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Mercury Goes Retrograde Between Eclipses!

Mercury Goes Retrograde Between Eclipses!

March 29th ~ April 5th

In the space between chaos and shape there was another chance. ~ Jeanette Winterson

The liminal space between the eclipses becomes that much more internalized as Mercury appears to shift back from where it came. On April 1st, Mercury will station for its retrograde phase which lasts until April 25th. All the Mercury retro rules apply: be circumspect about making promises, signing contracts, making major decisions. If this is something that was already decided and agreed to, you may see some delays and do-overs, or not at all. If that is the case it may prove to be fortuitous. Enjoy the ride (if you get to your destination or not), in the end these Mercury retro phases are critical for our mental health and over-all well-being.

As we find ourselves reminiscing, reflecting, remembering and unearthing, we are also going through a period of assimilating and processing all of the events, decisions, and circumstances that have brought us to this place in time. There can be issues during this period that can derail communications, find us impulsively leaping in where we probably shouldn’t, and with Mercury in Aries saying things that could prove to be regrettable. This is not the best time for those ‘important’ discussions. But do pay attention to what comes up. This is when we try to make sense of and put the pieces of our lives together. 

Do be aware that the ability to hold your tongue will be progressively more difficult towards the end of next week when Mercury in Aries takes a nod (semi-square) to Aries-ruler, Mars. This is when Mercury gathers enough courage to just tell it like it is, no apologies, and come what may. But this could also get a bit messy especially as we sit here betwixt the eclipses. 

We have a tendency to blame everything on Mercury when in its retrograde phase. And truth be known it does feel like all sorts of technical difficulties have wreaked mayhem and confusion this past week. But you can’t look at these retrograde phases in isolation. We just had a Lunar Eclipse in aspect to erratic Uranus, and a powerful Solar Eclipse in Aries is just around the corner. Not to mention the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on April 20. There’s no telling what can happen when the Eclipses are in such perfect alignment and a new Jupiter/Uranus cycle looms on the horizon. Be open for what comes. Be open and flexible.

We stand here in the void between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses, as if in the eye of a storm. Some things may fade, while other things are brewing, drawing some together, while parting others. And even if we can’t necessarily see where all this will lead in the end, we are still asked to proceed as if we do. Some will feel like they are overwhelmed with chaos, activity and change. Others will feel as if their very life force is being drained out of them with the upcoming the Solar Eclipse. But right now we are in the veil between the eclipses, where change, time warps and incomprehension can all converge And all we can do is walk through to the other side. 

What the retrograde phase of Mercury in Aries (April 1st ~ 25th) can be good for:

  • Taking care of unfinished business. Tie up those loose ends. Swiftly remediate and complete those projects gathering dust and cluttering up your life. Clearing up the clutter in your environment and your life, also brings clarity to your mind. 

  • Reminiscing and remembering. Connecting with people from the past. Whether that be a reunion, or a gathering of the tribe, reconnecting can help you to put the pieces of your life together. And also helps you to remember why you were together in the first place.

  • Letting go. Mercury is in Aries, a sign of new beginnings. It prefers to travel light. What might you want to release and let go of that you’ve been carrying around for way too long? 

  • Mercury in Aries rarely slows down. Even when in its retrograde phase. But this is when we are asked to take time to withdraw, reflect and connect with ourselves. This inner reflection helps to make better sense of our lives, and to process all that we have been learning, experiencing and sensing up until now. 

One other piece of the puzzle: shortly after Mercury makes its inferior conjunction on April 11th, Mercury will make a conjunction to the centaur Chiron on April 15th. This is the most significant aspect Mercury will make during its retrograde phase (the second is a conjunction to the North Node when Mercury stations direct). It is the second of 3 conjunctions that Mercury will make to Chiron (the first being March 21st, 2nd April 15th, 3rd May 7th). This connection with the wandering Centaur is especially significant, as it is also a signature of the upcoming Solar Eclipse on April 8th, which is also conjunct Chiron. Therefore Mercury’s transits can help us to make sense of the significance of the Solar Eclipse both in society as well as in our own lives. 

Eclipses can often point to important turning points in our lives. And anything that can help us to achieve a deeper understanding of what that is, and how that can operate in our lives, should be taken advantage of. And with Mercury in the picture that can include understanding the wisdom of how we use our words, and what we use them for. Do we use our words to cause harm, division and conflict? Or do we courageously use our words and expertise to heal old wounds and rifts? 

To learn about this Mercury retrograde phase for your sign (or natal house placement), click on the horoscopes button below: 



Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 


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