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We Live in An Age in Transition So Think Proactively
Written by Robert Wilkinson
I was reminded of this hope for the future.
The last time I gave this to you, I had been meditating on the death of a dear Spiritual Sister, Sue Moon. At the time I went to her site and found an article I wrote years before that she thought was important enough that she posted it. So to honor the dead and the living, today we’ll revisit some things to keep in mind as we navigate this larger transitional Age.
All of humanity has entered a long wave period of living on the edge of change like few other generations in history. There are global forces in motion affecting us all that will alter the course of destiny on every continent in ways unimaginable to our grandparents. By the time this transitional period is done, we will confront a new world, a new way of viewing matter and energy, and a new sense of the interrelatedness of life.
Looking at the material, social, and spiritual evolutionary changes we’ve been seeing for many years, it’s clear we’re in the heart of a decades-long rendezvous with making the history of the future as we sort through the creation, preservation, and transformation of our assumptions about matter, time, space, electricity, magnetism, life, our planet, and each other. The good news is that everything points to a much better world in the future, despite the many current vectors showing us the need to learn, adapt, and become skilled in new ways to move safely through the difficult times ahead as the old systems crumble and die.
Very often in our world, surviving is less determined by who is "the fittest" than by who is learning to "think in the future." We may be doing well in the present, but time and conditions always change, and much that we assume today will be irrelevant in the future. The tragedy of being human is to believe that tomorrow will be like yesterday; the blessing of being human is to know that by understanding patterns, we can see a better future and prepare for it.
It is through our ability to anticipate changes that we move toward models of sustainability that will endure despite the radical events going on around us. As enough individuals adapt, so society adapts or is forced to change because of need. Collectively, the unsustainability of what has been has brought increasing pressure to bring forth the environmental, economic, and political solutions we so desperately need to correct the on-going wreckage of the obsolete models of war, harsh competition, and wasteful pollution that poisons our land, air and water and threatens the very existence of entire nations. Even as the old world dies, a new one is being born, whether we know about it or not.
There are on-going breakthroughs in every field of study in the world. Old ideas about the environment, economics, religion, health, government, and what constitutes social sustainability are being discarded as never before. New ideas never imagined present themselves every month, sometimes as solutions to our pressing problems, sometimes a new ways of valuing things, and sometimes just the spur of necessity showing us we must adapt or face dire consequences.
While some of these ideas are "bridge forms," and not meant to endure past this transitional era, others are "seed forms" that will form the basis of things to come. Over time, many apparently separate systems will be seen in the light of synergistic, holistic understanding, and assist the development of more integrated ways of approaching the material creation.
Thanks to such things as the internet, mind-body 4th Wave medical breakthroughs, an expanded sense of the life we share, and an ever-increasing global knowledge base showing us we are interconnected in astonishing ways, millions are embracing the power found in community and shared knowledge and skills as antidotes to the avarice and separateness of the old era. While many still desire the illusions of the dying world, countless others are finding their way to the Well of Knowledge where they find they are part of the larger One Life we all share together.
In spiritual science, it is taught that there are three divine Principles which all of us are learning to tap into and use for the benefit of the greater good. They are Economy of Energy, Magnetic Attraction, and Synthesis. These energies are the expression of the three primary Rays of Aspect as explored in the 3 part series The Seven Rays Pt. 1 – The 7 Energies Of Human Existence. (Parts 2 & 3 offer more detail about what they are and their applications in our lives.)
The first Ray expresses through the Law of Economy of Energy. The second Ray expresses through the Law of Magnetic Attraction. The third Ray expresses through the Law of Synthesis. All of us learn about how to wield these types of energy throughout our lives, and it’s easy to see how economy, magnetism, and synthesis are present in all our experiences, all our realizations, and all of our interactions.
Because these are universal forces we’ve learning to use for a greater good, by our skillful application of each and all of these in the right way and time, we can also infer that all who are consciously cooperating in building a better future also are coming together, both physically and superphysically, to create a radically transformed Earth and humanity these next 30 years.
Now is the only time there is. Now is the only time to learn, to know, to dare, to embrace, and to break free of the inertia of the past. Now is the time to prepare for what is, and what is coming.
By moving beyond old assumptions and limitations, we can recognize and accept a greater wisdom, intelligence, and effectiveness, and find our community within which we can live well and contribute our gifts to our world. This is the joyous challenges as we move out of "the Winter of the 21st Century" into the coming Spring dawning in 2025.
We are now on the threshold of entering a radically transformed reality at the beginning of a 2100 year era where we will remember more about the nature of the electromagnetic creation than we can currently imagine. Enjoy the ride!
Reprinted on with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected.
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