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Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: October 28 - November 3

Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: October 28 - November 3

A CHOICE POINT: The time has come for us to choose.

I'm not referring to the upcoming elections, but to the much more crucial question that currently lies before us: What qualities — what energy — do we each want to embody and therefore contribute to the world?

Like most astrologers, I've had my eye on this week's Mars-Pluto opposition for many months. It is one of the most significant planetary events of 2024, if not the main headline. We've been feeling the impact of this divisive aspect for many weeks, through heightened power struggles and emotional reactivity. This opposition is the main reason one of the subtitles for my recent webinar was "A Battle of Wills." 

POLARIZATION: In an opposition, two planets are situated on opposite sides of the zodiac and are caught up in a tug-of-war. Each side of this battle perceives that the only way to "win" is to dig in deeper and pull harder, with the intention of toppling the opponent. In our current scenario, Mars in Cancer is holding onto one end of the rope and Pluto in Capricorn is firmly grasping the other end. 

The planet Mars represents our human will and ego, which expresses itself through assertive or aggressive action. While in Cancer, Mars is focused on self-protection and can quickly become defensive. It is motivated by a need to feel secure and its actions are strongly influenced by its emotions. To work with Mars in Cancer in a productive way, we must have good emotional intelligence and an ability to be objective about our own feelings and reactions.

While in Capricorn, Pluto represents the expression of power through domination and control. It reacts compulsively and instinctively in its drive for success. It is strategic and ambitious and can be oblivious of how it is impacting others. To work with Pluto in Capricorn in a productive way, we are required to face our true motives as well as our subconscious fears.

SYMPTOMS: As these two planets stand opposite each other in the zodiac, emotional reactivity is heightened. Some may choose to act impulsively or selfishly, without considering their effect on others or the long-term ramifications of their actions. The struggle for power can reach a fevered pitch.

If we fall under the spell of this opposition, we are at the mercy of primal instincts that are actually motivated by deep-seated fear. There is a need to control the outside world so that we can feel safe and secure; the more threatened we feel, the more reactive, domineering, and even arrogant we become.

However, there are positive potentials associated with the Mars-Pluto opposition. As we work consciously this aspect, we can be very determined, very single-minded. We are willing to pour all of our efforts into achieving a goal. And we also are able to think and plan strategically.

THE SHADOW AND THE LIGHT: For clues as to how the Mars-Pluto opposition might play out in real-world scenarios, we can observe the lives of those who have this aspect in their natal astrology charts. At the low-vibrational end of the spectrum is Joseph Stalin, who was dictator of the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953. Stalin is considered to be one of the most murderous dictators in history; his reign of terror is a clear example of the need for domination overriding any sense of humanity.

In sharp contrast to that abhorrent use of the Mars-Pluto energies, we see that Mahatma Gandhi also had a Mars-Pluto opposition in his natal chart. Gandhi was an Indian lawyer who was famous for his nonviolent disobedience and hunger strikes in protest of civil rights violations under British rule. His Mars-Pluto tenacity, dedication, and determination are credited for playing a major role in India ultimately gaining its independence from Great Britain.

Another interesting example of a natal Mars-Pluto opposition is the chess master Bobby Fischer. As a child prodigy at the age of 14, he won his first of eight U.S. Chess Championships. He used his skills of strategy and focus to become World Chess Champion and is considered one of the greatest chess players of all time.

THE HIGHER PURPOSES: While the Mars-Pluto opposition is certainly manifesting in the stressful tug-of-war we observe in the outside world, we miss the higher purposes of these times if we focus only on the external battle. On an individual level, this aspect calls for each of us to become more self-aware, to observe when we react to situations and to others in an instinctive, unconscious way. 

We know when we are responding to life in a way that is not in alignment with our highest expression of self, simply by how we feel inside. Whether we "win" or "lose" an outer battle, we are still in an internal condition of competition, not of peace. 

Once we realize that fear is behind our reactivity, we then decide whether to act upon that fear or to choose a higher path. We can use the Mars-Pluto determination and single-mindedness to strategize how we might be expressions of peace and love in the world. We also accept that our alignment with our higher self, our soul, is where our true power lies, not in whether we "win" or "lose" the game.

LONG-TERM INFLUENCE: The Mars-Pluto opposition will continue to influence human affairs for many weeks. The opposition on November 3 is the first of three exact aspects, so we are actually seeing only phase one of a longer-term process that will last through the end of April 2025.

However, we will not be stuck with the current scenario throughout the next five months; this Sunday's opposition is the only one that will occur while Pluto is still in Capricorn, so it is specifically dealing with the breakdown of the old. The other two oppositions, on January 2 and April 26 of 2025, occur after Pluto is in Aquarius and Mars is in Leo, so there will be a different flavor to the energies even as we are learning some similar lessons. Some of this new "flavor" should become more apparent once Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19.

