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Mercury Enters Capricorn
Written by Robert Wilkinson
At 6:49 pm PST on January 13, Mercury will again leave Sagittarius and re-enter Capricorn on its journey out of its shadow zone.
We now get a third look at the first 9 degrees of Capricorn while moving forward with the themes of its direct station at 23 Sagittarius dominating the landscape for the next 11 weeks.
We spent the retrograde looking back and reviewing Capricorn themes of 2023 to see how well we’ve “aligned” with our angels and the invisible world, and the level of “fulfilled selfhood” we’ve attained as a result of what we accepted and what we left behind in 2023. Mercury now gives us a final pass over the actional and emotional/social levels of the power of the first decan of Capricorn. Mercury’s re-entry again brings Cardinal Earth to the forefront of any planets or houses we have with Gemini or Virgo prominent.
Mercury’s entry into Capricorn shows it’s rapidly speeding up and will move through Aquarius and Pisces very quickly over the next few weeks. This is the time to move forward with projects, as the “coordinating principle” is now very fast with the ability to find information a lot quicker than when retrograde.
The themes of the December/January Mercury retrograde are still in play until the next SRX. That recent retrograde helped us take a new look at how we were shaped emotionally and socially, or how we accepted power or responsibility on those levels of life. We were mobilized in our early Capricorn sector to review and get a new sense of what our fulfillment might look or feel like. Since then Mercury is now poised to re-enter Capricorn, and race through Aquarius and Pisces into its initial foray into Aries, where we will again take a look back at basic facts and the new identity we’ll have found.
Mercury is now ruled by Saturn in Pisces, showing Mercury will be more intuitive, more empathic, and more “in tune with the collective” even as the lessons involves “exchanges of Spirit and understanding” helping build a sense of community as we move into a new phase of “self-development.” While in the first decan of Capricorn, Mercury also has a Jupiter sub-influence, and with Jupiter ruling Saturn, we should continue to enjoy life in easy and grounded ways as we build metaphoric bridges to cross a gap of some sort.
As I noted when Mercury entered Sagittarius and had Jupiter in Taurus as its primary dispositor, Venus was its dispositor, finding Herself in Libra during Mercury’s initial stay in Sagittarius. During Mercury’s retrograde and then direct stay in Sag in late December and the first half of January, Venus has been in Scorpio and Sagittarius, the latter sign creating a Mutual Reception with Jupiter in Taurus as explained in the recent New Moon articles.
Now that Mercury in Capricorn has Saturn in Pisces as a dispositor, the Jupiter influence recedes a bit, with Venus in Sagittarius and Capricorn as the backdrop to Jupiter. The Mutual Reception will continue through January 23 when She enters Capricorn and Saturn becomes her ruler as well as Mercury’s and Mars’. So January continues to emphasize Sagittarius and Taurus energies, while the last week of January emphasizes Capricorn, Pisces, and Taurus as the “chain of dispositors” ruling all the other planets except Neptune.
Remember too that the Inferior Conjunction of Mercury RX with the Sun was at 1 Capricorn at the Galactic Center, so we’re still receiving indirect messages and signals from the heart of the Galaxy and the greater “consciousness” of that Galactic Entity. Now Mercury speeds forward to its next “Superior Conjunction” with the Sun at 10 Pisces when that “fusion of Mind and Life” replaces the Inferior Conjunction of the Solstice.
While Mercury’s in early Capricorn, it again makes the aspects to the outer planets that it did in the first three weeks of December. So Mercury again makes a sextile to Saturn, a sesquisquare to Uranus, a trine to Jupiter, and a binovile to Neptune while it’s in its Shadow Zone. After it enters 10 Capricorn, it will make a septile to Saturn, a quintile to Neptune, and a tredecile to Jupiter en route to its third conjunction with Mars!
This is the third and final conjunction of Mercury with Mars. Last year and this brought Mercury conjunct Mars at 12 Scorpio on October 29; the second one fell with Mercury retrograde at 25 Sagittarius on December 27; the third will be at 18 Capricorn on January 27. Each of these set a different type of energy in motion in the houses in which they fell.
While in Capricorn, Mercury is in its own 8th house relative to its Gemini qualities, and in its own 5th house relative to its Virgo qualities. So it’s very regenerative and aware of shared social values and resources, as well as more creative-expressive in Capricorn. I explain more about how Mercury functions in various signs in my pioneering work A New Look at Mercury Retrograde. Since it was retrograde in all three Earth signs last year and just shifted patterns into a combo of Earth and Fire, if you want to know about Mercury retrograde in various signs and houses, as well as how it functions in worldly events, please get a copy. It’s both fun and informative, and will give you “a new look” at all things related to Mercury retrograde! (Just make sure you get the 2nd Edition with the award on the cover published by 5th Ray Publishing rather than the much older 1st Edition published by Weiser.)
Mercury in Capricorn organizes the scattered ideas and plans of Mercury in Sagittarius into a grounded power of action. As a result of what we reworked during the retrograde period, we now have new perspectives, adventures, truths, and visions which require some discipline, training, and/or organization wherever we have the first decan of Capricorn in our charts.
From here it’s onward to the Superior conjunction at 10 Pisces! As a result of the Inferior conjunction at 1 Capricorn, we’re seeing ways to claim power in a different realm than we’ve been dealing with. It may be a return to the past, or a renewal of an old power, and we’re definitely seeing life differently as a result of the retrograde! We now can use the experience of the first three weeks of December to organize our move forward into the new lands promised by the last Mercury SD degree, so give up the lesser and you will attain the greater!
Reprinted on with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected.
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