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Conversations with Kuthumi: Coming into Full Circle
Written by Chanel Lingenfelder Views: 143

Ascended Master Kuthumi & Celestial Companions
I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of love and wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a profound blessing of LOVE.
Beloved ones, way back we reiterated that ‘everything begins and ends with the self’ and that the essence of love is your key, and to encapsulate yourself within this essence, no matter what.
Love remains the profundity of life, it is the basis of everything, the building block, the cement that holds everything together. It is an undeniable undefinable energy that transforms, transcends, and above all heals and balances the total expansion of all, as it manifests that which you focus upon by ‘feeding’ it. In other words, love is not a separate entity that pops in and out of consciousness adlib, it is ever present, but depending on what you do with this essence, feed it or only take from it, that allows it to become you, for in truth it is already you, even though you may not think so.
The Creator’s Love allows you to become love in manifested form. The love gifted from Gaia allows you the gift of visiting here as she welcomes you to spend another lifetime on her body. It is the love from all of your guides and guardians that supports you throughout this incarnation, and it the same love that will be waiting for you at your exit, as you ‘tap out’ as your say.
Creation in manifestation equals love in ever abundance.
Beloved ones, it is not within my teachings to discuss the current political situation on your planet, but it is important for you to be aware of the greater energy at play. Humanity often gets sucked into the shall we say ‘lull’ of believing that the world ‘owes’ them, spending much time within the ‘poor-me’ scenario, and end up believing that life owes them.
The truth of the matter is the fact that you are born with nothing. Your parents supported you during your childhood years, and as part of their responsibility takes care of you until you are able to. You are here, either because of their wish to have you, or because you demand to be here. Whoopi-doo!
You arrive as a tiny little thing screaming and shouting letting off steam literally expecting everyone to be at your beck-and-call, and they are! It is the best time of your life! The moment you make a move there are several people taking care of you! You utter a sound and another three more rushes to your side to see to your needs, hence you are cushioned into this lifetime with the help of a massive support system from both sides of the veil. Aren’t you lucky!
You firmly land with one foot on either side of the veil which remains that way for a number of years. The more your weight leans towards your incarnated ‘earth’ foot, the more it withers from the other, which continues until you eventually have both feet on the incarnated earth side. At last everyone is on the same level, as your connection to ‘that which was’ seems lost, thus now according to everyone (including yourself), your spiritual support is gone. Your imaginary friends have left the building. Shame.
Yet, it is only your perception of not being able to tap into angelic energy that left you feeling alone. Some keep this gift; some reacquire it over time. You go about your life’s journey and you create all that is around you, for you do.
If your parents were in the fortunate position to extend their abundance unto you, you created this, you planned it before coming. If you are in a situation of struggle, you created that too in many ways. Remember, even for those of the dimmest light there always remain an opportunity to recreate. Even if this means succumbing to subservience at first to enable your path to shift unto greener pastures, there is always a way out. There is always a plan B C D or E, and remember, this is a game, and how you play this game is totally up to you.
We understand that this game has it challenges and at trying times humanity easily falls prey to dependence. Beloveds, often, your ‘hell’ is simply one you painted for yourself, and if so, best you start painting heaven! There is always a possibility to paint for yourself a better world. Release the past that keeps dragging you back.
Accept that your ‘past’ has passed you by!
Create a new tomorrow by integrating a new today
By being in touch with your inner self, your stillpoint scared essence, you tap into your creative essence. Allow this to be your external guide, thus to embrace uncertainty when faced with the ‘where to from here’ scenario. It is through your ‘inner soul-self’ that higher communication is possible. Thus, don’t simply follow that which influences your world of tangibility, but follow the whispers from the world beyond, the same world that most of your weight relied upon when you first came, as you remembered your magnificence.
Beloveds this ‘New You’ that you are painting which we assisted you with over the past number of years, the meditation which we asked this channel to share again in great detail, encapsulates an amazing complete formula for transcendence to assist with your ever-increasing frequency.
By working with this energy, you will find solace every step of the way, and through dedicating a little of your time, you will remember your magnificence!
Love + Dedication = Manifestation!
Work with the evolved chakric flame colours to transcend the old, thus recognise yourself as a sublime being. Where you are, I was once too. It took many a lifetime to transcend all. It has taken you many lifetimes to get where you are at, don’t be shy about your awakening! Don’t hide behind it or from it, and above all, don’t weaponize it! Simply shine your magnificence by being The New You.
