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Kuthumi: Journeying into the Realms of the Higher Self - Part 2
Written by Chanel Lingenfelder Views: 999

Part 2
I am Kuthumi. It is with great joy and pleasure within our hearts that we gather with you upon this day as we hold each of you here firmly within the Heart of Christ and securely upon the Hands of God
Dearly beloved masters, the time has come for humanity to realize the profound energy behind intent. They will awaken to this truth! Fact, they are already recognizing it in ways unknown to many. The intent behind energy, is that it allows the mind to traverse across the playing fields of Creation. It cannot be destroyed thus changes its characteristics accordingly.
Know that that which you feel on one level can easily shift into something else, be it format or feelings. It is therefore imperative that you shift ‘negative’ energy into feelings of discovering a far grander, greater and thus more valuable self.
Realize just how in control you truly are of that which you wish to experience thus create. Explore creative visualisation!
Life is about frequency, and you have the ability to change, direct and remodel those frequencies. It is important to understand this when you journey on a path of awakening, or as some fashionably calls it ‘Ascension’. Trust me, only consciousness ascends at this level.
Each are on their unique journey, focusing on moving towards whatever frequency or vibration of consciousness you aim at. Therefore, you must know which ‘station’ you are tuning into whilst floating through the universal lattice.
When the neophyte/student/learner/disciple (whichever way you want to look at it) decide to change their frequency (alter their state of consciousness) they must accept that ‘everything always begins and ends with the self’.
Your journey (as some may recognize) does not start with your first scream at the time of birth. It starts way before, neither does it end abruptly with the retraction of the life cord from the physicality. On both ‘ends’ there's an overlap of time and space. Timelines between worlds amalgamate or infuse creating a ‘fluid like’ state of consciousness as you transcend the physical taking back your full Spirit Consciousness.
Thought equals Frequency Full Stop.
On a grander scale, the consciousness of the soul floats in and out of the womb after conception and sometimes does not anchor fully into the new body until the age of two or three. In some cases, much earlier and in others even later.
The point to realise is that even though your fluctuating mind power and brain function can make the body ‘feel’ the difference between these frequencies unconsciously, so too can you create this consciously! It’s called ‘Inner Sight’ / imagination / visualisation - similar to what you experience (unconsciously) prior to, during, and post the birth and transition processes.
For obvious reasons it is therefore clear that when you embark on a journey of spiritual discovery / awakening / enlightenment, it is imperative to face all the facets of the self before moving into higher teachings.
Beloved Ones, understand that no matter the vortex you find yourself within, be it spiritual (angelic energy), cosmic (star/galactic energy), or universal (quantum consciousness/entanglement) your visualizations must bring joy.
Thus, when next you are within a vortex of displeasure be it feeling disgruntled, sad, depressed, conflict, and anger – try shift your focus from that back to JOY.
As previously discussed, JOY is the ultimate goal. Don’t let anyone take away yours and don’t you ever prevent another from bathing in theirs.
When facing challenging situations call upon your soul essence to help anchor the essence of joy within your physicality. First visualise placing the word into your 6th chakra, then into your 4th, then from the heart shift this frequency into the rest of your energy arenas.
As lightworkers, true warriors of light, you are gifted with various tools within your spiritual toolbox to call upon. Another gift during the current times of great turmoil is to remind yourself of being in service as diffusers. Be ever so ready to diffuse anger by placing JOY into the antagonistic energy field.
Your globe is currently facing a time of great controversy, and in juxtapose a wonderful time of great intensity! One such revelation is the fact that you are touching on discovering (and receiving ‘scientific’ confirmation) of cutting-edge technology proving how powerful the human energy field truly is!
I have discussed the difference between the brain/mind function, the brain/body function, the body/brain/personality function, and the brain/mind/Spirit function.
So too will more and more ordinary folk awaken to these truths, without fear. They already discuss this amongst each another without having to drench each other with buckets of holy water!
Some may feel that times are not shifting fast enough. Ponder on the many timelines you have crossed and think again! Look at the transformation within your own lives. There are but a few (and far between) that scurries around covered in human skin that can call themselves ‘perfect’ winged beings, very few. Perfection is a state of mind.
Masters amongst You
Yes, indeed. Some came to work through situations previously unattainable due to unsuitable circumstances. Some are in embodiment and others not. They too come to face their evolution to ascend their own ladder of Consciousness.
Why here? Because their desired experiences are only on offer within the challenging playgrounds of Earth.
Human conditioning and psyche create these opportunities, yet as you know there is nothing new, only new ways of looking at things. Interestingly, when glancing back over the years; you took yourself from great advancement back onto your own proverbial knees to rediscover the value of your human self. In the old timeline, rebirth through punishment was the only way most felt ‘worthy’ (rewarded) to be ‘reborn’.
Now at this stage on your evolutionary path of enlightenment rediscovering your magnificence, it is high time to understand and accept that you need not grovel no more.
Along with your awakening consciousness comes a higher understanding of that which is beyond the lower five senses. As you learn to tap into ‘worlds beyond worlds’ you rediscover the empowerment of the self. Therefore, whatsoever you do to the self energetically must affect the physical.
