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An Astrological Overview of March 2023

An Astrological Overview of March 2023

As the editor of the Astrology Arizona newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary factors for the month.

The Overview for March

This year the month of March features Pluto returning to Aquarius for the first time since 1777!

While exciting in its implications for the future, remember Pluto rules the seeds of things which will sprout in the future, so it may take a while for us to see the revolutionary social and spiritual developments portended by this major event. The other BIG news is that after its long stay in its home sign of Aquarius, Saturn will enter Pisces, where it will stay for the next two and a half years! Add the Northern Hemisphere Vernal (Spring) Equinox, and March promises to be a month of major change.

Mars also finishes its long stay in Gemini this month, and enters Cancer toward the end of March. It will continue to be in its shadow zone through the first half of the month, after which we’ll definitely feel a shift from Mars in an Air sign to Mars in a Water sign, which I’ll discuss downstream. With Mars finally moving into late Gemini and early Cancer, we’ve finally left the compression of the past few months of all the planets in a relatively narrow span. Once Mars enters Cancer, the “Bundle” Jones patterns of the past few months will give way to a “Bowl” pattern, where half the signs are occupied and half are not. This takes things from a feeling of everything near to a sense of what we have or know and what we don’t.

This month all the inner planets transit Pisces and Aries, with Venus entering Taurus in mid-month, heralding future transits of Mercury and the Sun. That places all three inner planets within the outer planet occupied zone of Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Aries, and Uranus in Taurus. This month continues our spiritual harvest with a focus on letting go and leaping forward!

Because the inner planet conjunctions with the outer planet spiritual heavyweights renew many important cycles between January and May, expect some things to end with a new focus of spiritual energy for the year. The inner planets transiting the outer planet span is a time to pull the energies inward for these few months, with the Moon the key to effective expression. When the Moon is between Capricorn and Gemini, we’ll feel more “enclosed,” whereas when the Moon is between Leo and Scorpio, it will be the focus for all the other planetary energies as a nozzle pointing us to right action.

Remember the first three weeks of the month is still under the influence of the Feb 20 New Moon at 2 Pisces, helping us get the shelter we need as we “lift ourselves to surer foundations.” This will come to fruition after the Full Moon at 17 Virgo/Pisces on March 7 an hour before Saturn enters Pisces. The last third of the month is under the influence of the Equinox New Moon at 1 Aries. As that New Moon is conjunct Mercury, Chiron, and Jupiter, it promises a great season ahead!

When Jupiter entered Aries in May 2022 we launched into a new era which became a dominant theme when Mars conjuncted Jupiter in late May at 4 Aries. That conjunction began a 2 year cycle of learning how to enjoy life more naturally on our own terms. When Jupiter revisited that conjunction point in the third week of January it accelerated the growth of that energy, renewing its fiery expression. As the inner planets transit 4 Aries, it accelerates the energy like a rocket ship, so this month it’s flame on!

Jupiter moving through Aries gives an Aries backdrop to planets we have in Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as the houses where we have these signs on the cusp. This month it’s extremely powerful as it will rule the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in Pisces, and begins to spread the power of the planetary dispositors.

Jupiter will also launch another major long term healing and mentoring cycle when it conjuncts Chiron at 15 Aries on March 11. That begins a long wave Chiron cycle which will last until the Summer of 2036. As an aside, when Chiron transits between Aquarius and Gemini, it moves relatively slowly and has conjunctions with Jupiter about every 13 years. However, it can take 19-20 years for the next conjunction after Gemini or Cancer. That means once the conjunction at 16 Gemini happens in the Summer of 2036, then we won’t have another conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron until the Spring of 2056 in Aquarius.

