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Nested Realities ~ The Hathors
Written by AndEl
This transmission was transcribed September 2005. It is one of over two hundred transmissions I transduced that year in the beginning of this phase of work with the 'team.' The decade before, I had been the receiver of their incredible sound vibrations and their support and assistance with my healing practice, lectures and presentations. I was surprised this morning when I sat down at the computer to transcribe a new monthly transmission. I was invited to review my old file. Many of these transmissions have never been shared or published. I reviewed a number of them as I was reading this one; the 'team' indicated that this was a message that was timely for now.
The 'team's message
We have requested that our transducer share this transmission with you. As you can see it is certainly a timely and powerful message for what you are experiencing. Remember, you are an unlimited idea, you are imagination at it most creative, you are pure divine creative energy playing in a limited field. You are here to anchor these awarenesses into this matrix so that the concepts of dimensional travel, time travel, nested realities, and multiverses are seeded into this unified energy field of awareness.
Nested Realities
Peggy Black and the 'team'We are here. Humanity is experiencing considerable shifts in the perceived reality.
When you stated that it feels like straddling several realities, we would agree with you, that is what is happening. Reality is held together by your beliefs.
Reality is actually very fluid, very flexible. It is created by the energy matrix and the energy signatures of all who are focused in this third dimension.
First we would like to say that some of the concepts about this and other realities do not necessarily fit into your current belief mode. The beliefs that most humans hold about this reality are very fixed and very limited. This is changing and as it changes there is a certain disturbance in what you think is your reality and what you are experiencing.
We will give you this rather simple example; the dimensions are nested within each other. The dimensions are simply different vibrations, different frequencies. These different vibrations and different frequencies offer different sensations and conditions.
We sense your mental stretching to understand how this might work. Let us clarify this for you. There are those who are very skilled in maneuvering in the third dimension. They are able to interface with the physical reality and handle all the necessary tasks easily. They understand the basic laws, conditions and frequencies of this dimension.
There are those who also are aware of the other subtle realities and interface with these vibrations, conditions and frequencies. As you and others expand in consciousness, the multidimensional realties will become more available and easier to maneuver and interface with in an aware and effective manner.
The key here is releasing your concepts of what you think is real. This is the challenge that most humans struggle with. Everyone has consciously experienced shifting from one dimension to another. It is done all the time. There are discordant methods to create this shift and there are harmonious ways to flow from one reality to the other.
We will speak here of the harmonious, aware methods. As you know sound vibrations allow for this shift in perception, this shift from one dimension to the other. Meditation, some forms of movement, repeated monotonous activities, these and many others offer the individual a portal or gateway to other realms and other dimensions.
Shamans have been journeying for centuries. Western mankind has focused mainly on the hard facts and hard science of the third dimension.
This is shifting at a rapid pace with the awareness of quantum physics, the concept and understanding that energy is affected by the observer. It can be a wave or a particle simply by the desire and belief of the observer.
Reality is much like water. It can change and morph into many different forms depending on the conditions and energy. It can be solid, hard as ice. It can be fluid and flowing as liquid and it can be buoyant and light like steam.
Most humans prefer to relate to their reality in its frozen state. However reality has the capability of shifting into several different aspects. It is still reality, just as water is still water, whether it is frozen, liquid or steam.
That is just an example of how your third dimension can and does respond to your beliefs and projections, your energy signature and understanding of what you perceive is real and how that is manifested on the screen of this hologame.
Now we will add another layer or level or dimension to this message. You and others are becoming conscious and aware that you are multidimensional humans. Humans are beginning to shift their beliefs of what is real and as they do their reality begins to shift. They notice the shift and continue to expand their awareness to include these new perceptions. It is like stairs, with each step you have a larger vista to observe.
We have woven this simple explanation to assist you and others who are experiencing straddling multi-realities. You have always been straddling multi-realties, the shift that is happening now is that you are awakening and becoming aware that you are doing it.
You are aware of your physical surroundings, those frozen in your perception, and you are also aware of the blocks of information we are offering, and with very little effort you can travel to any location in the galaxy all at the same time.
Your human body is always operating in multi-realities. Every cell is aware of the noise within the body and outside the body and is making the necessary adjustments. Every cell of the body is reading the position of the sun, moon and stars and making the necessary adjustments. Every cell of the body is monitoring all input from all dimensions and making the necessary adjustments. Every cell of the body operates at a multidimensional level and awareness.
Humanity is evolving and becoming conscious that they are affecting the reality that they step into and they are affecting the movement of energy on the planet. As they stand fully engaged and aware of the total connection, the total matrix of divine unfolding, the total oneness and total weaving with the All That Is, they are starhumans. the 'team'
Peggy Black and the "team" [Hathors]
©2018 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available.
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