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Rest & Cleansing Moon

Rest & Cleansing Moon

Otter – Quaking Aspen – Silver

January 20 to February 18

The Rest and Cleansing Moon is the second moon of Waboose. This position is influenced by the Butterfly Clan.

People experiencing this moon are considered as valuable as silver, as light-hearted as the music of aspen leaves, and as playful as the otter.

Animal: Otter


The otter can help you to truly like people, yourself included, and to be more humanitarian in your views. This is a time when you can excel in communicating, in developing your intellect, and in romance. The Rest and Cleansing Moon can help you both to develop your psychic abilities and to uncover the clever, bold, humanitarian, and gentle aspects or your own being. Although otter people have the potential to be noble and loving, they need to guard against dreaming so much that none of their noble ideas ever become reality.

Mineral: Silver

Silver has long been considered one of earth’s most precious minerals because of its lustre, beauty, and sheen. Silver is malleable and has been shaped into many art forms. It has magical properties, allows proper emotional energy to flow, and helps to release any congested spiritual energy. Silver encourages intuitive, telepathic, and visionary qualities. This mineral can help you awaken to your highest nature, and can help to heal your highest self.

Plant: Quaking Aspen

quaking aspen2

Quaking Aspen is the plant associated with this moon. The leaves, bark, and buds of this tree can be used for a tonic or tea to help with liver or digestive disturbances. Quaking aspen has also been used as a relaxant, for faintness, for hay fever, for internal organs, and as an astringent. Used daily, quaking aspen has helped with skin conditions such as eczema, ulcers and burns. The powder scraped from the bark can be used as a deodorant and has been said to help treat cataracts. Teas and tonics from quaking aspen can help prevent congestion in the body, hay fever, asthma, bronchitis, and toxicity. Being near quaking aspen trees, with the bell-like song of their silver leaves, increases your sense of play and belief in magic.

Colour: Silver

Silver is the colour of wealth, prosperity and richness of spirit. Silver is associated with the moon and consequently is a colour that enhances your connection to the Grandmother. Having silver around you promotes psychic abilities and feelings of improved perception, intuition and properly flowing emotions. Having silver around you promotes psychic abilities and feelings of improved perception, intuition and properly flowing emotions. It also helps you to have an improved attitude toward money and your own prosperity.

The Energy of the Rest and Cleansing Moon:

totem soul otter by bob patterson 1

Keywords: Balanced relationships, self-expression, boundaries

People born under the Rest and Cleansing moon have a natural ability to give without expectation. Being gentle and caring toward others comes naturally.

During this moon you may find yourself being pulled in many different directions by those around you who need your help. This moon reminds you to maintain your personal boundaries. If you forgive others too easily, you set yourself up for being hurt. Be a doormat, and others will try to take advantage of your good nature. People will respect and admire you more if you are clear about how much you are willing to give.

Take a breather from the serious approach towards life. Express yourself in positive, healthy ways that bring you joy.

Prayer: Great Spirit, help me to open myself to receiving love and support. To maintain healthy, loving, and balanced relationships with others. Help me accept that I receive love because I am worthy of love.

Source: Dancing With The Wheel
Written by: Sun Bear, Wabun Wind and Crysalis Mulligan

Source: Spirit of the Wheel Meditation Deck
Created by: Linda Ewashina

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