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Explore the Secrets of Mars Unbound
Written by Lauren Howard Coleman
January 3 ~ 13th
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” ~ Yoda
The Sun’s apparent path around our planet, that which we call the Ecliptic, extends as far north as 23º N 27’ (Tropic of Cancer) and as far south as 23º S 27’ (Tropic of Capricorn). The planets in our Solar System are usually contained within that range. And this makes sense as they are bound to the Sun’s gravitational field. But every now and then, when in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn, they will stray beyond the field of influence of our liege lord, the Sun, and venture into the Out of Bounds.
When that happens, the planet is no longer ‘bound’ by the usual conventions and laws of the land. Left to their own devices, there is almost an inherent necessity to answer to no one but themselves. They go off road, are range free, and unbeholden. And so it is with our warrior planet Mars, which will remain in this Out of Bound territory from January until the first week of April. So all the things of Mars, our urges, our motives, our assertions, our anger, our noble independence, no longer feels the necessity to have to answer to any authority, or to conform to what we usually associate with as being ‘normal’.
This can be a good thing. This allows people to stand out and be separate and not go along with the common herd. There is a greater sense of authenticity, that does not feel the need to ask for permission. Carried to an extreme this can wreak chaos and mayhem, mostly through unrestrained actions. And this becomes even more complicated when combined with a retrograde Mars in direct opposition to Pluto, as it is on January 3rd.
Mars is still in Leo when it makes its opposition to Pluto on Friday. Leo is a sign of leadership, royalty and charisma. And in opposition to powerful Pluto, the first images that come to mind, are things like: the deposition of the King; a fall from grace; a war between powerful and charismatic leaders; the abuse of power by powerful people; and Acts of desperation in order to hold on to power.
One of the dangers of Mars in its retrograde is the tendency to internalize the negative qualities of Mars, such as anger, aggression, and frustration. This can be expressed as seething resentment or passive aggression. And with Mars retrograde in Leo we are likely to see one’s arrogance, and assumption of power, being threatened or cut down to size. Rarely does anyone win in these retrograde periods when we cling to our anger. And the last thing we need is to be carrying all that frustration and anger into the New Year.
By contrast, these retrograde phases of Mars are ideal times to remedy the negative attributes of Mars, by cultivating the positive attributes of Mars, such as courage, independence, self-reliance and confidence. These are the qualities that allow you to stand firm even in the face of extraordinary challenges, and even in times of extreme power struggles with others. People can get really touchy and even act from a place of desperation, in the days surrounding the opposition. This is because Mars/Pluto energy feels like survival. Survival in the face of even the most unmentionable situations. Situations that surely require a great deal of courage, self-reliance and confidence.
But perhaps one of the bravest things we can do when confronted by arrogance and bullying, is to merely walk away and not engage it. How radical is that?
Mars is also a catalyst. And as Mars opposes Pluto it is also making a minor sesquare aspect to Saturn, bringing the Saturn/Pluto semi-square to the foreground. This is an aspect in which it could feel like everyone is trying to position themselves in order to have the most influence and power. This is a transit of power, of survival, and control. It is primal. And it is deep.
This current Saturn/Pluto cycle began in January 2020, just as we were entering the Pandemic. Saturn/Pluto cycles, which last about 33-38 years, can at first feel like destruction, imminent danger and fear of annihilation. But what arises out of that, is a determination to survive, grow and evolve from who we once were, into someone or something better and stronger. That metaphor for imminent danger was certainly true when the cycle began in 2020. The current opening semi-square between Saturn and Pluto is the next phase of this cycle. Similar to a crescent moon phase, this is when the need to regroup, survive and take charge is being tested.
After the opposition, Mars will retrograde back to Cancer, where it will remain until April 17th. When Mars is in Cancer we tend to circle the wagons, defend our own: our turf, our home, our family and loved ones, the things that matter most to us. It can take a lot for Mars in Cancer to rise to the occasion. However, like the strong Mama bear she is, Mars in Cancer will defend and protect those who are in her care with every strength of her fiber. She is the hero who lifts the car off the child, who stands up to bullies, makes sure everyone is fed, and secures the perimeters. Do not underestimate Mars in Cancer. For when called to action she can be a force to be reckoned with.
Interestingly, several of the planets (Mars, Pluto, Neptune and Mercury) will be aspecting the Nodes of the Moon. Our Karma is unfolding, and we are all being inexorably drawn along with the tide in order to fulfill our destinies. We are all here in this place, at this time, for a reason. Which is why the sorts of decisions and choices we make now, are so, so important. It is not just about our own individual evolutionary growth. This is about the destiny of humanity as a whole. And we’re deep into it.
Every choice we make, every little bit of resistance, every kindness and action we take contributes to the whole. As we enter 2025 all the planets are either changing or about to change signs. And when Pluto entered Aquarius just this past November, we were being asked to not look back at what once was, but to look forward to the possibility of what can be. We are closing out an era, while giving birth to another. And new births, always require special care and consideration. And at this point, there is no going back. We have no choice but to look bravely to the future, and fulfill our destiny in only the best ways possible.
2025 is both pivotal and unprecedented in so many respects. It is a very rare thing for all of the planets, as well as the Nodes of the Moon, to change signs within a matter of months. As a result both the global, as well as the personal aspects of our lives are experiencing significant shifts this year, and we are being drawn along for the ride. And no one will be exempt. So rather than resisting, let us all lean into our truest and most authentic selves, find our true north, and dedicate ourselves to following that. May we all find that path that will enable us to live our own best lives in these extraordinary times.
Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong. ~ N.R. Narayana Murthy
For this week’s horoscopes, click on the link below:
Astrology By Lauren A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. Source
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