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Daily Angel Message: Personal Quiet Time
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for August 30, 2023
August Theme: Positive focus and creative solutions help to draw both prosperity and abundance this month. You are a powerful creator and all that you need is within your grasp!
Visualize green fields and blue skies. Take a breath. Feel the earth beneath your feet and the sun upon your face. Take a breath. Ground deep into the earth. Just breathe….
Today’s Message:
830: Today is a good time for a little meditation and self-care and the Universe is asking you to hold a little light and simply be at ease.
Enjoy the beauty of nature or soothing music and fill your mind with your favorite energizing, soothing or healing color. These are different for everyone, personally, I like watery blue-green or aquas and soft pinks, so whatever color speaks to you today just enjoy it! Personal quiet time plays an essential role in your emotional and spiritual well being. Use that quiet place to relax and reset. Too often we forget or put off doing something just for ourselves so a bubble bath for the soul is always a good thing to indulge in!
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Raphael teaches us that it is through our spiritual journey that we can heal our selves and our lives and regain our self confidence and faith. This opens our spiritual eyes so that we may see what we have and how blessed we truly are as it teaches us how to make room for new things through the clearing out process. He helps to clear the way so that we can achieve balance by removing the blocks associated with giving and receiving by promoting flexibility in thinking and attitude.
The Ascended Master Melchizedek helps keep our energy balanced and flowing. This is essential for using our gifts and understanding the information we receive. He can also help to diffuse unpleasant situations that can arise as we go through change and transformation. Since he helps us heal through color, pay attention to the colors that draw you or feel relevant.
The Celtic goddess Nematona teaches us that healing can be found through nature as she helps us replenish our energy. She says, ” I am the spirit of the sacred grove. I invite you to worship in my temple and feel the heartbeat of nature. This communion can heal a weary and battered soul and replenish your spirit with hope and divine peace.”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Pink Banded Agate: This stone is a member of the Botswana Agate family. It teaches us how to look at our lives and see the big picture, as it helps us to use our creative problem solving skills through focus and attention to detail. it is a good stone for women who want to embrace a more feminine attitude by drawing their nurturing side forward. Pink Banded Agate also helps us to feel good about ourselves and is said to help ease stress and anxiety.
Chalcedony that brings mind, body, spirit and emotions into harmony by calming fear, anger or self doubt. It also promotes good feeling towards self and others.
Ulexite (TV stone). This clear stone helps to burn away mental fog and promotes clarity of vision and thinking. It can be used during meditation and to promote relaxation.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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