirm your true priorities and dreams. You have spent a long time hovering on the periphery, waiting for a better moment to explore new pastures; it’s so easy for you to get tied up in knots when it comes to keeping on keeping on, pushing ahead, and trying to be the person you feel you ought to be. Yet, your soul yearns for the day when you focus on being the person you want to be. Freedom of being isn’t always straightforward, but your soul is yearning for a stronger correlation between the life you’re living and the life you would love to live…


You have been going through something of a transformation over recent months (even years), it’s been a slow process, and there have been times when you haven’t seen much evidence that anything is happening. Intuitively you know that you have been changing, evolving and transforming even though you have been unable to measure or quantify the process. This has inevitably created some unrest within you, as it has highlighted the gap between what you want to be doing and what you need/ought to do. A life of ‘ought’ has never appealed to you, but here you find yourself, surrounded by a long list of ‘ought’s’. However, as this transformation continues, you are beginning to realize that much of the frustration comes from you not listening to your intuition to guide you. You are a creative, wise and vibrant soul, but you often ‘park’ this and push it aside as it feels too onerous to listen; it’s as though it somehow ‘gets in the way’ of you keeping on keeping on.

As a result, it’s been easier to follow a path most travelled, even though you intuitively know it’s not the path that calls you. It therefore seems important to take some time to breathe and re-centre as your inner pool of creativity is stirring again, calling you to think about what you truly want in life. Although there will inevitably always be responsibilities, the path of ‘ought’ doesn’t inspire or motivate you, and over time, this path has seen your inner light fade. You are innovative and creative, so why not use these gifts to find a new path to walk, and to re-frame those ought’s once and for all? Embrace your gifts, and have the courage to be your true self, as when you stand in your power, new insights will come, and you will instinctively know how to navigate a new path towards happiness…


Letting go and lightening the load both looks set to continue throughout February as you are beginning to feel your energy rising and your creativity dancing. It’s as though the weight of everything you carry in life (physically, emotionally and spiritually) has weighed you down, and this has tethered your spirit. So, the more you release, the lighter you’re feeling, and you can feel your spirit dancing once again. You have spent a long time trying to settle with what you have in life, as your inspiration has felt stilted and stifled. As a result, although you’ve longed to go off road, and explore unchartered terrain on all levels of your life, you have held back, feeling unsure if you ‘have what it takes’ to jump off the treadmill of life and walk your own path. Of course, intuitively you know you have what it takes, but it’s time to believe this now, and to know that there really is no better time to acknowledge your true needs, and to let your inner light shine brightly once again.

You are a creative, spiritual and intuitive soul, so try to acknowledge this as you think about what you truly want from life. You are only on the hamster wheel because you choose to be there, and you can step off whenever you choose. This isn’t to say it’s easy to create change, because life is rarely as simple as that, but you have more power and choice over your destiny than you often choose to believe. When you take the time to pause, reflect and consider what you truly want from life, there’s a sense that this fuels the light within, and your soul starts to illuminate with possibilities and potential. Whilst things are rarely straightforward, is that a reason not to at least explore? This is a time to look beyond the four walls of your everyday life and dance lightly once again…


As you continue to re-shape and re-define your ideals and beliefs, you have dived in deeply to explore the world within your heart and soul. As a result, you have found yourself on new terrain as although you have discovered more about yourself than ever before, you have also discovered even more questions. This has been somewhat frustrating for you, as you had hoped that your willingness to look within would bring you clarity and insight rather than uncertainty. However, when you step back to look at the bigger picture, it’s clear that you have gained some powerful insights along the way, and these insights look set to guide you towards pastures new. Although you know that the harder you look for the answers, the less you see, it doesn’t stop you from trying! It’s understandable that you want to make sense of your life, but when you stop pushing, clarity rises up.

It’s hard to simply trust the process, even though you already intuitively know that you need to trust the process! Yet, there will always be questions without answers, and instead of this uncertainty holding you back, it’s time for you to set yourself free. Trust your phenomenal and powerful intuition as it really does have your back (it’s a part of you, after all), listen to your intuition to guide you, and know that even without all of the answers, you can still flourish, thrive and blossom on every level of your being. This isn’t to say you should throw caution to the wind and set sail for new pastures, it’s more of a nudge for you to look beyond your everyday life and to know that there is more to life if you choose to explore it. It’s time to let your wisdom, creativity, innovation and intuition to take you gently by the hand and towards a new way of living and being…


As you continue to find ways to connect more consciously to the infinity within your heart and soul, there is a sense that you are beginning to find peace with the ever-changing landscape of life. You tend to see the world as a multi-layered kaleidoscope of threads weaving their way in and out, and this enables you to sense, see, and understand life on a deep level. Such vision brings you insights that few others could even begin to comprehend, and whilst this adds richness and depth to your life, it can also feel like a lonely place at times as you often feel as though you are walking alone, without others who truly ‘get’ you. Although on some levels this is true, it seems important to remember to breathe with the kaleidoscope of threads, as this can show you the bigger picture of interconnection, whilst this may not feel overly personal, it is a sign that when you relax into your visionary tendencies, you no longer feel isolated, but an integral part of the whole.

There are times in life when just being at one with the magic of the moment is all you need. In that moment, when you step out of your mind and re-connect to your intuition, creativity and vision, everything becomes clearer. As you near the beginning of a new chapter in your life, there’s a need for you to take a big, deep breath and find your centre once again. Listen to your inner wisdom and let your intuition guide you and this will help to steady the busy-ness of life, and allow you to connect to your true priorities once again. It’s time for you to embrace your gifts wholeheartedly and to channel your wisdom towards creating a new way of living and being that gives you the space and freedom to discover new terrain on every level of your life…


February looks set to be a month of continued inner reflection, combined with making some significant life changing decisions. To those around you, this would appear to be a paradox of both movement and stillness at the same time, but intuitively you can understand the paradox because it’s the life you’re living and you’re experiencing it. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can always make sense of things, but your intuition is a phenomenal force, and when you let it flow freely, things usually just click into place somewhere in your consciousness. It’s not always easy to live with such fluidity, as you often feel as though you are in a state of flux, in between where you were and where you’re going, and not always knowing where you are. It’s therefore understandable that you often feel like a piece of driftwood being carried along by the currents, even though you intuitively know that you create the currents. Another paradox!

There is a sense that the more you try to understand this, the more complex it becomes, but when you step back, breathe and let go, everything falls into place, and you intuitively know that everything is as it should be. It’s very hard to articulate, as this all happens in the realms of your infinite consciousness, and this is a space beyond words and beyond comprehension, but if it feels right to you then that’s what matters. When you stop trying to understand the paradoxes and accept that they are just a part of your wondrous being, then you can start focusing on new ways to explore your creativity, and to step towards pastures new, as an exciting new chapter dawns. When you let go and dance with the flow of your soul, the movement becomes rhythmical and allows you to connect wholeheartedly to your hopes and dreams. Life is about making the most of every moment, so take a deep breath and let your soul soar…

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