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How Technology Can Help Reduce Our Impact on the Planet

How Technology Can Help Reduce Our Impact on the Planet

In recent years, our growing awareness has changed our priorities when it comes to our planet’s health. Our carbon footprint has done its damage, and not to mention the ongoing harmful practices across so many different industries that keep jeopardizing numerous eco-systems, species, and our own existence. In such a world, we look for ways to turn to natural solutions that no longer deprive us of the wealth Mother Nature has given us, but that create abundance in every sense. Although we can definitely change some of our own habits to protect the planet, there are much grander solutions we can use.

The answer seems to be an unexpected one: technology. Our ambition to preserve nature may be best supported by our technical capabilities and the latest innovations in this realm. It’s tech that allows us to create compostable bags, energy-efficient tools such as solar panels, and eco-friendly cars. There are many different industries and areas of life where technology has a practical application in reducing our negative impact on the environment, and we’ll look at a few that are perhaps the most vital today.

AI for more efficient data analytics

AI for more efficient data analytics

We may believe that knowledge is power, but what we do with that knowledge is what will ultimately shape the world we live in. Up until very recently, people were in charge of collecting, refining, filtering, and analyzing all kinds of data, piles of it, to see what we can do better in each industry. The problem with this approach is that we’re inherently fallible and that we make mistakes, we’re biased, and we can often focus on the wrong parameters for the lack of vision.

This is why the implementation of machine learning and artificial intelligence helps us combine the power of the human mind with an almost endless capacity of AI to collate information into meaningful data analytics and derive solutions that help our planet heal. It helps us reduce water use, pesticide use, refine tree-planting initiatives, and recognize opportunities for better planet-friendly practices. Some programs such as AI for Earth are specialized particularly for that purpose.

Safety in the gas and oil industry

Safety in the gas and oil industry

We still rely on natural resources heavily in our everyday lives, which makes it very important to find more efficient processes for extraction, supply, and usage of these resources. One major industry that can change its carbon footprint is the gas and oil industry, and with reliable oilfield equipment available to experts in the field, it has become possible to achieve just that by preventing everything from operational issues to major catastrophes.

Technology in this industry empowers companies to use gear that will greatly reduce the risk of catastrophic spills, equipment malfunctioning, and other problems that contribute to natural disasters of different magnitudes. Advanced tech is the key piece of the puzzle in refining oil-mining operations and making them more sustainable for our planet while we still rely on fossil fuels.

Farming to change thanks to lab-grown meat

Farming to change thanks to lab-grown meat

More people are turning to the vegan lifestyle primarily for the sake of planet preservation. It’s true that agriculture in general, but especially livestock farming is a major contributor to global warming and greenhouse gas emissions, hence the need to reduce meat consumption on a global scale.

Beyond choosing plants as the primary source of nutrition, people will soon have access to lab-grown meat substitutes with the same nutritional value of the real deal, sans the negative effects on the environment. This advanced technology will soon enable humans to consume lab-grown meat that will no longer require livestock farming and its accompanying disastrous impact on our planet.

Plastic-free compostable materials

Plastic-free compostable materials

We already know that plastic is a major pollutant everywhere around the world. Even with the most advanced recycling facilities at our disposal, plastic still ends up in our oceans, rivers, and our drinking water. Thankfully, there are companies providing plastic-free alternatives that help us reduce the use of plastic in our daily lives. We’ve already seen so many brands offer bamboo-made products, including toothbrushes, and stainless-steel razors and insulated water bottles to replace those single-use plastics in our home.

In recent years, there’s been an increased need for even more alternatives, especially the kind of materials that will naturally decompose quickly without contaminating our water or soil. Tech has empowered us to produce compostable garbage bags and other products to completely eliminate the need for plastic in our lives, slowly transforming one home at a time to reduce our planet’s pollution rates.

Life on our planet is rapidly changing, and it’s up to us to find the most effective solutions to preserve the natural wealth of Mother Earth and do our best to reverse the damage we’ve caused so far. Luckily, tech seems to be one of our most reliable solutions that have already made a tremendous impact, and that will help us make a difference in the years to come.



Sophia Smith is beauty and style blogger, an eco-lifestyle lover, graphic designer and a DIY enthusiast. She is very passionate about natural skincare, minimalist wardrobe, yoga and mindful living. Sophia writes mostly about beauty-related topics in her articles. She has contributed to a number of publications including: Eco Warrior Princess, Viva Glam Magazine, How to Simplify and Carousel.

You can find out more about her writing by following her on: Facebook  Twitter  Google +

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Sophia Smith 

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