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How to Use Feng Shui to Attract Love

Feng Shui to Attract LoveFeng Shui can be used to improve any aspect of your life, including your love life. There are different Feng Shui arrangements that can be used to improve your relationships. Here you will find the basic ways to bring good energy into your love life according to Feng Shui practitioners. Now, if you are like some of my single girlfriends that say, “I am not looking for a relationship right now”, you have to know that feng shui helps your relationships in general: with friends, colleagues, partners, etc. So, keep reading.

Attracting Romance to Your Life

If you would like to bring luck into your love life, Feng Shui gives you a number of “cures” that you can use. The objects that you surround yourself with will make a big difference in your relationships.

The most important Feng Shui tip to improve your love life and your life all around, is to rid your home (especially your bedroom) of clutter. Unnecessary clutter will have a negative impact on your life and so you should start by getting rid of everything that is taking up space. Keep drawers tidy, pick clothing up from the floor and do not just leave things lying everywhere. Remember that a cluttered home leads to a cluttered mind. To be able to accept love into your life you need to have a clear head and be happy in your surroundings. Keep everything as organized as possible to make yourself more receptive. Don’t keep anything under the bed. Allow the energy to flow freely around it.

Your bedroom needs to be a romantic place, so the last images you want to see here are photos of Mom and Dad. Children’s artwork and toys will also undermine your sex life. Celebrate these relationships in other areas of your home and keep the bedroom as your private retreat.

Keep the television out of the bedroom. Nothing kills romance like late night television. If you have trouble falling asleep, try reading love poetry or romantic novels. Your subconscious will shift accordingly, making you a virtual love magnet. The same goes for exercise equipment and computers.

If you are a single woman, or man, make your bedroom look like you are sharing it with someone. This can mean putting a bedside table on the other side of the bed, or even putting an extra tooth brush in the bathroom. Girls, don’t put your collection of stuffed animals on the bed. This is a big turn off and a no no in Feng Shui.

That old pillow from college and those flannel sheets aren’t doing your love life any favors. So splurge on pillows, blankets and sheets that invite you to linger in bed.

Open the windows often to keep the air fresh.You cannot have good Feng Shui in your bedroom if the air is stale and polluted. However, plants in the bedroom are not good Feng Shui, unless your bedroom is fairly large and they are located far from the bed. Aquariums and fountains will also disturb your sleep. And contrary to popular belief, mirrors in the ceiling are the worst thing you can do in Feng Shui!!! No, seriously, no mirrors in the bedroom. They energize the room too much to give you a relaxing sleep.

Try to use objects of colors related to the Relationships Area of your bedroom: white, pinks, reds… You should surround yourself with positive images. If you have pictures, sculptures or paintings of people on their own, they could be having a negative effect on your relationships. Replace them with pictures of happy couples. Always put two flowers, two figurines, two candles, etc. This will make you a little more receptive to love when it comes into your life. Try not to have set ups of single chairs, create cozy seating arrangements for two.

Never use dried flowers in your home, especially in the bedroom. They have a negative impact on your life. Fresh flowers on the other hand, are perfect and they look really good too. Candles are also perfect to brighten up the bedroom. Actually, candle light is the best kind of lighting you can have in there. As this is not always possible, use a dimmer to control the light in the bedroom.

Now see what room falls in the far right corner of your house. This is the Relationships Area of the home. If there’s a bathroom there, always… always keep the toilet lid down. Drains and toilets are escape routes for energy, and in this case, it can flush your love life down the drain.

Feng Shui is designed to help you to draw in good luck in all aspects of your life. With romance, the idea is to entice romance: keep things in pairs, use romantic colors, and be more receptive to love. Do not surround yourself with lone figures and fill your bedroom with candles and luxury bedding. If you follow these tips, then you will be well on your way to attracting your perfect partner.

If you want to know more about Feng Shui and find more useful information, please visit me at: http://www.lifewithfengshui.com

Rebeca Rambal

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