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The New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon in Aquarius

What would we do without Aquarius? I know. It's a tempting thought sometimes. 

Know someone who is truly "one of a kind" -- in both good ways and bad? whose zany sense of humor and little personal quirks are both endearing and infuriating in equal measures? whose outlook on life and unusual personal conduct can be exasperating beyond words but who doesn't give a flip, because he's here to please himself ... and not necessarily the rest of the world, you included? Know someone with a fabulous mind, a heart of gold, and elfin charm who nevertheless makes you hold your breath when you're out together in public ... because you never know what he's liable to do next? Know someone with all these traits whom you still wouldn't trade off for all the world because he's just so darned loveable in spite of it all??

I promise you from the bottom of my heart that somewhere, somewhere in this wonderful soul's chart ... there is prominent Aquarius energy at work. The clues are unmistakable.

The last most capricious and most whimsical of the Air signs, Aquarius might reasonably be called the comic genius of the Zodiac. Both the words "comic" and "genius" certainly apply. Remember the wild-haired, wild-eyed scientist played by Christopher Lloyd in "Back to the Future" ... the original one, the good one? Aquarius. Through and through.

The clever wit and data gathering skills of Gemini and Libra's concern with "other people" are brought together in Aquarius which adds a dash of its own peculiar magic ... and focuses all this powerful intellect and altruism on The Future. That wonderful edge of time's horizon, at which all the hopes and destinies of the human race are aimed, is the territory where Aquarius resides.

As the next step on the continuum of the creative process, Aquarius looks at the fabulous work done by all of its predecessors, from the spark of initiation in Aries through the solidification and establishment of material structures in Capricorn -- and judges them to be fine, finished, and more or less ready for permanent use, thanks to Capricorn's ability to build things for keeps ... and until Scorpio gets around to "improving" things in the next cycle of creation. Of course, the question then is ... what next?

Finding the answer to that question is where Aquarius shines. What exists already, what exists today, of course, is all fine and necessary, but if there is never progress beyond that point, the world would become a clogged and stagnant place indeed -- and very quickly, too. So, Aquarius moves the creative process to that all important next level by both asking ... What next, what about tomorrow, what can make the world and the lives of the people in it ... better??? ... and then setting about to find answers to those questions.

What it doesn't find readily at hand -- and often what it's searching for doesn't exist except in the realms of theory and imagination -- Aquarius proceeds to invent, discover, create, and conceptualize so that others can help in the effort -- of introducing new information, products, and possibilities for the human race to use for advantages and comfort.

Aquarius lives on an extremely cerebral plane -- where ideas themselves are invented, and sometimes where the information brought into consciousness is so original, so radical in its novelty and innovation that technology then has to be invented to even make use of the knowledge. Theoretical physics, cutting edge biochemistry, computer science, engineering, telecommunications, and aeronautics are some of the extremely esoteric and important fields of inquiry where Aquarius energy flourishes.

Aquarius knows everything, absolutely everything starts with a new idea ... and grows from there into the shape, function, and reality it will eventually occupy. All the things Capricorn energy of the future will eventually make solid and strong are being theorized and conceived by the Aquarius minds of today. Aquarius knows there must be a tomorrow worth having ... to make today worthwhile, and so that's where its efforts are directed -- into the wonderful notion of "what will be ... someday."

For some Aquarians, Utopia is not just a pretty dream, it's a genuine possibility that could come into being if enough effort is made to make that happen ... and that's where Aquarius invests itself, in the establishment of a better world -- which is, after all, the expected destination of "progress."

Aquarius energy is advanced in its thinking -- to the point of being "ahead of its time" on occasion. It is inventive, imaginative, adventurous, and ingenious. It sometimes speaks a language so refined and theoretical only other Aquarians understand the gist of the discussion. The rest of us just have to trust that someday they'll decode the lingo enough for "the masses" to understand what they're driving at and where we're all going -- probably -- as a result.

Aquarius is known for receiving inspirational insights in a sudden burst of knowledge ... like lightning striking. All at once, Éureka!! They know the answer to a problem they've been working to unravel ... and maybe they know something that didn't exist at all in human consciousness anywhere just an instant before. The history of science and invention is filled with stories of such moments ... as if, indeed, ideas blossom when the time is ripe, and the waiting mind of someone is ready to receive the news. That's how Aquarius energy works.

Also the fact that they are so eclectic helps. Aquarius souls make use of truth from wherever they discover it. They love to experiment, to combine different bits of information and material from different places and come up with something totally new and different. They take risks. They don't settle for easy answers. They reach for understanding, not just knowledge. They look at matters from all different perspectives, including inside out and backwards ... and in doing so, they keep their minds flexible enough to wrap around new ideas and possibilities when, as I said, all of a sudden, something clicks ... and new knowledge or new applications of knowledge are born.

