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Reclaiming My Spirit
Written by Sofia Falcone

I sit by the fire, wine touches my lips
Tonight, it’s more my enemy than ally,
Suddenly my body feels as if on fire
Memories fly through as if propelled by a hurricane
My body aches,
My mind wonders,
My soul cries,
There is something missing…I can’t breathe.
I get undressed
Hanging my sorrows and fears on a chair
My demons like to embrace me naked
My burning desires clash against the whirlwind of my mind
I lay on the bed…yearning.
I feel the softness of the silk sheets against my skin
Life decides to replay its daily movie
Innocence, dreams, life, pain,
Anger, seduction, love, desire
Bitter film that hurts yet energizes.
Once more those eyes,
Noble, timid, faded eyes
Seductive, lively at times
Eyes that keep forgetting what’s inside
Eyes focused on labyrinths of the mind
No surprise…
Such stubborn nature lies within my heart
I want to know everything,
I dig deep and incessantly,
Seeking to unite,
Seeking to ignite,
But the same path can be confusing,
At times leaving me surrounded by maggots
Who try to eat away any sign of life
Or maybe they sense parts buried long ago.
I seek to understand,
Maybe the truth is darker than the abyss I often stare at
Here I go again wondering,
Forgetting what lies inside,
Burning angel…
Haunted eyes…
Phoenix Rising…
Light that shines…
What can I say?
I am but a walking enigma
I lack conformity and I’m full of rebellion
I seek to liberate my spirit of the imposed chains
To feel it up with the fresh air of dreams, growth and ideals
Feel it up with fulfilled desires…shameless, divine.
I will absolve the guilt of my confused heart
Shamed imposed by others will no longer take part.
I will submerge my heart in joy, giving in to my nature
I will meet my demons tonight,
Redeeming my cells from their sordid memories
I look around, here I am still…
Silk against my body,
Wine upon my lips,
Naked I dream of lips taking mine
Gentle touch upon my neck
Fingers slowly sliding down my back
Cooling water to my burning fires.
I stand to feel the coolness of the ground
Hoping to re center my mind
I feel as I imagine would a lonely guitar
Seeking to be stroked,
Seeking to come to live,
Yearning to play the sweet melody hidden inside.
I stand and walk in front of the mirror
I seek to find myself in those brown eyes
Finally…. there you are…
I will turn you deaf to hateful words,
I will fill them up with gentle melodies and laughter,
I will unchain you from whatever confinement you are in,
I will set you free to just be.
It matters not how high your dreams are
We will reach for them regardless
No one will stop us, shame us, or demand “why.”
Nothing is impossible
Challenges are but a motor used to ignite life.
I will take the shackles from your ankles
And you will once more ran
You will once more feel the cooling sand near the ocean
Beneath your determined but light footsteps
I will reclaim you,
I will set you free,
I will once more reclaim me!
Sofia Falcone
I passionately believe one person can make a difference. I write from my own experiences and interests. It is my greatest hope that by writing about my own challenges and hopes, others may feel inspired to believe more in their inner power and to fully embrace themselves.
Reprinted on with permission from Sofia Falcone.
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