Saturn begins the month in the final minutes of the Transfiguration Zone at 29/30 Aquarius, and then enters Pisces, changing the feel of any planets, points, or house cusps we have in Capricorn and Aquarius. Yes, after about 5 years in its home signs, Saturn now has to share power with Jupiter! While in Aquarius March and July 2020, Saturn shook up the world and galvanized us to action. Its re-entry into Aquarius in December 2020 preceded Jupiter’s entry into that sign by a few days, and their conjunction then created the Grand Mutation at 1 Aquarius. That conjunction ended a 200 year Earth era and began a 200 year Air era, and set the social-cultural conditions for the greater Aquarian 20 year era now developing.

During all of 2021 and 2022 we’ve been learning how we want to contribute to a greater future-oriented vision, and how to manage our feelings and our individual spirituality. This month Saturn begins to crystallize what we need to learn about the first decan of Pisces, with the theme of “Federation.” However, we are still under the influence of its October station with a theme of rising to some type of urgent need, “emergency,” or “an exaggeration of life problems.” The first week of March completes our transfiguration, the second week puts us in “The Cosmic Marketplace” where things begin to come together in new ways. From March 16-25 we will see how well we’ve done in the self-protection department or how our lives are more solid than they were before, and the last week begins our instruction in the indestructible Self and the enduring elements of our life.

Planets Slowing Down, Speeding Up, or Shifting Signs

This month nothing is slowing down and everything is speeding up! Mercury continues as maximum speed all month, Venus is also at maximum cruising speed, and Mars is picking up speed for many months to come. Jupiter in Perihelion is moving very quickly through the middle of Aries, and Saturn’s at maximum speed. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all direct and fast in motion. None of the planets will go retrograde until Mercury’s next retrograde which begins in mid-April.

In March SIX planets change signs. This month the Sun, ruler of Leo and Cancer, will give us two (Pisces and Aries), Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, will give us three (Aquarius, Pisces and Aries), and Venus, ruler of Taurus/Libra, will give us two (Aries and Taurus). This month, we add Saturn, ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius, giving us two (Aquarius and Pisces), and Pluto, spiritual ruler of Aries and Scorpio, will give us two (Capricorn and Aquarius). As you can see, many sectors of our charts will experience changing sign energies in March!


After its long retrograde, Mars is now picking up speed by the week! It went stationary direct at 9 Gemini, with a theme of being a Zen archer, sure in your aim as a result of your training between September and February. This will be a theme for this year and the next. Mars will move out of its Gemini shadow zone mid-month and then enter Cancer, moving us out of our many month “multi-tasking” mode and into more of a caring, nurturing mode.

Mars is activating the house(s) where we have 20 Gemini through 4 Cancer. While Mars is in Gemini, the position of Mercury has been and continues to be important in how Mars expresses its energies. Mercury in the last two degrees of Aquarius, its sign of exaltation, at the beginning of the month helps finish our transformation of our Mars expression. When Mercury enters Pisces, the sign of its “exile,” our Mars expression will have to be more oriented toward compassion and how to facilitate endings and letting things go. Mars in Gemini with a Pisces dispositor could be fantastic for compassionate thoughts and words, as well as empathic knowing of what others are thinking, but beware of ambivalence or procrastination.

Between March 18-25, Mars will be at the end of Gemini and Mercury will be at the beginning of Aries. This will bring a LOT of Fire to Mars’ expression, and as Mars rules Aries, this should facilitate inspired thinking and speech. When Mars enters Cancer on March 25, the position of the Moon becomes extremely important in how Mars expresses itself, so expect many “behind the scenes” shifts in views and attitudes once that happens.

The first three days of March, Mars is in the Libra decan of Gemini, ruled by Venus with an extra dose of the Sun. From March 3 through 25, it is in the Aquarius decan of Gemini, ruled by Saturn with an extra dose of the Moon. The last 6 days of the month, Mars is in the Cancer decan of Cancer, ruled by the Moon with an extra dose of Venus.

