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September 8 - 14, 2024: Astrological Forecast

September 8 - 14, 2024: Astrological Forecast

Discover what the stars hold for you! Explore the astrological forecast for September 8 - 14, 2024

9/8  ::  Pallas RE-Enters SAGITTARIUS (until Nov 30th):
Pallas has been in a year-long process (Nov 19, 2023 – Nov 30, 2024), Retrograding in Sag and going Direct in Scorpio. Note that Pallas has extended this entire process. This means that you have been doing a deep healing review in your Scorpio/Sag Depts and the idea is to glean as much wisdom & clarity as possible on your own unique contribution and/or your personal healing process.

As she moves through Scorpio, we will create from and tend to the Soul Level, meaning we will add Soul to all that we create, heal or learn. It’s a powerful re-set that will give you access to your own unique wisdom & power. Also, keep in mind, Scorpio brings the conception of a creative baby or a healing process, while Sag will expand the creation or process in a spiritual or inspirational way.

As Pallas moves through Sagittarius, she activates your Inner Wise Elder, the part of you that can conceive an expanded vision, heal the imagination and change the world with your perceptions. This energy awakens your faith & belief systems and how deep the connection is between your physical & mental health & well-being and what you believe to be true or possible. For your Inner Artist, this energy can also inspire new creative expression that incorporates symbolism, philosophy, culture & diverse beliefs. This energy will push you to be painfully honest with your Self & Others, demanding integrity in all exchanges. This is the wisdom & power of bringing diverse ideas together to create an alchemical mix that is unique to that time & space.
The last few times that Pallas moved through SCORPIO/SAG  =  2019  :: 2014-15  ::  2010  ::  2005
The last time it Retrograded in the same zone was 2001 and the next time will move through is 2028-29.

DATES to Remember:
Pallas Enters SCORPIO :: 11.19.2023
Pallas Enters SAG :: 2.6.2024
Pallas Rx 8* SAG :: 3.29.2024
Rx RE-Enters SCORPIO :: 5.16.2024
Pallas Direct 19* SCORPIO :: 7.9.2024
Dir RE-Enters SAG :: 9.8.2024
Pallas Enters CAPRICORN :: 11.30.2024

9/9  ::  Mercury RE-Enters VIRGO (until Sept 26th):
Mercury is Direct and RE-Entering Virgo in order to help us to truly process & integrate whatever came into our conscious awareness over the last 3-6-9 weeks. It’s time for discernment & discrimination – you will have to choose or decide which ideas are worth investing more energy, time & resources going forward. It is time to get organized and create space to anchor these new ideas and integrate them into the new rhythm that is emerging. This is also an opportunity to create all new systems for living that support, protect & expand your thinking around what is healthy for your Mental Body. As you integrate the upgrade, you set your Self up for more successful & fulfilling creative projects & social circles going forward.

DATES to Remember:
Mercury Enters LEO :: 7.2.2024
Mercury Enters VIRGO :: 7.25.2024
Mercury Retro 4* VIRGO :: 8.4.2024
Mercury Rx RE-Enters LEO :: 8.14.2024
Mercury Direct 21* LEO :: 8.28.2024
Mercury Direct RE-Enters VIRGO :: 9.9.2024
Mercury Enters LIBRA :: 9.26.2024

9/11  ::  Mercury (expression) ~sextile~ Mars (passion):
(3 of 3: 6/21 :: 8/23 :: 9/11)
This energy encourages a healthy sense of self-interest, emphasizing self-preservation. Seize the moment this week and don’t hold back. If you have been diligently working toward a significant dream or goal, now is the most opportune time to attract the necessary assistance from the Universe. While it is undoubtedly a period of intense & constant effort, it comes with the recommendation to work independently on something of personal importance to you. Recognize that no one else will match your dedication, and you shouldn’t expect them to. Tap into the additional energy available to propel your goals to the next level, experiencing a sense of accomplishment and outlining the subsequent tasks. Opportunities abound constantly; all you need to do is be prepared! If presented with a chance to make a presentation, embrace it. Your unmatched clarity, energy, and enthusiasm are what resonate with people. This isn’t the time for shyness or self-doubt – you are definitely prepared; otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. Embrace the commitment to your own success, as the Universe conspires to assist you.

9/12  ::  Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Jupiter (imagination & truth):
This potent energy urges discernment; while it also motivates you to achieve numerous tasks, so it is crucial to avoid taking on more than you can manage on your own. Nevertheless, if you seek that extra push to accomplish tasks, this energy offers the needed optimism to expand beyond your usual limitations. It can evoke a sense of self-righteousness, yet directing this energy inwardly can bring substantial benefits. Integrating your beliefs into your actions and embodying your own truth is essential. However, imposing your beliefs on others might lead to challenges. Stay open-minded and receptive, embracing a “don’t-know” attitude, as there is always potential to learn from different perspectives that could be invaluable now or in the future.


* KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2024 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact and includes contact/link back to post. 
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast by Kelly M Beard covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. 
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