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LEGION OF LIGHT Prayer Circle: November 7th Gathering
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JOIN US TUES, NOV 7th, 1 - 2 PM ET
This is a moment where our prayers and actions are needed for peace and goodwill in the world.
The Peace on Earth by 2030 Game is built upon both physical and metaphysical tipping point strategies. Behaviors repeated by a certain number of people make it easier to diffuse. This is called a "morphogenetic field" and popularized as the "100th Monkey Effect."
An intention regularly affirmed and visualized attracts what’s desired. This is called "manifestation" and popularized as the "Law of Attraction." Manifestation's most potent form is prayer which is amplified when done as a group.
The Legion of Light Prayer Circle is the complement to taking the seven actions as a group. Through the power of our collective prayer we will build an etheric field of intention around manifesting Peace on Earth by 2030.
We will manifest Peace on Earth by 2030 globally, regionally and locally in Peace on Earth Zones. We will also bring peace to those in active war zones and suffering from natural disasters.
Praying for Peace on Earth and the well being of others circles back and uplifts us as well. This is another use of the term "prayer circle" and exemplifies that we are truly all one.
We meet as a global community the first Tuesday of each month from 1 to 2 pm New York Time. This month it is November 7th. The prayer circle is facilitated by David Gershon, the founder and architect of the Peace on Earth by 2030 movement.
Please join us and add your prayers to the many working to bring peace into the world.
We will manifest Peace on Earth by 2030 globally, regionally and locally in Peace on Earth Zones. We will also bring peace to those in active war zones and suffering from natural disasters.
Praying for Peace on Earth and the well being of others circles back and uplifts us as well. This is another use of the term "prayer circle" and exemplifies that we are truly all one.
We meet as a global community the first Tuesday of each month from 1 to 2 pm New York Time. This month it is November 7th. The prayer circle is facilitated by David Gershon, the founder and architect of the Peace on Earth by 2030 movement.
Please join us and add your prayers to the many working to bring peace into the world.
For Further Information:
Warm regards,
Your UNIFY Family & Peace on Earth Team
UNIFY is a global nonprofit for world peace and impact. We orchestrate global synchronized meditations, events, and campaigns that inspire action for impact and world peace. Leaders in global synchronized movements since 2012, UNIFY has hosted over 100 global events, with 15,000 event organizers in 10,000 cities in over 150 countries. With an audience of over 2.3 million and a syndicate of over 30 million, UNIFY catalyzes mass awareness through media and storytelling, and measures impact for sustainability, using impact metrics to track results of catalyzed action through our reach and network of 8,000 partners. UNIFY's mission is to steward and facilitate global collective intention, action, & impact to help build a world where all of humanity is unified. UNIFY's vision is by 2030 solutions have been implemented for the world's greatest challenges and half of the world's population holds intention and unified action together for world peace. If you’ve read this far, please know we love you!
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