Between March 1-10, Mars will prove agitating to those with planets between 20-24 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Between March 24-28, it will have the same effect on planets between 25-30 degrees of those signs. And between March 25-31, it will agitate planets between 1-4 of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

The major aspects Mars makes this month involve some heavy friction from Mercury and the Sun square Mars between March 10-18. Be clear, pay attention to details, be open minded and have a sense of humor. Slow down, be cautious, and watch out for others who may be spaced out or distracted during that time.

The main outer planet aspects Mars makes include a quintile to Jupiter which lasts all month and a wide forming trine to Saturn beginning mid-month. It makes a decile to Uranus the first third of the month, a novile the second third of the month, and a semisquare the last third of the month. It is square Neptune all month, so keep a clear focus, think inspired thoughts, and value what you’re dedicated to. Mars is quincunx Pluto the last third of the month, so adjust, sacrifice, greet your allies, and see the useful function for each part of the whole.

As I’ve offered before, when Mars is within a degree of forming or separating from a hard aspect with a planet, slow down and show deliberation and caution in how you use force. Hard aspects to/from Mars always require that we moderate or antidote impulsiveness and impatience.

Sign Focus

This month the sign focus is on the signs occupied by the outer planets with Mars extending the width of the spread. The first 2 days Aquarius continues to be a very prominent influence. This is followed by a heavy Pisces emphasis through the Equinox. Venus and Jupiter holding court in Aries the first half of the month gives Aries a strong presence, and once Venus enters Taurus we’ll get an anticipation of April and May.

So the first 2 days are primarily Aquarius and Aries, from then to the Equinox is primarily Pisces and Aries, and the last third is primarily Aries and Taurus. This month shifts the sign occupancy, and though we begin with at least one planet in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, by the end of the month Aquarius and Gemini will be dropped, and Cancer introduced.

We’re Actors On A New Stage With A New Set

We’re still in the initial years of a new era. The Grand Mutation of Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius began a new 20 year Aquarian Era in December 2020, as well as a new 200 year era, moving global energies out of Earth and into Air. We’ve begun to grow beyond the materialism of the past 200 years and have entered two centuries of Air emphasis, with its qualities of relatedness, receptivity, versatility, movability, lightness, and cooperative ideas, visions, and ideals.

The 2020 Solar eclipse on the Summer Solstice has accompanied a grand reorientation where we have been accepting new allegiances and life directions, while the December 2020 Solar eclipse at 24 Sagittarius is still helping us remove blocks to our happiness. The June 2021 Solar eclipse at 20 Gemini has facilitated the end of irrelevant and extraneous ideas from our decision making process, and the extremely beneficial Total Solar Eclipse at 13 Sagittarius in December 2021 gave us a promise of major gifts and unique interactive opportunities which will be perfect for whatever we need. Rewards have come and more are coming these next 3 years!

We’re still "under the beams" of the Solar Eclipses we experienced in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, and these “cosmic recyclers” continue to remove all that we no longer need in our lives. Take note of where you have 1 Cancer, 24 and 13 Sagittarius, 20 Gemini, 11 Taurus, and 2 Scorpio, since 1 Cancer aligns us with a larger reality, 24 Sagittarius helps us find happiness, 13 Sagittarius gives us a new identity and love, 20 Gemini removes what cannot be assimilated or communicated, 11 Taurus will help us remove “weeds from our garden of Life and Mind,” and the recent one at 2 Scorpio is helping us release attachments from the past as we enter a more complex social experience.

Last May’s eclipses with Sun in Taurus have begun to shut down old value systems in that sector, as well as the Scorpio sector via the May Full Moon Wesak Festival eclipse. November’s Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 17 Taurus/Scorpio is helping us tap our spiritual power and focus it through “hearing our inner God” and allowing our Higher Self to transform our lower self and our worldly expression. The Scorpio Solar and Lunar eclipses are already leading us to say goodbye to the past, giving up some old ideals, and finding a new perspective on how and when to do things. You can find out more about the Solar eclipse and Lunar eclipse by going to my site at www.aquariuspapers.com where there are numerous articles in the archives on how eclipses work.

