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Saturn in Pisces Semisquare Pluto in Aquarius: Navigating the Tension
Written by Robert Wilkinson

We’re headed into the core friction associated with these two spiritual powerhouses hitting a turning point in their relationship! This friction will be with us a while, so I’ll offer you a few pointers which you can use these next 9 months.
In 2020, Saturn conjuncted Pluto at 23 Capricorn. As I offered you at the time,
So we’ve now launched into a new era, with themes of 28 Libra being replaced with themes of 23 Capricorn over the next 30+ years. This promises old gloomy states being replaced with rewards for valor, with isolating pessimism destroyed by acknowledgements of work well done. Old negative theoretical attitudes will be replaced by cooperative responsible function now that we’ve all “paid our dues” since 1982 and “expiated the karma” of the era preceding then. This is a VERY hopeful development, even if it will take many years to see the fruits of the labor.
Wherever that conjunction fell in our chart marks a major point of focus for many years to come. It launched a new “structured Plutonic energy” or “mature understanding of transformation” or any other combination of keywords you wish to use. As Pluto rules seed forms and their sprouting, it’s safe to say that year began sprouting some very long term seeds of restructuring, as per the Capricorn influence.
We’ve now hit the first crucial turning point in that cycle with this semisquare from Saturn to Pluto. Given Pluto’s position at 3 Aquarius, a degree of defiance, repudiation, rebellion, and independence, we’ve hit a hard edge in the transformational process. With Saturn at 18 Pisces, we’re encouraged to revise some of our ideas “back to source,” and/or put ourselves forward to attract some form of public recognition. The semisquare will continue for several weeks to come, and strongly impact any planets or points we have around 1-5 Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, as well as 16-20 Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius. As a semisquare challenges “right action” and is an internal aspect, many are going through profound inner changes at this time.
We are told by Marc Edmund Jones that Saturn in a frictional angle with Pluto requires cultivating discernment and careful choice as to which direction to take, since Saturn is the driver of the change. We need to be deliberate in our responses so we can find situations where we can demonstrate our purpose creatively as we become pathfinders and wayshowers to others.
Grant Lewi, in his masterword Astrology for the Millions, states that Saturn transits conjunction, upper or lower square, or opposition Pluto is an aspect associated with “times of confusion” where “the principles of conservation and transformation are at loggerheads.” We are cautioned not to play to fear, and to accept that some amount of risk is part of life. He also cautions us not to push too hard pursuing purposes which may not be appropriate or even good sense.
He offers “Pluto says GO, even STEAMROLL, while Saturn says WAIT. So the key is the middleground.” He says it’s good to meditate and there’s a good chance we’ll “emerge with greater self-knowledge.” While he wrote this regarding Saturn’s aspects to our natal Pluto, it should be easy to extrapolate how to handle these two generic energies creating friction and opportunity wherever we have early Aquarius and mid-Pisces.
While the semisquare will subside in intensity in June, stay alert to developments around June 4 through 12, as Venus, the Sun, and Mercury all sesquisquare Pluto and square Saturn, anticipating when Mars conjunct Jupiter creates the same dynamic in August! That week in June will provide clues to what we can expect in August, when the friction will be most acute, with Mars conjunct Jupiter and both square Saturn and sesquisquare Pluto in mid-August. Areas of maximum friction are about the same degree span in the same signs as I gave you in the previous paragraph.
The semisquare will persist into September and October when Pluto is at 30 Capricorn, and then continue in November, December, January, and the first half of February, so you may want to meditate on these energies so you can become familiar with how to respond in the best way possible. And lest it seem all bad, this is an excellent time to figure out how to act with vision and focused power, anticipating the future and steering the process through these troubled waters.
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