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Ascension LightWorker Collective: Being Single in 5D - What You Need to Know

Ascension LightWorker Collective: Being Single in 5D - What You Need to Know

The real reasons the ascending may be experiencing being single in the higher dimensions is because in this much higher realm you are healed and vibrating at higher levels of knowledge frequencies which makes the self highly incompatible for codependent relationships, trauma bonds and unhealthy 3D connections.

Unfortunately, trauma bonds is the template for the low conscious and broken 3D culture as anyone who chooses peace over trauma will have difficulty in lower conscious relationships as most people we meet in the programmed world are in 2-3D and are emotionally, mentally and spiritually damaged and dysfunctional in many different ways.

Healed individuals vibrating in higher frequencies will only seek lightminded and higher conscious connections, these higher vibrating connections create authenticity, honesty, integrity, transparency, respect, equality, truth, alignment and shared values and beliefs.

Fifth-dimensional relationships enhances existing freedom and joy, serving as investments in the interconnectedness of people, places, and nature. They emerge from God’s unconditional love, offering an environment for safety, respect, love and understanding, expressing evolutionary expansion in shared development.

5th dimensional relationships are extremely different from third-dimensional ones, as they are built to maintain and sustain themselves rather than eventually breaking down. Both parties in higher consciousness fully support reconnection with their divine nature and higher self, they support the other in higher realms, throughout their incarnations, they have consciously evolved to provide a sense of true belonging and higher Ascended connection.

The truth is 95 percent of the 3D relationships and marriages in 3D dimensional perceptions and awareness are actually trauma bonded because they feel they need another half of themselves to make them feel whole, however they eventually become disappointed because they find they are in an unhealthy and codependency connection, this creates dysfunctional mentality, combined shadow aspects and are empty emotionally.

In the realm of 3D, relationships can be a confused and complex tapestry of Ego, dysfunction, health issues, obsessiveness secrecy, infidelity, immaturity, illusions, lies, criticisms, power struggles, control, delusions, hierarchy, psychological confusion, lack of effective communication, abuse, stress, manipulation, and gaslighting intertwined.

All third dimensional relationships are built to break whether they choose to remain together or not. The third dimensional human beings on this planet were here to experience separation, struggle, loss, and fear. Humanity agreed to participate in this divine experiment of amnesia that required our civilization to find its way back to its Divine Source of its own free will.

Humans are experts in suffering as they took this indoctrinated task seriously and over time became extremely skilled in hurting themselves and others, this is the truth and reason why transformation in self if essential, to escape the programmed and perceived struggling, Realms of all nature here on Earth supports this experience. Allowing humanity the free will of birth right creation. Lower consciousness learned to destroy connections rather than nurture and honour them, to the point that they were in great danger of destroying our civilization and the planet as a whole in which we live on.

Fifth dimensional relationships are built to Maintain and sustain themselves. In this moment, those single on this journey may not be focused on loving someone else, but rather on authentically loving the self. It is a time in self’s ascension level where some may feel challenged to be their own source of Love strength and security. Allowing the right connection to unfold organically, once the self feels loved and safe within, they naturally attract their aligned counterpart, when all expectations cease to exist and the self is healed, whole and feeling complete.

Many ascending individuals made soul contracts with their divine counterparts prior to this incarnation. Deciding together to meet in the healed stages in self, in this life time they agreed to not continue to repeat past karma together, the wait can feel long at times but it will be totally worth it and extremely rewarding, the expression of self-love expands greatly once self is in divine union, everything enhances in fact.

These soul agreements were established with the intention of reuniting in a state of wholeness and healing during their current lifetime, thereby breaking the cycles of struggle and suffering that they had been bound by.

Many and most of the ascending will experience divine union in this life, they will continue to ascend to higher levels of conscious awareness, drawing closer to the profound love that has been preordained for them in this lifetime.

Coming together with one's divine counterpart is a powerful and transformational experience that catalyzes a deep expansion of self-love, leading to profound enhancements in all aspects of self and life.

As we ascend we become the point of attraction. This is why there is no forcing or controlling. There is receiving and allowing in the fifth dimensional existence. Feeling at peace and trusting in the divine process taking shape.

Love and compassion are necessities in humanity and not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. Soul intimacy arises from a profound sense of purpose and interconnectedness, based in the understanding of our inherent Oneness. fifth-dimensional relationships are purposeful, never casual, and do not waste energy on trivial and meaningless concerns. They complement and enhance the values in each other, they are in a consistent synchronistic flow  and are conscious of their highest good. Both parties encourage the authentic and true expression in the other.

They consciously create collaboration, equality, and a profound appreciation for the roles, service, and love shared. Participants deeply respect and commit to fulfilling the work they have come together to accomplish, resulting in a profound sense of satisfaction, feeling valued and expanding in shared joy.

Ascending Souls, Those that were needed to be left behind, those you left, or who left you and hurt you only brought you back to your original and true self, in this place you are doing Exceptionally well. We are ascending, rebuilding, re identifying and readjusting, being kinder and more understanding with the self, the soul / higher self is in tremendous gratitude for this higher opportunity, it’s now about giving Self the same love that was always given out to many others throughout many life times, including this one.

Self-love is the true path in raising the vibrational frequency within, this is true for all human beings. God is found only from within and not outside of self, this is why Self-love is the highest form of unconditional Love one can ever truly Experience and Embody.

Ascending Starseeds are no longer rushing their heart or relying on others to heal, rescue and fix them. Instead, they are thriving on their own feeling connected with higher self and light team. They are striving and healing, merging and melding in the higher self-aspects, naturally sharing love wherever they go, the meld with source love Creator is the ultimate goal of ascension. Seeking God’s love ensures we are filled with peace, love, expanding our light in every moment. The feeling of Source Divine Love in higher dimensions is what heals and cures all things within.

Love transcends the mere act of loving another person in this world. It is the essence that radiates from the heart, encompassing love for many others, our ascending planet, the universe, the higher creator realms.

True love is an omnipotent force that resides in all cosmic spaces, places, people, animals, nature, and the vastness of our oceans. Unconditional Love is the highest dimension that heals a multitude of sin. It is found in the realms of Divine connection and Creation.

With Love and Devoted Ascension Service.

By Ascension LightWorkers.


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