Erase, Release, Reset
Stop hauling yourself over the hot coals in search for retribution be it to ease your guilt or shine your halo. Remember everything is more malleable than you think!
Life is like surfing. Sometimes you surf through the woods, gliding down the mountains with ease. Other times you need to let the flow of the lava guide you back into the safety of self for you to once again realize the simplicity of energy.
Once you are set to rise from the ashes of your own or another’s (mis)doing, find a new path to glide along as you dare to once again change the frequency of that which surrounds you.
Understandably some of you get frustrated when you can’t ‘tangibly’ shift frequency, visibly, like they do on your movie screens. In reality, as mentioned, the flow of frequency (energy) can be changed in a flash, be it through a waving hand or wavering thought. Intentionally, or unintentionally.
The Breath of God is everywhere, expressed through unconditional love. This is the purest vibration found everywhere, encapsulating all of Creation. To best understand this one must master the sacred mind and sacred heart. As discussed previously, some can’t relate to love unless they put conditions to it. Lightworkers on the other hand knows that unconditional love equals JOY.
This is the excitement and peace you feel towards your earth as she moves into her 5th Dimensional frequency. Some may not even understand it perfectly, yet you feel this ‘peace of mind’ in your heart, and that’s what matters! Let this love flow through your veins as you express yourself using your 5th Sensory System along with the higher senses of your Ascension Chakras, incorporating all 12 senses.
Let this bring a lasting sparkle in your eye as we invite you to journey forth celebrating your awakening! Together we venture into a world so beautiful, so real.
Initiation Temples
Make your way through a magnificent forest. The pathway ahead of you is paved with beautiful, polished crystals of all manner and colours.
The scenery is lush and magnificent. Tap into the various frequencies of green. The colour of balance, peace and harmony. Therefore, it’s the colour with the most variants in your spectrum. In this way the Creator spreads harmony, peace and balance using the frequency of nature.
In your mind’s eye, which variants are you most attracted to? Light green, dark, luminous? Create a feast for the eye as you venture deeper into the dense forest along your magnificent colourful crystalline pathway. Tap into all your senses.
In time you come to greet your sacred lake which you're so familiar with. Recently you experienced your goddess initiation here amongst others.
Gently step into the water. Greet the majestic mountain cliffs on either side. Feel the texture of the water on your skin. See how the ripples glide across the water making gentle waves as you walk deeper into the water. Feel the little stones and sand under your feet and between your toes. Connect with the velvety emotional frequency of these exquisite turquoise waters.
{Turquoise = The Fluid/Feminine/Flexible colour of the Soul Mate – Chanel}
Float on the water. Become one with the flow as your drift towards the centre of the lake. Soak up the magnificent frequencies all around known only by you.
Surrender completely, allowing the self to gently sink into the water, deep under the water. You are comfortable, be at ease.
Simply float down, down and further down. Long pause.
You find yourself floating amongst beautiful white clouds.
In your mind's eye see the Earth in the far distance. The portal that you've travelled through remains securely open for your return to your sacred lake.
Now gravitate towards your beautiful golden temple in the distance. A sight you are comfortable and familiar with, your own personal Golden Celestial Pyramid Temple.
Float as you make your way towards it. Come to stand in front of the beautiful, detailed doorway that you've previously created. Paint even more detail into the entrance if you like. Once you are ready, enter within.
Once inside your male and female guardian Lions greets you. The lions oversee this activation because of the time intensity of this transmission.
Make your way to the very centre of your temple where you recognize your massive golden throne. Sit on it, be comfortable. Allow the essence of the luxury of your throne/chair to pamper your skin. What does it feel like to sit on? What colour vibration meets your skin? Is it elaborate? Is it classic? Paint a detailed picture around it as each time you are invited to create even more detail within your sacred space. You must create a space of comfort and ease, to completely relax into.
Take a deep breath physically, hold it for a moment, and as you let go the apex of your pyramid folds open. Although you find yourself floating across an almost Jet-Black sky there are trillions of stars glittering like diamonds across the night sky.
Feel the frequency, the comfort and joy that it brings. Your light emanates from within. Your frequency allows you to travel through spaces known and unknown, and fear none.
Beloved Masters, as you float through the cosmic seas try to tap into the sacred lattice of Divine Connection. Invite the frequency of this love to touch you. Float out into vast space beyond your familiar galaxy. Dare to float beyond the ‘known’ out into the cosmic seas of the ‘unknown’. Traverse through other galaxies as you explore even further. Very long pause.
In the distance you notice several massive arches leading on to a golden slab with another temple in its centre, all in gold. The gold creates a sublime brightness which ignites your light to shine even brighter!
As you make your way through the arches become even more joyful! This is your personal sacred sanctum, so furnish it with as much detail as you wish. I’ll give you time to bathe in this Love.
