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The Healing Powers Of Cats
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There are many stories of animals as healers. Research shows that simply petting a cat or dog can lower your blood pressure. Therapy animals who visit nursing homes and hospices bring peace and joy to patients who may not have smiled in months.
There are stories of horses who help people heal emotional and psychological issues, stories about dogs who can somehow sense cancer in people, even before doctors can find it, and dogs who can tell when a person is about to have a seizure.
Research has even shown that the frequency of a cat’s purr can aid with healing of bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles as well as provide pain relief. These healer kitties would work their magic in various ways:
- By curling up next to a recovering cat or dog
- By cuddling up to a worried client in the waiting room
- By comforting a staff member who had just assisted with a difficult case or a euthanasia
Research has even shown that the frequency of a cat’s purr can aid with healing of bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles as well as provide pain relief.
Cats seem to intuitively how to utilize the energy for their greatest good. They intuitively know where extra energy is needed and they also transmute the energy in the house in general.
Cats are sensitive to energies and have the ability to change negative energies into something peaceful and calming. Animals bring a spiritual component to healing as well. All cats do this to some degree.
While cats, in particular, have healing powers, research on pet companionship, in general, is also impressive. Research shows that people with pets:
- Need fewer visits to their doctor each year
- Have fewer sleeping difficulties
- Are less likely to need heart condition medicine
While studies reveal that both cats and dogs reduced stress-related blood pressure more than ace inhibitor medication, cats, in particular, may reduce your chances of a heart attack by 40%.
Those who did not have a cat had a 40% higher risk of having a heart attack and a 30% greater risk of dying from other heart diseases than those who have or have had a cat.
There’s certainly some mystery as to exactly how cats and dogs manage to be good for our health. But here are some key pointers about the healing power of cats:
- Stress symptoms are lowest in people with cats
- Purring heals
Every cat creates purr vibrations within the range that are medically therapeutic (20-140 Hz) for bone healing, pain relief, swelling reduction, wound healing, muscle repair, joint mobility and more.
- A pet reduces your risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer by about 33
- The longer you have pets, the less likely you are to develop lymphoma
- People with pets live longer (according to the Merck Veterinary Manual)
- Pets are good for your mental health
- Seniors had less depression and psychological distress if they had a pet
For me, animals have always been an easy way to help me connect with Source. Animals are so much closer to nature than we are, and as such, are much more closely connected with Spirit than most humans.
Simply observing an animal can instantly transport me into a state of alignment. Is there anything more peaceful than a sleeping cat? More joyful than a dog playing with his toys? Animals teach us to slow down. It’s during those quiet times when it’s usually easier to connect with our spiritual core.
Animals facilitate finding those times for us. They force us to take a break from our busy schedules. Taking a dog for a walk, playing with a cat, these are times when we are forced to step back from our endless to-do lists and for a little while, we can allow ourselves to just enjoy the moment. And it’s during those moments that we are reminded of who we really are.
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