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Galactic Federation: Do You Know How Important Your Aura Is?

Galactic Federation: Do You Know How Important Your Aura Is?

Your aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your physical body. You are made up of energy, and this energy needs to be kept in balance.

We have an aura, and it's an extremely important part of our wellbeing. Some scientists think that our aura even exceeds the size of our physical body.

Your aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your physical body. You are made up of energy, and this energy needs to be kept in balance. When you have an imbalance, this causes an imbalanced aura or a buildup of negative energy that can cause you to feel uncomfortable.

It is believed that our thoughts, emotions, and actions affect the size and color of this energy field. The aura contains all of our thoughts, emotions, and memories. It also serves as protection for our bodies by absorbing negative energy from others, which may cause illness or disease.

When we are sick or depressed, the person's aura is usually dark and heavy because more negative energy has been absorbed into it. This leads to more illness in the body, which further darkens the person's aura, creating a vicious cycle.

The best way to cleanse and heal your aura is through meditation, breathing exercises, and being in nature. As long as you are in a positive environment—one filled with love, light, and happiness—you will be able to keep your aura clear and bright.

The aura is a reflection of how we feel and how we perceive the world around us. Our health, relationships, and life experiences all affect it. What affects our aura? Food and drink, emotions, stress, exercise, sleep patterns, drugs, alcohol, social interactions... the list is endless.

When your aura is damaged or unclear, it becomes difficult to heal yourself or others. This is because the healing energy we send out into the world has to pass through our energy field in order to manifest. Our energy fields are like magnets: they attract information and experience that match what's going on inside us.

When we are out of balance, and there is a lot of negativity in our lives, our aura can become polluted. When we are in this state, it is harder for us to be happy, find love, get the things we want, and enjoy life. When our aura is clean, healthy, and vibrant, it helps us attract good things into our life. A clean aura will help you manifest your desires into reality faster and easier. Cleaning your aura allows you to see life in a more positive light and makes it easier for you to attract positive people into your life.

All the modern-day stresses, pollution, and negativity can get to your body and mind. Stress-related to work, relationships, money, health problems, and many more things can adversely affect your physical and psychological wellbeing.

A toxic environment and a bad lifestyle can negatively affect you on many levels. They can also make you feel dull, drained of energy, and even depressed. Your body is a temple of life force energy that sustains your mind and body. If this energy is blocked or depleted, it could lead to acute health conditions or even cause serious disease in the future.

Cleaning your aura is important to keep you healthy and protect you from negative energies. Cleaning your aura can be done naturally without the use of any chemicals or other man-made substances.

To cleanse your aura, you must first know what the human aura consists of. The human aura consists of three different layers or fields: the etheric field, the emotional-mental field, and the physical field. These layers are all interconnected with each other and interact with one another at all times. The human energy field can be compared to onion as it has many layers, and each layer has its own unique qualities that altogether help make up the whole of who we are as an individual.

The dirty aura is said to be the cause of several kinds of diseases, and hence, it needs to be cleaned. This can be achieved by cleaning the aura from within and without. Soul cleansing and body detoxification should be made a habit. The best way to cleanse your aura is by following a healthy living routine with a positive outlook towards life.

If you want to clean your body and aura and improve your life in general, here are some tips:

♣ You may have heard of the term "vodka disease." This is because alcohol leads to dehydration, which in turn can cause your body to eliminate many of its vital nutrients. When you are dehydrated, the liquid that is left inside your body tends to be more acidic than normal--and that's why people with a lot of alcohol in their systems often have acidic bloodstreams.

Toxins in your body can also lead to an acidic condition. Toxins come from a number of sources, including processed foods and consumer products, as well as cigarette smoke and other types of toxins in the environment. It's no wonder so many people suffer from acid reflux, the term for heartburn that results from excess stomach acid.

The good news is that there are many things you can do on a daily basis to help cleanse your body of toxins and promote a healthier pH level. Some of these suggestions may seem like common sense (such as not smoking or overdoing it with junk food), but they can make a big difference over time.

  • Drinking water with lemon every morning on an empty stomach will help you clean your aura and keep it healthy. Lemons are full of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen your immune system as well as purify your blood. Lemon will also assist you with weight loss because it is rich in pectin fiber that fills you up faster and for longer. Lemons are also a great source of potassium, which works synergistically with sodium to control blood pressure levels.
  • Drinking water with lemon first thing in the morning will set a positive tone for your day and give you a healthier complexion. It will also enhance your digestive functions and detoxify both your body and mind.
  • Spend at least one hour in nature each day. This can be on a walk in the park, by the beach, or even in your garden. Always make sure you wear comfortable clothing when spending time outdoors, as this will allow you to feel more relaxed.
  • Meditation practice entails sitting quietly and clearing your mind of all thoughts. This can be difficult at first, but with practice, it will become easier.
  • Practice breathing exercises: Focus on your breathing and try not to think about anything else. Bring your awareness back to your breathing if you start thinking about something else.

You can, with an open mind and an open heart, clean up all these stories in you, and your aura will become brighter by the second, and you may even feel a lot better than you have been feeling. Then, of course, these practices should be followed daily. That's what I'm trying to get at here: we should take care of our aura every single day. That way, we won't get all kinds of illnesses. Even if we do get one, we'll be able to cure it pretty quickly. I hope this has inspired you to clean your aura and live a healthy and extraordinary life.

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Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

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Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
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