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Lord Kuthumi: Journeying into the Realms of the Higher Self - Part 1
Written by Chanel Lingenfelder Views: 1696
Part 1
I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom. I gift unto thee a divine blessing of Enlightenment and Inspiration!
Beloved Masters, connect with this frequency, extend this love way beyond your energy field into the Seat of Creation. Connect with the beautiful Violet and Emerald frequency. Encapsulate this within the beautiful Ruby Ray and anchor yourself deep into the core and Heart essence of Gaia.
This is a message of profound love, reminding you to stay within your own Divine Connection. No matter your general despondencies along with daily challenges, keep your focus. Remind yourself of the infinite Power of Love emitted from our Divine Source of Protection and Enlightenment unto ALL.
Here comes a story.
A long time ago in your years I heard a little cry. It was a cry for help, guidance and assistance. As time went by, through months and years of focus and dedication, the essence of those cries formulated deeply within the Divine Essence of Spirit and worlds beyond worlds.
You see, it's like the ‘cement that keeps the bricks together’ that sets, or perhaps the ‘gaps between the synapses’ becoming secured. The more she communicated her requests or desires with us, the stronger the intent behind her purpose became. Key word INTENT.
Because all of existence adhere to the Laws of the Universe, the Law of Cause and Effect had to work its course. Her cries became deeper with even greater intent, and with that a ‘far reaching listening’ developed. The connection became secure.
When the person asked, “But what do I do to start this”, our reply was “Be in the space of the now”. In so doing you acknowledge your present reality, yet also able to project that which you wish to create or manifest realistically.
Again, she asked, “But how do I do all this?” to which we responded “Listen”.
She retaliated “Listen to what?” to which we replied “Listen to the self by tuning into your inner ear. Listen intently, which will enable you to formulate thus express thoughts instead of some obscure tangent babbling. This is how you create foundations and building blocks of higher communication”.
That initial still point of inner ear silence within the self must be discovered before mastering an inner dialect with some alternate dimensional being.
“Explore with reverence” we told her.
She eventually asked for help to create a ‘formula to encapsulate’ the process. We obliged and explained that the next step was to wait. This was a huge challenge as patience was not her strongest point at the time.
She was inclined to ‘completely go over the top’ which we understood as it is written in her chart. She was back then in all honesty with respect, a complete ‘control freak’ as you say (smirk). But, with time she fully tapped into the process of TRUST and SURRENDER. Finally, the ‘turning point’ was reached from a higher perspective for the final ‘stretch’, the merging of our energy field with hers, which resulted in her delivering and sharing messages such as this.
This quick analogy is not just a reminder of her humble beginnings some 18 years ago. I'm sharing it with you as a reminder: “No matter where life takes you or where you start off, it is never too late!”
Life is unpredictable
Realities can change in an instant! Importantly stay within your ‘now truth’ and do so by connecting with your inner and Higher Self. You would never have walked this journey of your Awakening spiritual self, if it wasn't meant to be different from perhaps your neighbour or the masses beyond them. All that you have experienced and that which is to come, is on point.
As your life journey is different, understand why your options (and opinions) in some or many ways seem a lot more challenging than ones that may have been presented through pathways frequently trotted. You follow a road paved by your soul (through soul choice) not by the soles on your feet. It is your (sole/soul) decision to further awaken this time around, to discover your divinity and magnificence which in itself is a massive task let alone accomplishment!
You dared to set sail to shores unexplored! Do you think for one moment that the great explorers of your time knew exactly what was waiting for them?
As Spiritual Explorers, your journey unfolds through rediscovering the self! Understanding comes with experience, with greater discovery a bigger picture unfolds hence an even greater understanding awakens, as you realize that you have been here before.
There are many though who have taken on their human skin once more who made it their pledge to live according to the frequency of their currency.
Whereas others that chose more of a ‘narrow path’ discovered a much wider perspective within forests, beauty in nature, peace of spiritual life, and that in truth their projection is way bigger than they ever dreamt it to be. This is often difficult to explain or portray to another, thus unless experienced, understanding it may not be within reach.