As we study how successive Eclipses have affected various areas of our charts and lives, we can get a sense of the utility of these “Cosmic Recyclers” in removing what we no longer needed in those areas, creating a void which attracted new life experiences. They invite us to look back, and then forward, to see the continuity of “letting go, taking in, letting go, taking in” across the years.

The Grand Irrationality

In March, the 7-pointed “Star of Destiny" I’ve termed The Grand Irrationality is in play when the Sun and Mercury form conjunctions with Neptune and septile Uranus between March 13-17 and again when Venus conjuncts Uranus and septiles Neptune at the end of the month. These will activate all 7 zones, making the middle of the month very intense as we move through the profound choices and changes indicated by these aspects. Venus heralds what will be triggered by the Sun and Mercury when they transit mid-Taurus, which I’ll write about in the April newsletter.

All of the septile-series 7th harmonic aspects from the inner planets to the outer spiritual planets represent turning points at the hard edge of revolutionary change we’ve been going through for a while. Obviously, this is activated every time the Moon moves through one of the seven “hot zones” of this evolutionary configuration. All septile-series aspects are non-rational degree relationships representing “forks in the road of destiny” in any larger cycle. I have written extensively about “The Grand Irrationality,” a configuration which has been active since 1994, at my main website http://www.aquariuspapers.com where I explain why all of humanity is forging its future destiny at this time. If you have a planet or point near any of the seven zones, your life is sure to be affected. In March these zones are around 2-6 Aquarius, 24-28 Pisces, 15-19 Taurus, 6-10 Cancer, 27 Leo- 1 Virgo, 18-22 Libra, and 10-14 Sagittarius.

During the periods these 7th harmonic aspects are in play, if things get weird or crazy, be clear about the choices you’re making. While a lot won’t “make sense,” it doesn’t have to; just be clear about what you’re doing and why. Even though there may be interactions with unreasonable or irrational people, we still have the power to respond in productive ways.

As with “hard” aspects to and from Mars, if that planet (or really any planet) is involved in any non-rational aspect, whether one to our natal Mars or transiting Mars making a non-rational aspect to one of our natal, progressed, or solar return planets, it’s a time to be cautious during the period when the aspect is within a degree of forming or separating. Things have a way of getting strange during 7th harmonic aspects, so those are times to be especially deliberate and thoughtful in choosing our responses.

Primary Action Beats for the First Half of the Month

March begins under the influence of the February New Moon at 2 Pisces, putting the spotlight on that house in our charts. That New Moon had a theme of finding needed protection as we move through a time when “the old answers cannot confirm the new conditions of existence.” This month is about understanding the spiritual power of gratitude and appreciation as we finish our transfiguration into a new realm of Being.

From the beginning of the month, all the planets are moving fast or picking up speed, indicating the entire month should bring rapid developments, especially with Jupiter racing through the second decan of Aries! The first week begins with Venus conjunct Jupiter and Chiron, favoring healing, mentoring, and moving into virgin fields of activity. Be expansive in your approach to things, be willing to try something new, and you’ll do very well as long as you pay attention to Mercury conjunct Saturn at 30 Aquarius, giving a view of the larger Light field in which we all live.

With the Moon in Leo and Virgo from March 3-8, the Moon is the focus for all the other planetary energies so those areas of your chart are of primary importance. As I mentioned earlier, when the Moon is outside the occupied outer planet span, it becomes the nozzle for the release of all the other planetary energies via the sign and house it’s transiting in our charts.

The first week of the month features Sun sextile Uranus, favoring productive genius, and culminates with the Full Moon at 17 Pisces/Virgo, promising renewal through explosive conditions! That Full Moon brings the Light of a deeper, broader, and wider understanding of our larger group involvements at the culmination of the Saturn in Aquarius era. As Saturn is still on the degree of the “unified field of Light/Life” at the Full Moon, I have no doubt we all will see how our lives have been transformed in obvious ways these past two years!

