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September 15 - 21, 2024: Astrological Forecast
Written by Kelly M. Beard

Discover what the stars hold for you! Explore the astrological forecast for September 15 - 21, 2024
9/15 :: Venus (socialize) ~trine~ Jupiter (optimism & travel):
This energy is generally delightful, albeit fleeting. It offers an excellent opportunity to engage in social activities and relish relaxed, easygoing moments without any pressure. It might incline you towards idleness or indulgence, particularly if these tendencies already exist within you. However, if you are accustomed to a hectic pace, this energy permits a pause—a chance to unwind without the usual pressure to constantly produce results. Take this time to savor life’s pleasures, whether by indulging in leisurely activities or reflecting on your personal achievements, by acknowledging your own journey’s milestones. It is an auspicious period for travel, vacations, or brief getaways. This energy often brings forth deserved blessings, prompting gratitude towards the forces that guided you to this juncture in your life.
9/17 :: PISCES Super/Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse (#1 of 7):
Just a reminder here that we are going through Super Moons in 2024 that fall in Aquarius, Pisces & Aries and 6-months from now, we will Initiate some very clean, new slates with Super Moons that fall in Aries, Taurus & Gemini and the evolution continues and begins to bring that intensity to new departments of life. This one coincides with the first in a series of 7-Eclipses that fall on the Virgo/Pisces Axis. 6-of-7 are Full Moon/Lunar Eclipses which means we are going to experience some major endings, completions & clearings that have to do with our daily physical & spiritual practices – how we manage our lives and operate in our day-to-day rhythms. We are at the end of an era in so many ways – on so many levels. These Eclipses make it personal and require us to make changes on a very individual basis – but that micro is connected to the macro levels too.
Portals and Choices and Crossroads – Oh MY!
Life Path & Direction = North Node in PISCES = 20-year Cycle = 2025-2045
Reality & Purpose = Saturn in PISCES = 30-year Cycle = 2023-2053
Healing, Education & Soul Work = Chiron in PISCES = 50-year Cycle = 2011-2061
Dreams & Spirituality = Neptune in PISCES = 165-year Cycle = 2011-2189
Eras & Ages = 2500-year Cycle of the Piscean Age is giving way to the Aquarian Age
This Fall is facilitating a clearing that, if we do it on the front-end, then we will be greatly supported on the back-end when we go to initiate anew. The final Full Moon in the final Sign is an annual completion but the Eclipses activate a bigger 20-year cycle that we need to consider. We are finishing one cycle and preparing to initiate a new cycle. So everything we are going to release on a personal, annual basis needs to be run through the lens of the larger cycles that are in-play within & around us.
The PISCES Full Moon is best for releasing illusions & delusions, any ways we’ve been unrealistic lately. It’s also the best Full Moon to release: self-sabotage, compulsiveness, addiction, martyrdom & victim consciousness to name a few. The Full Moon is illuminating where we may have to be more practical & present. This is a purification time of year, so healthy boundaries are vital as you integrate the year and assimilate your own personal Harvest for 2024. Allow your Imagination some space to connect to those *creative solutions* that are customized just for you and renew your connection to both a spiritual & physical daily practice. This is not new, or news to you I’m sure, but even if you have been the most dedicated and consistent ever, every year, this is an opportunity to freshen up the practice so you are more inspired & uplifted. If you need/want some help freshening up your practice, reach out directly – we have classes & resources for that.
The energy this month supports you assessing your strengths & weaknesses and re-committing to balancing your soul-work (Pisces) with your daily work (Virgo); allowing the fragmented aspects (Virgo) of life to come into a cohesive whole (Pisces); and focusing on the little things (Virgo) that make the grand vision of your life possible (Pisces). With the rapid pace that this world is shifting, your time is much better spent on that which you deeply and truly value … not narcotized or distracted by nonsense & propaganda, nor giving into emotional overwhelm or irrational fears. Instead of deluding yourself, delaying your decisions or taking time-outs with your phone, computer, TV (or the like) – try to take some time to sit with your Higher Self in silent communion. Allow a conversation to evolve between your Self and Great Spirit. Intuition is like a muscle, you have to work it to gain strength. Trusting the guidance received during those quiet moments, strengthens the connection to your own intuition. Keeping foremost in your mind that while the chaos & illusion swirls around, you have the internal compass of the Heart and your own Intuition to rely on and this is the month to fortify those connections.
