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Spirit of White Buffalo


Spirit of White Buffalo

Role: The Bringer of the Light

The Builder of the Bridge

The Giving Spirit

Lesson: Truth

Element: Water

Wind: North The Elders

Medicine: To Cross between Planes

White Buffalo walked from the West, her large eyes watching the grass
that covered the endless plains as it waved in the breeze,
like strands of golden hair stirring with
the gentle touch of unseen hands.

Hooves trod over endless miles, mighty head held aloft as she continued
her journey, following the whisperings of the summer breeze that
carried the message meant for her ears alone. She would not
rest until she had completed her Journey.

From over the softly rolling hills, emerged a figure walking upright.
She recognized this figure`s shape as being that of a two-legged, and she
hastened her own approach, recognizing the urgency of the
voice that continued its whispering in her ear.

The man looked up toward the distant horizon, having been compelled
to journey toward the west where the sun would soon be dipping
down, marking the end of the day. His eyes caught the vision
of white brilliance that was filling up the plains around him,
indeed the very sky, and for a moment his heart leapt
in fear, for this was unlike any light he had ever
known, dazzling in its intensity and brilliance.

For some reason not completely known, yet thoroughly compelling, like
the beat of the drum during the Sun Dance, the warrior suddenly felt
no fear, and walked toward the magnificent creature who now
had stopped just a few feet from him.

The beautiful creature`s great eyes met his own and the movement of time
halted its relentless thrum. Long strands of grass moved in slow motion
and he could see tiny particles of pollen dance and glitter in the rays
of the sinking sun like tiny crystals cast upon the winds.

Her Light enveloped him and he knew no fear, no concern or anxiety, he
knew only peace, as though the light were a warm blanket left before
a roaring fire before being placed over his form. And in the next
moment he was following the White Buffalo . . .
toward the setting sun.

As they reached the Doorway Between Planes, White Buffalo turned to
the two-legged and encouraged him forward. He stepped into
the brilliance of the Light that spilled forth from the
Great Doorway as a Warrior among Men.
yet he emerged on the other side
as a Dove.

White Buffalo looked toward the farthest reaches of the Western Gate,
the Place where the Buffalo Nation resides. She felt their love for her,
and as she cast her eyes to the Sky Nation, she heard the song the
Ancestors sang, yet as she watched the fading figure now
enveloped in the brilliant Light, she knew the reason
she had made the journey, and her heart sang
a song of resounding joy.

Light Bearer

White Buffalo is the Totem for one who’s Life Path is to awaken the Soul of Others. Yet in order that she might fulfill this role, she needs first to find the Light Within herself, to integrate the Mind, Personality, Emotion and Soul.

This is not an "easy" incarnation, as the process of divining one’s own Light is an intensive undertaking that is achieved through a combination of life experience, acknowledgment and integration.

Yet the Light Within will illuminate the process of Discovery and lead him to the Doorway Between Planes, the Gate where the Blue Road and the Red Road intersect.

When he has attained true Integration, the Light he brings will be seen by All who are willing to learn of the Light within themselves in the splendid dance of the Awakening Soul.

Builder of the Bridge

When Great Spirit moved Its Creative Force across the expanse of the Earth Mother, a Doorway was left between the Blue Road of Spirit and the Red Road of Physical Life. And yet there remained a chasm between Planes that the two-leggeds found difficult to cross, so Great Spirit called upon White Buffalo that she fashion a Bridge to link the Two Planes together.

She stood on the precipice of the mighty chasm and contemplated the task she had been given. For some time, she pondered the space between worlds and wondered how she would manage to bridge that distance. Then, a great calm settled over her Being, as she laid her body down only to discover that her back legs touched the Plane of Physical Life, and her mighty head rested upon the golden shores of the Blue Road.

One who is blessed to have White Buffalo walk beside them, is aware of a "higher purpose" to Life. It is as though they can hear the call of Great Spirit in the secret language of the Oak trees as the wind whispers its path along its branches and leaves, sees the Chasm between Planes in the reflection of the setting sun upon the oceans shimmering surface, and feels the rhythm of Great Mystery in the beating of an eagles wings.

This soul has been gifted the blessing of White Buffalo Totem through his actions of Selflessness in previous incarnations . . . in his ability to integrate the many aspects of his Self into One in the current life as he seeks Truth and Understanding.

Yet with the Blessing comes also Responsibility, for the commitment is to Build the Bridge Between Planes so that Others might also cross.

This will manifest as one who will link understanding between different nations, creeds, religions and beliefs that currently separate their fellow two-leggeds in the ultimate understanding of the Truth, that the many, are in truth, One.


It is said that part of the reason White Buffalo is white, is because she cannot speak any untruths, her spirit blessed in the Waters of Truth and Honesty which in turn turns her hide white.

One with White Buffalo Totem is a soul that is based concretely in Truth, in the belief, adherence to, and upholding of, Truth in all of its wondrous forms. Consequently, she will always seek to operate from nothing less than Truth, though this is of course a gradual process, given our Physical Personalities and experiences along the Red Road.

First, Truth is merely spoken as a child, free of editing. Yet, as the child grows and matures, he observes that being direct and honest is not always favored by adults, since the things he may sometimes say seem to elicit a strong reaction, or even pain in others.

Though one who is blessed with White Buffalo will always come back to Truth as the cornerstone of their Belief System, and will live by a strict code of Honesty. Perhaps this is why, when Truth is not honored by Others, White Buffalo Soul may have moments of sadness for the dousing of the LIght of Honesty Within. Then he will raise his head once more to Light and Beauty of Great Mystery and resume his Path of Truth.

Elder Spirit

White Buffalo is an Elder Spirit amongst the Animal Totems, for she was with Wakan Tanka at the creating of Earth Mother and placed in the West to hold back the tides.

Her Wisdom is forged in watching, ever vigilent, the progression of the two-leggeds. She observes, understanding the pain the people experience while in the flesh, yet also witnessing the beauty of their souls as they unfold in Conscious Awareness of their Life in Physical.

One with Buffalo Totem is generally not given the gift as the Power Totem, yet inherites the gift both through previous lifetimes spent in service to their fellow Two-Leggeds, and in the current lifetime through continual study, learning, and conscious growth.

As this is a Totem with tremendous responsibility, she will be drawn to an "Elder Soul," one who has walked many times around the Sacred Hoop of Life. She will walk with one who is focused upon the complete integration of Self, as only once one has integrated all parts of the Whole within themselves, may they then seek to Unite others both to themselves, and to one another.

Herein lies the challenge, as the Path for White Buffalo is never smooth, yet riddled with pebbles, boulders and divided at times by raging rivers. Yet through Trust in his Path and Soul`s Purpose, Faith in Great Mystery that all will be exactly as it is meant to be, and Love for All, any challenge that presents itself will always be acknowledged, embraced and absorbed, leading him to the Light streaming from the Gateway where he may then lay himself down to fashion the bridge so that others might make the journey across.


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