Remind the self of this, as experiences differ according to contractual laws agreed by the soul.
Some situations may challenge you emotionally, whilst others demand more mental expansion. Yet, let your overall picture be from a spiritual viewpoint.
When this channel came to us with all her questions we reciprocated when she was ready.
I Kuthumi gave her the ‘formula’ of creating her connecting vortex, activating the nine beings of Light along with the rest of her pre-channel declaration. I channelled it to her via another voice channel ‘in person’. I told her to start with this and the rest will follow, which it did, as it has.
(I explain the whole process in great detail in my book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia – Chanel)
The words and sentences that I or we as a group express be it via word or audio is infused with powerful frequencies intended for you to feel as perceived by your inner ear or intuition. Reach out to your team beloveds!
We guided you to connect with 12 Masters to work with. Are you?
(See – Channelling: A New Cycle of Awakening Begins)
Devotion Dedication Development.
Some experienced the frequency of The New You Meditation we brought forth. Once this channel is done playing ‘catch up’, we shall again present this to ‘the world out there’ as she says, with an added upshift that is!
No matter what you are presented with, focus with intent and commit to honour the inner self by stabilizing mental and emotional fields.
As I made mention of years ago “You must be able to stand on the busiest Street Corner in the centre of New York City and hear nothing” - that's putting commitment and dedication to practice. Through expanding your energy field beyond the confines of immediate noise and distraction, your spiritual ‘tentacles’ (electric {brain} and magnetic {heart} frequencies) opens previously unattainable doorways beyond your dreams. Every single one of you can do this.
We will guide you through this. (part 2 to follow).
The essence of Love facilitates all. Make friends with yourself and inevitably you will fall in love with the self, selflessly without egoic demands. We guided you to befriend your shadow, then dared you to dance with it through the dark side of the moon revealing your hidden emotions, which is to be continued!
During your meditations, explore your Golden Pyramid with its intricate personal frequencies. Go beyond your Goden Door to explore and venture through planes known and unknown. You are the Light, fear none. Glide through the celestial waves of the Cosmos as you befriend you Higher Self. (follow up session)
When dedicating time to listen and meditate on the essence of the inner ear, as the connection becomes clearer your Bridge of Consciousness (Rainbow/Antakarana) comes ‘to life’.
Ask for guidance from your heart-soul mind essence, truly ask. Let your tears be of joy as your needs become wants, and your desires without greed.
I may not have faced the same challenges, but I’ve lived through many lifetimes of diverse cultures and similar experiences. We experienced pain, lack, sadness and joy. As you (re)discover your personal Bridge of Consciousness, doubt no longer features in your world, it can’t. We never related to doubt!
Acknowledge where you are at, as you take on your armour of Love embracing the NOW moment of ACCEPTANCE.
Once you do so, challenges are no longer threats as you realise that indeed none are set in stone. Through flexibility mould the self into the best it can be authentically.
This is what the 144 Ascension Chakras (Keys and Senses) and Codes of Transformation reveals.
To clarify, the description ‘Arenas of Consciousness’ was first filtered into the consciousness of this channel some time ago. But like most things she chewed on it for a while (too long) (smirk) before deciding that yes, she enjoys this description of the Chakras, and so do we.
The 12 Step Ladder of Your Consciousness
Within the base centre the very first key is Acceptance. This forms the basis of everything. Once you are able to embrace acceptance nurturing comes naturally.
The more you Nurture the self (Sacral), the easier acceptance guides you to nurture situations which you may have to adapt to for the time being. Now you can express yourself Authentically as acceptance and nurturance reminds you how to truly be yourself.
With growth deeper understanding develops, and through personal and soul empowerment you realise that there's so much more to discover within your Arena of Authenticity in the Solar Plexus.
Authenticity + Empowerment = To Share without Fear!
You do so by empowering another. Only once you let go of fear or intimidation can you take a glimpse at Unconditional Love.
Once stuck within the lower heart essence you fall prey to victimization. If so, you slide back to basics into your first Arena of Consciousness, the Base Chakra. Your victim demands company! Desperation, lack, poverty, and deprivation will erase all traces of acceptance, nurture, and certainly authenticity.