SCORPIO NEW MOON: A new lunar cycle begins at 5:46 a.m. PDT this Friday, November 1, when the Sun and the Moon align at 09°35' Scorpio. The sign of the Scorpion and the Eagle is by nature perceptive, determined, and passionate, which will likely add another layer of emotional intensity to our experience. 

Thankfully, however, the New Moon is in a stabilizing trine to Saturn in Pisces. This aspect should help us be more objective and honest about our feelings and thus enable us to be less reactive and impulsive. But, we will need to be very clear about our motivations and avoid glossing over what we don't want to see, since the lunation also forms a challenging sesquiquadrate to idealistic Neptune. 

THIS WEEK'S ASPECTS: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day: 


Mars trine Neptune: A bright light in the week's agenda, this lovely aspect supports our taking action in alignment with our highest self. Sensitivity and empathy are increased. 

Venus square Saturn: Relationship or financial concerns may arise. This aspect challenges us to look very realistically and objectively at our investments in these areas.

Sun sesquiquadrate Jupiter: People can be judgmental or suspicious with this aspect. There is a tendency to exaggerate and over-dramatize a situation.


Mars sesquiquadrate Saturn: Frustrations and obstacles today require us to cultivate patience and a higher perspective. A lack of control over a situation can trigger a fear reaction.

Venus semisquare Pluto: A fear of loss can result in possessive, manipulative, or controlling behaviors.

Mercury quincunx Eris: Irritations and defensiveness interfere with clear communications.


Mercury opposite Uranus: Nervous energy is heightened and it could be hard to feel grounded. We may not think or speak as rationally as we would like. New information disrupts our patterned way of looking at reality.


Mercury trine Neptune: We are able to speak honestly and yet with compassion. This aspect enhances intuition and empathy. It supports creative writing and the use of the imagination.


New Moon: The new lunar cycle begins at 5:46 a.m. PDT, when Sun and Moon align at 09°35' Scorpio. 


Jupiter sextile Chiron: This hopeful aspect helps us embrace a more inclusive philosophy of life and be open to the perspectives offered by others. Spiritual insights are possible, leading to healing.

Mercury trine Mars, sextile Pluto: Honest conversations and energizing revelations are highlighted today. Taking the time to speak with intention and to listen consciously can help clear the air. Insights awaken our minds to new possibilities.

Mercury enters Sagittarius: Mercury will be in the sign of the Archer for an extended period due to going retrograde on November 25. As it transits the sign from November 2 to January 8, 2025, our thinking tends to be more philosophical and even optimistic. We seek to understand the higher meanings of our experience and may be less attentive to mundane details. However, we will need to watch the shadow side of Mercury in Sagittarius, which can be tactless, self-righteous, and judgmental.


Mars opposite Pluto: This opposition, while strongest today, is influencing human affairs for many weeks. 

Venus opposite Jupiter and trine Chiron: There is a strong need to connect with others. We have the ability to grow in tolerance and to establish healing lines of communication.

Mars enters Leo: Due to going retrograde on December 6, Mars will be in Leo from November 3 to January 6, then again from April 17 to June 17. During these weeks, we are encouraged to follow our hearts and the need for self-expression is strong. For some, there is an increased desire to be in the spotlight, and actions are taken for their dramatic effect, to gain attention. 

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You may be the one that others turn to for reassurance and a sense of stability this year, Scorpio. Your ability to stare reality firmly in the eye while maintaining your inner equilibrium is one that others will be drawn to. This could be a very good year for your career or to achieve other personal goals, since your determination, patience, and commitment are enhanced. You also are able to assess a situation objectively and to be realistic about its potentials. (Solar Return Sun trine Saturn)

In peace, love, and gratitude,


Aspects of Note This Week:

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

  • MONDAY: Mars trine Neptune, Venus square Saturn, Sun sesquiquadrate Jupiter
  • TUESDAY: Mars sesquiquadrate Saturn, Venus semisquare Pluto, Mercury quincunx Eris
  • WEDNESDAY: Mercury opposite Uranus
  • THURSDAY: Mercury trine Neptune
  • FRIDAY: New Moon 5:46 am PDT, 09°35' Scorpio
  • SATURDAY: Jupiter sextile Chiron, Mercury trine Mars, Mercury sextile Pluto, Mercury enters Sagittarius
  • SUNDAY: Mars opposite Pluto, Venus opposite Jupiter, Venus trine Chiron, Mars enters Leo

DAILY ASTROLOGY: For daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this weekly Journal, please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamyounghans/ 

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com

NorthPoint Journal copyright 2024 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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Posted with written permission from Pam Younghans. Posting on CrystalWind.ca © 2024. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce any content without written permission. The article's title was crafted by CrystalWind.ca.

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