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Daily Angel Message: Peaceful Relationships
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for November 19, 2022
November’s Theme: Our goal this month lies in watching and directing our thoughts. Positive opens and draws, Negative closes and blocks. Stay focused on what you want and not what you fear. Pay attention to repetitive thoughts and ideas as they will keep you moving forward on your path.
Inner peace starts with you. Find your balance point and just breathe…… ~Cat
Today’s Message:
1119: Today the Universe is asking us to focused on bringing peace into our lives and those of our loved ones.
The last year has been stressful for most of us so it’s important to bring peace where you can and that starts with finding peace within yourself. The Universe and it’s helpers are here to help us. They are reminding us that when we are at peace with ourselves we feel better, this can be achieved through self care, setting boundaries or by simply stepping back. Sometimes it’s through alone time and sometimes it’s created by spending quality time with family or close friends, so whatever works for you is the RIGHT way. Start the day with a little grounding and centering to find your calm spot and carry it with you today and remember…….. just breathe!
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Zadkiel teaches us that true compassion and healing lies in our ability to forgive ourselves and others. This is essential to the letting go and letting it be processes as it allows our hearts and minds to make room and teaches us to just breathe and embrace compassion which in turn makes room for new growth. This is one of the best self-healing practices and gifts that we can give ourselves.
The Ascended Master Buddha is our go-to guy when we feel “wobbly’. He teaches us that the key to happy living requires moderation and balance in all things. This includes the important balance between giving and receiving. When we are balanced we find that inner peace is ours!
The Roman Goddess Venus is commonly recognized as a goddess of love and beauty, however, she also teaches us that the first step to becoming empowered is in embracing your divine energy and self worth. Venus reminds us that “You must put loving self care first. By doing so you become confidently empowered and fully connected to your own divine nature.”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
The gentle energy of Blue Lace Agate helps our overall communication skills by teaching us to freely express thoughts and feelings in a peaceful manner. it also allows us to find balance and emotional calm during times of stress. This stone is associated with the Archangel Zadkiel.
Dalmation Stone. This light hearted stone is a combination of quartz, microline and black tourmaline. It instills feelings of safety as it helps us to reconnect with our playful side which is important to our emotional health and it transforms outdated thinking during times when we feel stuck and enables our forward progress by encouraging a fresh perspective This stone also promotes grounding and enhances our connection to Mother Earth.It reminds us that we are a part of her as well as being spiritual beings on a very human journey.
Rose Quartz brings inner peace and harmony. The energy of this stone is very soothing and can help calm frazzled nerves. It helps to promote the softer, move loving view that we need to embrace gratitude, it soothes and clears the emotions and fills us with loving compassion. It works with the heart chakra to gently wash away negative feelings that we harbor against ourselves and lifts the emotions to promote joy and peace. It opens our heart and shows us the love in relationships and situations, which helps us find a balancing point Use this gentle stone to shower yourself with loving care and to send healing to those little places that most need it.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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