PISCES Full Moon is the best time of the year (Aug-Sept) to:
• Release shame, blame & guilt
• Embrace the value of the lesson in every experience
• Release criticism, judgement & fear
• Embrace compassion for others & patience with your own process
• Release the addiction to unobtainable perfection
• Embrace trusting your creative Spirit & inherent beauty
• Release petty distractions & victim consciousness
• Embrace your inner authority to direct your own life
9/18 :: Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~oppose~ Saturn (reality & physical limitations):
Here the opposition is between your thoughts and your reality or current responsibilities. It’s also about your mental and physical getting integrated on some level. Are you working too hard, causing mental or physical exhaustion? Are you too stuck in idea-mode, delaying actions and actual commitments? It’s time to take a realistic look at your life to see where you could change your mind and your reality would follow. You may find yourself asking what your truth and purpose really are or you may be concerned about how to provide for your very basic, essential needs and why you have been constantly limited in that way. Everything can seem bleak and depressing but really it is just the Universe’s way of getting your attention and helping you to focus on what really matters. You’re being pushed to think of new ways to function on a practical level. You may feel like leaving a mate or partner at this time, but it’s not really the best time to actually act on this impulse. Wait until this energy passes and give your Self some time to clear that negative thinking which is actually coloring your judgment at this time. If you feel this way in another week or two then you can begin to plan releasing this person or situation in the healthiest, most compassionate possible way so as not to create more karma that YOU will just have to deal with later. What this energy is good for is giving you the ability to see what is wrong and connect to a positive, realistic way of creating change for the better. If you are still unsure about what direction to take, this energy supports consulting a person you respect, usually someone older and/or more experienced, for guidance and support.
9/19 :: Sun (core identity) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):
This energy is wonderful for a little self-examination and taking action on your own behalf. Take a close look at your own routines, home environment, work, or any other significant areas in your life. Reflect on the decisions that have brought you to this point. It is an apt moment to survey your surroundings and determine how to retain what serves you well while releasing what no longer aligns with your future path. This phase encourages organization & decluttering, addressing anything that requires attention or letting it go altogether. While you may feel exceptionally practical or self-focused, it is actually a form of self-preservation, which is essential.
9/20 :: Sun (ego & essential Self) ~oppose~ Neptune (illusion & delusion):
Where Venus oppose Neptune is about your relationships & finances, this Sun activation is more about YOU, the individual. And remember, any opposition requires that we find the balance in the middle. Often, this can be a very confusing energy. You will be very sensitive to others and their needs, as well as how they relate to you & your own needs. You may want to withdraw or not voice your opinion just to avoid conflict, feeling like it wouldn’t solve anything anyway. However, if/when you do not ‘disagree’ (openly) then people assume you agree, which creates more problems. You shouldn’t give in to any temptation of being “slick” either, that will only attract more of the same to you. If you’re feeling unsure of yourself or your position, you may think it is easier to give in to another person’s demands when you really should stand up for yourself. Self-preservation is not selfish, it is necessary, so try to avoid playing the victim. Be honest and up-front with anyone demanding a confrontation at this time, that you would rather gather your thoughts and discuss things later (by then this energy will have passed) when you can articulate your side of things better. Be aware of any deception – both on your part and/or the part of others (trying to deceive you). Your discernment is not its strongest under this influence so it is best to be still and quiet until the energy passes. Take this time to do some spiritual, inner work.
9/21 :: Mercury (expression) ~square~ Jupiter (truth):
This energy presents a challenge: it urges you to merge your individual perspective with the grander vision for your life. While it offers a fresh view of the broader perspective, you might find yourself less inclined toward the intricate details required to materialize it. It is more conducive for expanding consciousness and thinking innovatively, yet as you gain insights, remain mindful of the necessary steps to transform your ideas into tangible realities. This activation serves as an opportunity for adjusting your course concerning your ideas. It encourages receptivity to new learning or the arrival of vital information. However, be aware that you will need to stabilize any new beginnings and possibly revisit overlooked details in your eagerness to embrace the newfound truths unveiled from within.
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