Fear not! Most humans stumble when it comes to unconditional love. Yet it remains a certainty and achievable, as your Phoenix rises from the ashes of conditions.
Realise that the only one responsible for your reality is you. Once you accept this you transform by nurturing your authentic loving expression. Stop blaming the self over and over. Move on!
Work through the various issues of your ‘supposed’ blame. Adress, then release the places, times and periods of ‘mismanaged’ opportunities where you feel you created lack. Go through a forgiveness process and then let it go!
Forgive, as the Self, all Others
When facing your ‘forgiveness fiasco’ don’t forget to make a point of asking the self “Whom have I offended?” then start there! Think deep, there’s plenty.
Almost all issues relating to the lower chakric system is founded within the formative years which include adolescence. Many issues are so deeply embedded you don't generally remember them, yet once you do, you know.
Your body registers, you get ‘goose flesh’ as you say, the hair stands up on your neck and arms, and suddenly you remember! When walking the conscious path of the awakening spiritual warrior, these things must be lifted from the mud. Once you do, you will come to smell and enjoy the flowers of what once was drenched in mud.
According to humanity, love in itself comes with conditions. Trying to grasp let alone teach the ‘unconditional’ aspect of its true essence can be rather intriguing. Fact is, the concept of ‘love’ in linear expression or ‘boxes’ is unlike the deeper truth of Love on most levels.
Love has NO Opposites!
Hate is not the opposite of love yet according to your linear world it is. Love is indescribably Divine and Sacredly Sublime. It is EVERYWHERE, as is the Breath of God.
Without the UNCONDIITONAL frequency of Love, thus Source, none would exist. This often befalls on deaf ears as their concept of ‘love’ differs from the higher perception thereof. Hence, ‘love’ in its frivolous form entertains whereas its true intention is unequivocally unconditional without opposites. Awakening consciousness grasps this. It is therefore that we anchored ‘The Codes of Respect’ within the heart centre.
Compassion keeps the Heart Arena aglow. Next you come to face your Spiritual Doorway of Trust and Truth within the Throat Chakra, mastering how to communicate these.
Here you face your double-edged sword along with two core flames serving as a reminder that that which you trust as your truth must be extended to allow another to communicate theirs.
Claiming your truth by trusting it authentically unconditionally, you must allow another to do the same.
As Above, So Below
Once you entered into and through the ‘tight squeeze’ within the Throat Arena of your consciousness something amazing happens, you awaken to many ‘aha I get it’ moments!
BUT, to be able to TRULY transcend above and beyond this level you come to face the challenge that ALL above (chakras 6 – 12) must be loved and communicated through the experience below (chakras 1-5) which transcends old realities creating new timelines.
This allows you to ascend and integrate deeper Inner Sight through Inspiration in the 6th.
I am giving you the formula. Your inner ear facilitates all this!
Beyond that you step into Unity and Knowing within the Crown Arena. You explored inner sight and inspiration within the 3rd eye for you've accepted it, nurtured it, expressed it like only you can. You compassionately gave it every bit of love through forgiveness thus non-judgment. You banged on the doors of truth and trust and allowed it for another, you lit those flames. Next Unity and knowing reveals the higher pathway.
There is indeed unity in knowing. “Man know thyself”. Create unity (oneness) throughout your systems of Light, your chakric system, auric field and so on. Once these systems work in unison you shall ascend above and beyond that.
Apply this formula in your daily life and ‘Divinity and Connectedness’ within your enhanced 8th Arena of Consciousness awaits.
Once you've experienced connectedness within your (8th) Soul Star Chakra and able to gather all the fragments of self into the authentic cauldron of your own making, your Divinity inevitably reveals itself.
Within the 9th Arena of Consciousness, you come to meet your Lightworker Self. As within our meditation you become a Keeper of the New Earth DNA and Flames.
Each of you, known or unknown, is a keeper of the Essence of Gaia at some time or another, if not all of the time for some.