The second week of March opens with the Full Moon and Saturn’s entry into Pisces. That week has Venus sextile Mars and Mercury sextile Uranus, making relationships interesting, unique, and very productive across many areas of our charts. Add the exact Jupiter conjunct Chiron all week, and it should be the beginning of many new “healing expressions” and expansive ways of being a visionary, pioneer, or mentor. The week ends with Mars square Neptune. As I offered earlier, be clear, watchful, pay attention to details, and examine your dedication to whoever or whatever.

The Moon in Virgo for March 7-8 should be good for getting things done, with an integrative T-square at that Full Moon requiring a sense of humor or a philosophical approach to things. The Moon in Libra on March 8-10 shows lots of adjustments and realizations, with a Yod in play on March 9 requiring balance and a willingness to repair or reconstruct whatever needs it.

The Moon in Scorpio on March 10-13 should yield a very productive flow and understanding of deep things, and the first half of the month ends with Moon in Sagittarius on March 13-15, making a very powerful and frictional Mutable T-square requiring a lot of focus, humility, and willingness to do whatever it takes to educate or be educated in how not to overreact or misfire in directions contrary to our best interests!

Primary Action Beats for the Second Half of the Month

The second half of the month begins with Moon in Sagittarius and Mars square Neptune which will be directly related to whatever is set into motion at the Full Moon. Beware the swirl of confusion of the Sun and Mercury both conjunct Neptune and square Mars! This requires thoughtful practical analysis of things, a bit of caution, and extreme clarity so as not to get deflected into foggy directions. Definitely be careful when driving, speaking, or making decisions at that time, and if possible take some time to think about how it all fits together in a bigger picture.

The third week of March brings the Superior Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at the end of Pisces, along with Venus sextile Saturn and Mercury and the Sun sextile Pluto. This week will help bring many things together at “the end of the end” of Pisces, with the sextiles bringing deep productive insights and meaningful and mutually beneficial interactions with people. That week shows the Moon ducking into the planetary occupied zone, as it transits Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, an old Moon giving us a chance to bring closure to things.

March 20 brings the Equinox and the Sun’s entry into Aries. That means the two days before that moment we’ll enter a “dream space” where Jupiter went direct last November, and should be able to see the dream we dreamed then and how it’s being made manifest now. That Equinox is special, since it’s also a New Moon at 1 Aries, said by the ancients to be a “critical degree.” With the clustering of planets in Aries, look to that part of your chart to be highly active, with doors to future truths and adventures about to blow wide open!

The fourth week of March kicks off with the New Moon and immediately brings the entry of Pluto into Aquarius on March 23, beginning a new era in human evolution. This activates the degree of the Grand Mutation, and marks a sea change for all of humanity globally. Call it the “First Rays of a New Rising Sun,” a change which precedes other major changes in the visible world. Some of these are already manifesting, and this will quicken the emerging Aquarian pulses over the next 20 years.

That week has the Moon in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer, so it’s still within the occupied zone. We also find Mars entering Cancer and making a quincunx to Pluto on March 25, so make adjustments accordingly. Productivity is found in seeing the important parts in any whole, and meeting others in a spirit of comradeship. That quincunx will yield power shakeups in the world, with radical realignments and new allegiances beginning at that time.

Mercury is conjunct Chiron and then Jupiter between March 25-29, giving us valuable information about the new Jupiter/Chiron cycles set into motion at their conjunction in mid-month. The last three days of March bring Venus conjunct Uranus and Mars trine Saturn, with the first triggering the Grand Irrationality and the latter bringing stable plans and solid harmonious flow. As those will be active the entire last week of March, I believe that magical openings are in the air, unusual relationships are possible, with all of it very stable emotionally.

Evolutionary Development

This is the fourteenth month of the North Node in Taurus era! We’re now in a time of our greatest development coming through the sign of appreciation, value, and enjoying the best life has to offer. The recent eclipses are already assisting us in letting go of strong feelings related to the past, as well as all which blocks us from going deeper into our connection to Source. With Taurus growth and Scorpio release, keep it simple and steady, showing what you know by releasing what needs releasing and attracting what needs attracting.

