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Breakthrough Alert: Saturn Semi-Square Pluto Insights!

Breakthrough Alert: Saturn Semi-Square Pluto Insights!

June 7th ~ 14th

We humans can get used to anything. It really is remarkable. The problem is that we often use this glorious ability of ours to stay stuck in mediocrity. Oh, the years we waste adapting to lousy marriages, soul-sucking jobs, being friends with people who are rude to waitresses. ~ Jen Sincero

One of the prevailing transits of the year is a semi-square between Saturn and Pluto. It’s one of those so-called minor aspects that we often will ignore, but simply won’t go away no matter how much we pretend it isn’t there. It’s the next leg of the Saturn/Pluto story that began with their conjunction in January of 2020. Conjunctions are about new beginnings. And Saturn/Pluto beginnings are often interlaced with hard decisions, great sacrifices and the necessity to shake off a whole lot of stuff that is keeping us from growing and/or thriving. It ain’t easy.

Like a thorn in our side, or a nagging headache, Saturn semi-square Pluto simply will not go away. It is there in the background of our lives, in the ways that we put up with things that annoy us, in the ways that we remain stuck, because it is much easier to do so rather than face the alternatives. There is an inference with this not-so-minor aspect that something is in need of reform. And through the impetus of the New Moon in Gemini, and the whole slew of inner planets: Mercury, Venus and Mars; in some way, some how, this is getting personal. 

And so we may ask ourselves: 

  • Where am I stuck? 

  • What have I outgrown, no longer need, but some how cannot let go of? 

  • What have I been trying to avoid, but seems to keep following me wherever I go? 

  • What old habits am I needing to change, but seem to keep falling back on? 

  • What have I been putting up with, but can no longer ignore? 

Saturn/Pluto energy is a force that can not and will not be ignored. And simply cannot be avoided. This will become evident over the months ahead. But perhaps what the inner, personal planets are showing us this week, are the ways in which we have become stuck. And what we are, or are not, willing to do about it.

Sun, Mercury and Venus in Gemini are square Saturn this coming week. To begin, and New Moon periods always start with a beginning, we are being given permission to say No More. If better limits and boundaries are needed, this is when we are being asked to do so. If you are needing to cut back somewhere and simplify your life so that it can be more manageable, and less exhausting this is when to do it. This is not a time to push yourself through it, for it will only make the situation worse than it already is. 

You might want to ask yourself, what obstacles are standing in the way of you being able to live your own best life. Is there something that you can do about these obstacles? And if so, are you willing to make the sacrifices that may be necessary in order to make these sorts of changes? And if you are unable to make these changes, or are not ready to, what might you be able to change in your outlook, or perhaps in small and meaningful ways, that will make it easier to live with your current obstacles or limitations? 

On Sunday, Mars will leave the bold and reckless sign of Aries, and enter placid Taurus terrain. And then immediately after, on Tuesday, June 11th, Mars will square Pluto, which is followed by a semi-square to Saturn on Friday, June 14th. Be prepared to come full stop under a cloud of seething anger smoldering beneath the surface. Either yours or someone else’s. Like a volcano getting ready to blow, Mars/Pluto/Saturn weather can feel despair in the face of formidable forces over which it appears we have no control. There can even be a primal cruelty to Mars/Pluto connections. As well as a primal instinct and determination to survive against all odds. Do not underestimate the formidable strength of this Mars/Pluto square. 

When the warrior planet Mars enters Taurus it is asked to leave its weapons at the door, for Taurus is a sign of peace. It does not like to rock the boat, or upset the order of things. So as Mars enters Taurus and is confronted with the dark lord Pluto and stern Saturn sitting in the wings, the first inclination is to seethe in our resentment and discontent. At least until it’s just too hard to do so any more. And that’s when the volcano begins to rumble and quake under pressure. 

Mars is a catalyst. Normally it is a planet of action. And even inaction is a statement in and of itself. But with the square to Pluto and the semi-square to Saturn, even in the face of extraordinary odds, even in the face of our own inertia and fear, we are some how being asked to take our power back, wherever and however we can. No more placating meanness. No more settling. It is time to at least recognize whatever it is that is undermining us and preventing us from owning our own agency and being an effective force in the world. It is time to have the courage to live your own best life.

Sun/Mercury/Venus can also bring a momentary awareness, perhaps a level of understanding and even healing. They do so through the guidance of Chiron pushing us to this new level of understanding. Even if it seems improbable. Even if it seems impossible, somewhere, some how that illuminating moment of awareness and/or guidance is there to show us the way through this morass. 

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong. ~N.R. Narayana Murthy

For this week’s horoscopes, click below:



Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 


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