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Ducks Fly Moon
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Raven - Bloodstone Jasper - Mullein - Brown
September 23 to October 23
The Ducks Fly Moon is the first moon of Mudjekeewis, the Spirit keeper of the West and occurs at the time of the autumn equinox position on the Native American Medicine Wheel.
The mineral totem for this moon is jasper, usually of the bloodstone variety; the plant is the mullein; and the animal is the raven. The color is brown, and the elemental clan influencing this moon is the Butterfly clan.
From the jasper people experiencing this energy can learn how to draw both the earth and sun energy into their being and how to understand the messages of the heart. From the mullein they can learn about their abilities both to soothe and to irritate. From the raven they will gain understanding of their relationships with groups, and their ability to soar and dive. This is the position in which you can learn what balance truly is, even if you need to experience discomfort in order to do so. People experiencing the Ducks Fly Moon can teach how to show physical affection and how to be comfortable both in earth and sky. People experiencing the raven energy must be careful not to be totally indecisive, and so changeable they confuse even themselves.
Animal: Raven

Raven is the animal totem associated with the Ducks Fly Moon. The raven is usually an all black bird with a wedge-shaped tail that is often mistaken for the smaller crow. The raven is as large as a red hawk. Although ravens are found all over the world, in the United States they are most often found in the west. Their song is a loud croak.
Sometimes aggressive, ravens are most often wary. They are intelligent birds who know how to drop shellfish from the air in order to break the shells. They are omnivorous and capable of riding the winds with as much enjoyment as their hawk brothers. Ravens are both group oriented and very defensive of their territory. Some ravens pair for life. It is said these birds have tribal councils.
To Native peoples, ravens are considered birds of balance between man and nature. Almost all tribes have a legend about the raven explaining why he is black. In all of these legends the raven begins as a white bird whose color was changed either as a punishment for wrongdoing or because of danger undertaken in an effort to help man. This duality in the legends indicates the duality Native people feel about the raven. To some, the raven is a bad omen; to others, a good one. The Pueblo peoples connect the raven with the Kachina spirits. Ravens have been given credit both with bringing the dark clouds that yield the rain and with holding them away.

Mineral: Bloodstone Jasper
Jasper, particularly the bloodstone form, is the mineral associated with the Ducks Fly Moon. Also called heliotrope, bloodstone jasper is a stone that brings many blessings. It provides a positive grounding force and helps to harmonize a person with the earth's energy.
Jasper is purported to stop bleeding; make its owner invisible; insure a safe, long life; draw poison from a snakebite; restore eyesight; and bring rain, if placed in water. This stone is also believed to give power over bad spirits. Jasper both stimulates and clarifies a person’s mental processes, allowing him to find balance on this plane of existence.
Plant: Mullein
Mullein is the plant associated with the Ducks Fly Moon. This tall plant with its velvety-looking leaves is a versatile healer. Tea made from mullein is good for soothing mucous membranes and for strengthening the lungs, heart, bladder, kidney, and liver. Mullein helps to alleviate nervous conditions and is a general astringent. Used externally, the tea helps heal hemorrhoids, ulcers, tumors, swelling of the throat, and muscle tenderness. Oil made from mullein flowers has long been used for the ears, warts, bruises, sprains, and chapped skin. Mullein can teach you to explore the smooth and healing parts of your nature.
Colour: Brown
The colour associated with raven and the Ducks Fly Moon is the brown of the earth in autumn, a rich brown that helps you to realize your connection with the Great Mother. It is a colour with many shades that evoke many moods. Having brown around you can help you to increase your earth connection and your stability to the point that allows you to safely reach to the realms beyond. It can also increase your environmental consciousness.
The Energy of the Ducks Fly Moon:

Keywords: synchronicity, balance, certainty
Ducks Fly Moon brings about the changes that are necessary to achieve inner balance. Because of this moon’s extreme polarity of opposites, people born under this sign feel either great confusion or complete balance in their lives. There seems to be no in between. The energy of this moon is one of bringing the self back into a state of balance. Let go of all judgements or ego attachments and become a bridge between the earth and sky. Feel the nurturing, grounding energies of the Earth Mother while remaining connected to the divine flow that feeds your spiritual essence. When you reach this state, the magic of Raven is revealed to you through miracles, synchronicity, inner peace and joy. You know with complete certainty that you are on your destined path. Once you have achieved inner balance you are often called upon to teach others and to help bring balance into the world around you. This time is a reminder that you can make a difference, but you must begin by bringing yourself back into balance.
Prayer:Great Spirit, help me to bring my body, mind, and spirit into a state of balance. Let my heart be an open bridge to others by staying connected to the energies of the Earth Mother as well as that of the Divine.
Written by: Sun Bear, Wabun Wind and Crysalis Mulligan
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