Indeed, Gaia is a master in her own self. She is your host, your Star. The awakened Light Warrior inertly knows that through unity they discover connectedness thus their divinity. They commit to Gaia with Unconditional Love in Service, as Earth Keepers within the 9th Arena of Consciousness.
Beloveds, Gaia knows you, she feels your tears and footsteps. She appreciates your gentleness and support your intentions. She remains eternally grateful for all that you are. As mentioned, she's ascending, with or without you.
The same unconditional love that your beloved pets teach you, Mother Gaia feels for you. Know when she ‘shakes her feathers’ (natural disasters) there are no set conditions only much needed realignment. It is what it is, and through the Laws of Cause-and-Effect things are always the way they’re meant to be.
On the 10th level Truth combined with Euphoria allows you to tap into your Angelic Spirit Being, taking on the Angelic Codes of The Human Angel. One of the greatest gifts of The New You Meditation is to guide you to tap into your true essence that awaits beyond the limitations of this world.
The 11th Arena of Consciousness holds all Interstellar / Cosmic / Galactic codes of consciousness. Your Galactic Self. The key is Enlightenment and the sense, to Surrender.
Finally at the level of the 12th Chakra you integrate Christ Consciousness via the Diamond / Gamma / Liquid Love Codes. The key here is Free-Will, and the sense is Passion.
This culminates into the combination of all, the 13th Divine Mystery of All Existence and the only way to truly grasp all of it is through Creativity.
When you work with the inner self freely, thus Free-Willed, your Passion keeps your Creative Spark aglow. By walking yourself through these connecting cords between the Ascension Chakras (Medulla Oblongata to Crown) and your 12th chakric system that we briefly touched on, your creative expression becomes natural, no matter the limitations within the lower worlds.
You Test Yourself
In so doing, you transcend lower frequencies into higher expressions. By implementing it into daily life you duplicate the higher chakras into the lower chakras, brining Heaven unto Earth.
Through Creative Expression you subconsciously automatically awaken your dormant (Spiritual) DNA. You tap into an essence within you never knew existed. Your ‘junk’ or Spiritual DNA ‘reminds’ you of your innate true essence, that indeed anything is possible. Each of you that follows these teachings are witness to this.
Beloveds, although you are given ‘methods and formulas’ for personal empowerment, above all stay true to the method of YOU, following that which resonates with you. This journey is about you, the soul-spirit personality self. You test yourself to transcend discordant energies, claiming your human-angel wings, unconditionally.
Tap into your Star and Earth Chakras which we will discuss in detail. Remember, as long as you have faith, hope prevails. As long as there is hope, have faith that all is well in your world, as Love will see it through.
The gift of life lasts but a fleeting moment, a blink and it's over. The opportunities and experiences presented to you within that blink is indescribable. Once back Home you realize that although a lifetime may be a mere ‘flick of the finger’, within that you explored what this world presented you with which become cornerstones for soul evolution.
Beloveds use the formulas, expand yourself, and get to know the Ascension Chakra keys and senses by hard.
If you struggle to find stillness floating through the Cosmos, play some beautiful music to soothe the soul as music shifts frequencies!
We shall share more about the meditation in upcoming discourses. We will not only recap to reinforce, but also complement and expand on the original teachings.
Allow yourself to experience what you must, but never be so selfish to take joy away from your world. No matter who you are with or not, know that you can never be alone for we are all ONE. As you close your eyes to drift into heavenly rest, accept, anchor, and give thanks for the awakening Christ Consciousness within all.
May the Light of the Living Christ be within you forever always in all ways. I am Kuthumi, I am the Master and Chohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless thee in love.
Transmitted thru Chanel Lingenfelder Howick SA
Article Submitted to via Email from Chanel Lingenfelder with Written Authorization to reblog on
Chanel Lingenfelder has been a transvoice channel for Kuthumi, Diana, the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings since 2006. She lives in Howick, South Africa. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, she’s a published author and travelled extensively. Her book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” is available on all leading platforms. For more info Chanel’s dedication toward lightwork remains as unwavering as her wicked sense of humor!
Below is a link to Chanel's book.
Submitted to by Chanel Lingenfelder and reprinted with written authorization. Do Not Copy!
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