They also ask questions -- even the "ridiculous" and "unthinkable" ones -- because they know (often from experience) that in those answers may lie the richest treasure of all. It certainly may take them into territory which isn't examined often -- to say nothing of perhaps showing them regions where no one has gone before.

This may make Aquarians sound like a bunch of remote ivory-tower intellectuals (and, ok, some of them are), but Aquarius itself is a paradox -- known for doing the unexpected, famous for pulling surprises (and practical jokes, too!), but also practical enough to know knowledge needs applications -- and often more promotion than one person can possibly provide.

That's where the friends come in.

Aquarius will usually have a bulging address book of social and professional contacts -- not bosom buddies, by any means ... but not just nodding acquaintances, either. They will represent a host of skills, disciplines, and abilities ... that can be called into service whenever necessary, either for Aquarius' purposes ... or each others, with Aquarius playing matchmaker to fill some need or help some project come to completion.

This concept of "independent teamwork" is one dear to the Aquarius' soul. Working through "someone who knows someone who knows someone" ... vast amounts of work can be done -- and sometimes miracles happen. And in this age of easy communications -- even on a global scale -- this strategy is perhaps one of Aquarius' best contributions to improve everyone's life.

That, too, is an important goal for Aquarius -- the one in fact he wants to leave behind as his personal legacy: The improvement of life conditions for "humanity." And there is where his reputation as an altruist and humanitarian originates -- in this deep desire to create a better world for "the future of mankind." Aquarius is not out for "fame;" he wants results. And if this means that many beneficiaries of his efforts never even know his name ... that's ok, actually.

He wants the moral satisfaction of knowing the world was improved somehow by his having been in it. If this sounds a bit ... well, unusual for someone willing to go to so much trouble, remember what I said about Aquarians being unpredictable and unique. They are. In spades.

They are rebellious, creative, unorthodox, unconventional, versatile people whose personalities sometimes sparkle with the rare, singular energy of a true original. They can be living proof of how different people can be -- in habits, quirks, foibles, interests, outlooks, and creative expression. And in doing so, they often show the rest of us how charming and delightful such differences really are.

Aquarius boldly breaks the rules that he decides shall no longer apply to him ... but with an ethical wisdom and courageous disobedience that often hands others greater liberties as well. Again, that's an example of progress ... for the masses ... many of whom the original rebel will never personally know. And the reclaiming of freedoms we should perhaps have never given away in the first place can be a genuine and precious gift. After 80+ years of "progress" since the last time this energy happened ... Aquarians as a group are now doing it again.

It's an exciting time to be an Aquarius. No kidding. And in answer to the question that opened this article ... What would we do without Aquarius? Fortunately, we'll never have to find out.

When this energy is not well-integrated into a personal chart, or when it conflicts with more preferred strategies, the results show themselves in actions and attitudes that are disruptive, unstable, willful, exasperating, erratic, uncompromising, and unwilling to listen to reason.

With the arrival of the New Moon in Aquarius, the theme of life's creative cycle -- and the focus of people in general -- becomes more experimental, liberated, adventurous, and involved with "the future." With the arrival of the New Year and all its untouched possibilities ... like the surface of a totally new and pristine page of life, people begin to consider the kind of ventures they want to launch, the new tactics they want to try, for their own amusement and evolution.

They become more imaginative, inventive, and unconventional. They know what they've done, what worked and what didn't. Now the excitement comes from wondering what they can do instead or in addition, what might possibly work and what discoveries might result from trying. There is an alignment of ego interest and emotional commitment that is creative, ingenious, progressive, unpredictable, and unorthodox.

On an individual level, therefore, your friendships, social and professional network, intellect, and imagination may receive considerable attention as you search for resources, information, viewpoints, and new possibilities to try -- to incorporate into the way you approach your own life. You are interested in brainstorming, in novelty, in excitement, in creating new ideas of your own, in applying "your way of doing things" to what already exists -- and finding out "what happens if ...?" When this combination comes together ... you really want to make some progress!!

You may also feel more impatient, volatile, abrupt, explosive, or "on edge" emotionally -- depending on how well you deal with a subliminal demand to be eccentric, radical, original, "unique," and totally fresh in the way you deal with your life now. In other words, the non-conformist in you is not going to be quietly contained any longer.

You may feel a need to do something totally wild -- and very unlike you -- something that breaks the restraints and blasts you out of your rut into something different and challenging, some situation where being unique and willful is an asset and encourages a more liberated life. It's a time to kick loose, take some risks, depart from the old straight-and-narrow ways -- and to let yourself see what something revolutionary and maybe even extreme might offer in adding spice and new prospects to your life.

Click here for New Moon in Aquarius Meditation 

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