As I noted at the beginning, Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries in late May 2022 began a 2 year adventure in opening to new ways of enjoying life and new freedom to be as authentic as we need to be. That cycle and other Aries cycles are already in high gear motion, and this month and next everything will burst into a bright flame thanks to the inner planet conjunctions with Jupiter and Chiron. This month puts the past to rest and jumpstarts our rapidly unfolding future.

Our wise friend Saturn has brought us to the threshold of radical transfiguration and entry into a greater field of conscious Light/Life. We have learned lessons on how to manage our energies, and now are moving into a new experience of demonstrating a greater empathy, sense of connection, intuition, and compassion. This month we learn about all things Pisces as we transition out of the old life into a new one which already opened last May.

The Sun in Pisces is a time to see the Light of “compassion for the human condition” on material, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of life. This takes the idealistic vision of Aquarius and deepens the interactive connection within a vast feeling field. This is the month when we can tune into the collective consciousness and learn things we might never have glimpsed before now. The infinite potential of Sagittarius, having found structure in Capricorn and vision in Aquarius, now moves into a much wider feeling experience of “All That Is,” preparing us for rapidly unfolding new beginnings in Aries.

We now continue our third year of the new Aquarian era, having renewed that energy via inner planet transits for this year. Having harvested the 2022 work in Capricorn, we’ve now reset the karma of the larger process and continue our journey into the Aquarian vision which will find its initial grounding when Jupiter is in Taurus. Since Aquarius finishes and Pisces and Aries are active this month, see what must be forgiven to substantiate the new vision while leaping forward whenever possible.

The promise of the 2022 Aquarian energies are now tallied, with new 2023 Aquarian energies powered up last month. Expect rapid developments over the next few weeks which will build momentum as Saturn slips into Pisces and Pluto makes its first appearance in Aquarius. As Jupiter is racing forward at maximum speed, face the future and don’t clutch as things rapidly accelerate. This broadens the Aquarian vision through direct action, and guarantees us a rapid expansion of awareness in our Aries sector in 2023. We are unique sparks of Light which are part of the greater infinite Light Field. The vision of 2021 has now manifested in a new iteration, with new visions and harvests coming the next few weeks.

As we’re now at the beginning of the third year of a new 20 year and 200 year cycle, remember a new era has dawned. Have courage and take the initiative to leave the Earth and fly free into the Air of what’s opening as the Grand Mutation expands its promise into the Divine transfigured ideal of a more just truth and future. This month brings the promise of adventures to come, so wield your spiritual powers of gratitude and appreciation for all we have and all which has brought us to exactly where we are, for better or worse. In any case, we stand at the end of the Pluto in Capricorn era, and soon will begin to experience the dawning of the coming Pluto in Aquarius era.

We have now collectively transfigured into a greater vision of the one Light/Life we all are together. Continue to find your heart strength and new forms of genuine happiness appropriate for who you are now, and who you are becoming relative to just a few months ago.

The 2022 Capricorn and Aquarius transits began a new chapter of utilizing forms of personal power in Capricorn to serve the emerging Aquarian ideal. A huge part of the past died in 2021 and 2022 and a new expansive inspired energy came in via the Mars conjunction with Jupiter in Aries. The past is over and we all have begun our trek into a new world of new potential, new adventures, and new ways to enjoy being ourselves while doing our work of Destiny. Open to the abundance of the process of growth, since we are all on a rocket ship to the stars!


Since I also include this in the newsletter, I’ll offer it to you here:


SUN – 11 Pisces to 11 Aries
MERCURY – 28 Aquarius to 24 Aries
VENUS – 11 Aries to 18 Taurus
MARS – 20 Gemini to 3 Cancer
JUPITER – 12 to 20 Aries
SATURN – 30 Aquarius to 3 Pisces
URANUS – 16 to 17 Taurus
NEPTUNE – 25 to 26 Pisces
PLUTO – 30 Capricorn to 1 Aquarius
CHIRON – 14 to 16 Aries
TRUE NORTH NODE – 6 to 5 Taurus



(Bold entries are the ingresses, stations, and lunations. Non-bold are significant aspects.)