In the distance a Being gravitates towards you, simply see this as a flame of crystalline light. This Being beams two frequencies towards you reinforcing your personal sacred feminine symbol in your base, and your masculine symbol in your sacral. Bring this into your mind. Allow these two frequencies to interlock or infuse into each other, creating a third symbol.
To give you an example (she won’t mind) during the original activations this channel visualized a star tetrahedron locked into her base chakra which she received in the underwater goddess temple. Following that she anchored two interlocking circles creating a vesica-piscis within her sacral. Once she started playing with these symbols, she discovered a third, a miniature tree of life.
Have fun with these symbols, even if it doesn’t quite make sense for now. Create for yourself something unique and amazing! As incredibly creative beings, you all have the ability and gifts to do so!
You have previously connected with this magnificent flame Being, your higher self, but this time we would like for you to create a closer connection.
With this Being reigniting the symbols you have previously been infused with, it will assist you in creating different or new timelines or spirals. Creation flows along and is infused with infinite spirals /helixes /vortices /portals.
See within your heart chakra a sacred flame essence of any colour forming. Extend this from your heart into the heart essence of this crystalline mother of pearl flame, your higher self. Be comfortable with the closeness between you. In this realm there is no time/space/distance, only frequency /waves/ spheres/spirals etc of quantum understanding, none of which is linear.
Beloved ones, take a moment to convey a special message or request to this infinite knowing aspect of the self. What do you need help or guidance with? Perhaps they should ‘tickle’ you more often for you to find more joy in yourself? Bathe in this bliss.
This is the higher essence of you. Call upon it, ask it to walk with you!
The connection that you create between the lower mind and the higher or sacred mind extends itself into your cosmic sacred mind (higher self) on yet another level.
Your lower mind easily identifies with your higher self through dedication and practice. Your higher self automatically is a part of its highest expression the Monad. This ultimate refined frequency of your spirit encompasses ALL that you truly are.
We invite you to return to this sacred space of higher communication at any time. You needn’t necessarily travel down a crystal pathway or golden pyramid. But, as this is scared energy, best be sure to treat it as such. Work with your golden pyramid. Have fun in your meditations. Working with energy thus frequency, which should be natural to you. Explore!
Beloved ones, the Creator bestowed upon you divine Consciousness for you to go forth and (co)create! Do so! Wherever you go and whatever you do always let it bring joy! Let it be of happiness and bring peace. Let it allow worlds of magnificence to unfold before you and all else.
Acknowledge and give thanks to your sacred mind and heart for facilitating this divine connection. Give thanks to your higher self for assisting you to create this timeline portal to not only receive this frequency, but to perceive and conceive it. Create the reality you've always dreamed of, for it is as real as these very frequencies extended unto you.
Take your time as you make your way from this temple back into your pyramid, seated on your sacred chair. Then exit your pyramid leaving your Lions to watch over it. Travel back through the clouds, float deep under the waters of your sacred lake, saying to yourself “Oh what a dream, oh what a dream”.
Your dream essence turns to face you and says, “You are that dream”.
Gently rise to the surface of the water, then float on your back. Feel the magnificent texture of the water all around, floating on your sacred lake with your male and female symbols reinforced. Perhaps there’s a third symbol in the making? A divine link between the base and sacral arenas of your consciousness.
As you make your way towards the shore again notice the beautiful cliffs all around. Perhaps a waterfall or two? Birds singing, the fragrance of the forest, blue skies all around.
Welcome back to terra firma. For a moment feel the joy as remind yourself of the journey you've just experienced, the quantum frequencies you’ve just ventured through, for it is as real as you are.
Acknowledge your sacred space as you make your way back along the multicoloured crystalline pathway. Again, notice the hundreds and hundreds of variations of green with magnificent flowers popping up everywhere! Every colour you can think of. Delightful fragrances envelop your being. Find yourself back in your skin, back in your body, back on the Earth.
Beloveds, we extend unto you a magnificent Emerald and Golden Ray from deep within the Earth traveling up through your body and chakras, out the top of your head into the cosmos. From above we return this with the sacred Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and the magnificent Violet, Amethyst, and Citrine frequencies of your new way of being and fifth dimensional way of thinking.
As previously mentioned, work with Ametrine. Visualise all these magnificent frequencies anchoring you within your divine vortex. Truly understand what your mission is about. Beloveds the greater part of that is to remember the joy that you are. Remember the joy where you came from and shall return to.
Let this be a reminder, no matter the journey you have chosen, don’t let a single moment on this beautiful challenging Planet, within this very busy playground, take any of your joy!
I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Master and the Chohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless thee in love.
Transmitted thru Chanel Lingenfelder Howick SA
Article Submitted to via Email from Chanel Lingenfelder with Written Authorization to reblog on
Chanel Lingenfelder has been a transvoice channel for Kuthumi, Diana, the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings since 2006. She lives in Howick, South Africa. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, she’s a published author and travelled extensively. Her book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” is available on all leading platforms. For more info Chanel’s dedication toward lightwork remains as unwavering as her wicked sense of humor!
Below is a link to Chanel's book.
Submitted to by Chanel Lingenfelder and reprinted with written authorization. Do Not Copy!
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