Let go of the negativity, change what you can, and let the rest go. Be the best ambassador through inner contemplation and prayer. Allow your Higher Self to filter through information to help you with the changes thus becoming fully conscious. Widen your perception, open your eyes and heart to a new world then share every bit of love there is, as there is much for you to discover! Some may think they know it all, we say “welcome to the new world!” where you are bound to (re)discover things about yourself you ‘thought’ you never knew!
Welcome to the new doorway of light, The New You that remembers!
Remember your magnificence.
Embrace every opportunity to ‘drop the cloaks that binds you to illusion’, that keeps dragging you down. You are asked to discover and work with your inner child and totem animal, and become comfortable with yourself as a flame essence. This leads to complete surrendering into the great void, the bliss, thus find comfort in your still point whilst floating in your divine bliss, your nothingness, your divine chasm. This energy is unique to you. In the meditation we will share, once you transcended through this and comfortable with your sacred flame form, you will recognise and give birth to your unique New You.
Beloveds, uncap the hood of your past, and drop the cloak of your transgressions, and don’t look back!
Even ‘hanging on’ to a mere minute ago drains your life force. It is mostly about the now and a little somewhat on that which is to come. By focusing primarily on the now, that which is to come should be in place. But that which is gone, is gone, so what are you still doing there?
You cannot change or undo past events which may still haunt you, but you can change your perception thereof. We very clearly pointed out that by working with your DNA, working with your ‘transgressional’ DNA you are able to transcend the past, not changing the memory thereof but rather the impact thereof. In other words, reshuffle your perception to heal that which needs healing. Thus, instead being bounded by a murky guilt-ridden transgression file filled with denial, you file forgiveness and remorse in your ‘healing’ folder, to be renamed as you see fit when you are ready, for the hurt is gone.
Affirm “I am a multi-faceted, multidimensional, magnificent, magical expression of Light” which you are!
Beloveds, practicing the meditation that is to follow will unleash great shifts within, thus shift your world without.
From beyond the veil we ‘read’ your beauty in colour ‘flames’ sparked within your soul chakra, as we read you by colour and know you by name. You carry the Radiance of Creation within, and by expressing we inspire you to dip your creative paintbrush within the wonderous paint of Creation and paint whatever you desire.
When you speak to anyone that is of age, they often remark ‘the mind is willing but the body is not’ which happens with age. Beloveds, we say to you, rewire and transcend that. Reprogram your DNA to ‘change’ your age, not your years, thus paint new brush strokes across your intended perception thereof, and not according to another’s mold of you!
From a soul essence and perspective of being, although age is a mere number, your experience thereof is what matters. But time has shifted, 60 is the new 40, 80 is the new 60, which is evident all around! Tell us your world is not changing, because it is! Every individual body on your planet is experiencing some or the other transformation, indeed they are!
In remembering your magnificence, we say to you, draw forth from deep within all that is needed to bring your divine masculine/feminine into balance, then hold this in your memory. Nurture this, hold it in your heart by using the power behind the female energy and the sensitivity behind the male energy! See yourself as the beholder of your own beauty, paint that picture, dip your brush in inspirational ideas and stroke it across a new canvas of life as you create anew, because you can.
Beloveds, allow the beauty of life to become you, the essence of Creation to guide you, the Grace of Creation to comfort you.
Everything begins and ends with love, and by setting the intention, you start painting. By asking permission for integration you start changing. By allowing your imagination and your intuition to guide, you embrace higher emotions, step into the Grace of Creation, Face your illumination, and finally discover The New You by remembering your magnificence.
Your support team are infinitely hovering in the wings of your stage.
Don’t give up. Don’t succumb to despair. The Light is always there. There is always a spark at the end of every tunnel, thus no matter how despondent, distraught, lost, sad, or depressed you feel, light a candle and say a prayer, which sets the tone for your upliftment. Even though some may feel that they face this all by themselves, know that not now or not ever can you be alone.
May the Light of the Living Christ be within you. May it burn brighter with each new breath. May you come to know your magnificence, and understand the dedication we have towards you from this side of the veil. assisting your transformation as we lay the carpet of ‘splendor and all possibilities’ before you, inspiring you to journey across it to rediscover your power, and to know that that your true power lies within LOVE.
I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Master Chohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I bless thee and care for thee and keep thee in Love.
Transmitted thru Chanel Lingenfelder Howick SA
Article Submitted to via Email from Chanel Lingenfelder with Written Permission to reblog on
Chanel Lingenfelder has been a transvoice channel for Kuthumi, Diana, the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings since 2006. She lives in Howick, South Africa. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, she’s a published author and travelled extensively. Her book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” is available on all leading platforms. For more info Chanel’s dedication toward lightwork remains as unwavering as her wicked sense of humor!
Below is a link to Chanel's book.
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