NEW MOON; February 19; Sun and Moon at 2 Pisces
MERCURY CONJUNCT SATURN; March 2 at 30 Aquarius
VENUS CONJUNCT CHIRON; March 3 at 14 Aries
FULL MOON; March 7; Sun 17 Pisces; Moon 17 Virgo

MARS SQUARE NEPTUNE; March 14 at 26 Gemini/Pisces
SUN CONJUNCT NEPTUNE; March 15 at 26 Pisces
MARS LEAVES SHADOW ZONE; March 16 at 27 Gemini
SUN SQUARE MARS; March 16 at 26 Pisces/Gemini
VENUS SQUARE PLUTO; March 16 at 30 Aries/Capricorn
MERCURY SQUARE MARS; March 16 at 26 Pisces/Gemini
AAZ Meeting; March 18
NEW MOON; March 21; Sun and Moon at 1 Aries

VENUS CONJUNCT URANUS; March 30 at 17 Taurus
MERCURY SQUARE PLUTO; April 3 at 1 Taurus/Aquarius
SUN CONJUNCT CHIRON; April 4 at 16 Aries
FULL MOON; April 5; Sun 17 Aries; Moon 17 Libra

Again, please consider joining Astrology Arizona to get all this and more delivered to your email inbox at the beginning of each month. And members get to advertise their business on our website for free!

I want to welcome all to drop by our Astrology Arizona Facebook page and join the social media initiative going on there. Please feel free to contribute a topic, ask about a topic, or anything else related to our new group. See you over there!

I also highly recommend joining our group and coming to our zoom presentations, since we have some of the best astrologers anywhere giving talks about all kinds of great astrological topics. We’ve had “Evolutionary Configurations,” “America at the Crossroads,” “Using Planetary Hours in Charts,” “Outer Planet Cycles and How The Past Affects the Present,” “The Three Part Self,” “How Our Chart Expresses Our Spiritual Potential,” and more. We have some really great speakers and topics for 2023, so consider becoming a member of our dynamic group of astrologers and students of the craft!

I also highly recommend joining our group and coming to our zoom presentations, since we have some of the best astrologers anywhere giving talks about all kinds of great astrological topics. We’ve had “Evolutionary Configurations,” “America at the Crossroads,” “Using Planetary Hours in Charts,” “Outer Planet Cycles and How The Past Affects the Present,” “The Three Part Self,” “How Our Chart Expresses Our Spiritual Potential,” and more.

In our May talk, I spoke about my new book The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames and how to change our relationships for the better, as well as Soul Mates and why we’ve attracted who we’ve attracted throughout our lives. We’re having “Merging Cycles: Venus and Mars at 32 and 64” on March 18. You can find out more at the FB page, our website, or by writing me.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

I want to welcome all to drop by our Facebook page at Astrology Arizona and join the social media initiative going on there. Please feel free to contribute a topic, ask about a topic, or anything else related to our new group. See you over there!

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

© 2023 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved. We track all IP addresses. Using a VPN will now also get tracked to original source IP.

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LEO July 23 - August 22 Read more



The Merchant's Stone Cinnabar is said to attract abundance, gently increasi... Read more



The Atlantis Stone - The Dolphin Stone Found exclusively in the Dominica... Read more

Lugh - Celtic God Of The Sun

Lugh - Celtic God Of The Sun

The god Lugh was worshiped in Ireland as a deity of the sun. This connection... Read more

Lughnasadh Meditation

Lughnasadh Meditation

The Seventh Sabbat of the Wheel is Lughnasadh. Lughnasadh is celebrated on A... Read more

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