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Aura Colors

Aura Colors

The colours of an individual’s Aura can reveal much about their physical, spiritual, emotional and mental state. The Aura reflects the well-being, mood and energy of a person, animal or plant.

Dominant Blue in your Aura, for example can indicate that you are highly spiritual, have a strong will and a determined focus. It can also show inability to open up and express deep emotions and have doubts about your own abilities, talents and skills.

A principal colour of Green in an Aura indicates strong home and family orientation and a deep connection to nature. It can show that you are a natural healer in tune with nature and its forces.

Personality traits the colour of your aura says about you.


Reds are physical and sexual. They love expressing themselves through their sensuality and their physical bodies. They live their lives in the here-and-now with zest, strength, courage and self-confidence.

Reds love to live in physical reality, to manipulate their environment. Reality must be tangible to them. They must be able to see, touch, hear, taste and smell it. Reds are not abstract thinkers. A wall is a wall and there is no need for further discussion or speculation. Reality is literal, not ethereal or complicated.

Reds require proof that something exists. It must have a concrete and tangible substance. Reds remind us that we have bodies that we are matter — flesh and blood. These robust personalities enjoy the physical aspect of life. They don't try to see life as an illusion or try to escape from it into a fantasy world.


Oranges are the thrill-seekers and daredevils of the aura spectrum. They love the challenge and excitement of physical danger. They love to challenge their environment and go beyond any accepted physical limits.

Oranges put their lives on the line just to feel alive; the stakes must actually be life and death for Oranges to feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. They love the adrenaline rush of excitement in the face of danger.

For Oranges , thrills, cunning skill, and excitement are the essentials in life. Everything else is just passive existence. Evil Knievel and actor/stuntman Jackie Chan are well-known examples of Orange auras.


Magentas are rare and not commonly found on the planet these days. Magentas are the nonconformists in the aura spectrum. They are usually seen as bizarre loners. They see life from a different and unusual perspective. They don't choose to abide by society's mores, expectations or standards. They follow the beat of their own drummers.

Magentas love to shock people, to shake them from their ordinary, humdrum existence. For example, Magentas will walk down the street donning wild clothes and purple Mohawk haircuts. Other people don't usually have the nerve or the desire to live the lifestyle of the Magentas .

Because of their outrageous behavior, Magentas prefer to live in large, crowded cities where they don't stand out as much and aren't pressured to conform. These free spirits aren't usually concerned about what others think, but in large cities they are more apt to have the freedom to express themselves.

(Many Yellow/Violet aura combinations think that they are Magentas because they have so many similar qualities and experiences. Read about the life purposes of Yellows , Violets, and Magentas to discover which are your real Life Colors. Magentas tend to focus on and enjoy the strangeness of the physical world. They are not concerned about spirituality, humanitarian or environmental causes the way Yellow/Violets are. Magentas prefer to live in busy cities. Yellows prefer to live in more natural environments.)


Yellows are the most fun-loving, free-spirited, energetic, and childlike personalities in the aura spectrum. Yellows are wonderful, sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and to help heal the planet.

Yellows can either be very shy and sensitive, or they can be the life of the party. These playful characters have a great sense of humor. They love to laugh and to make others laugh. Yellows believe life is to be enjoyed. They like to live life freely and spontaneously. With a perpetual smile on their face, they remind people to not take themselves or their problems too seriously.

Yellows would prefer not to work at all, unless their work was fun, playful, or creative. They love nature, and often have concerns for the survival of wildlife and the environment. Dogs are very drawn to Yellows and often become their best friends.

The Tans

The bright and curious Abstract Tans are unique characters in the mental family. They are the most childlike of all the Tans. Abstract Tans are open, friendly and outgoing. They have incredibly optimistic personalities. Though they frequently have high energy, it is also usually scattered. They tend to go in many directions at once.

All the other Tan personalities process information in a very logical and sequential manner. They process every step in a linear fashion, from one to ten. While Abstract Tans see all the details and steps which need to be handled, they do not proceed in an orderly fashion.

Abstract Tans have random thought processes. Rather than proceeding step by step, they attempt to work on all of the steps simultaneously. They do not sense that any one step is a priority — the first step is just another piece in the project, as is the last one. These sensitive individuals often appear to be scatterbrained to others.

Abstract Tans are consistently misplacing or losing their possessions and they usually can't remember where they put things last. Their lives seem to be in a constant state of confusion and disorder. Abstract Tans energy is so unfocused that people around them can become agitated trying to pin them down.

Abstract Tans have energy similar to that of fireflies or hummingbirds. Their rapidly vibrating wings move a hundred times a second as they constantly change course in mid-air.

The Environmental Tan Life Color is a deep tan-colored band layered with a forest-green-colored band. The Environmental Tan is the bridge between the physical family and the mental family.

Environmental Tans experience their reality by physically touching their environment and then mentally analyzing it. (Occasionally, Yellow/Tan Combinations who have suppressed their free-spirited Yellow aspect believe themselves to be Environmental Tans. It is important that Yellow/Tans find a way to reconnect with their Yellow aspect rather than live believing they are Environmental Tan.)

Like their Logical Tan and Sensitive Tan counterparts, Environmental Tans desire security, stability, and logic. They operate best in a world of rules, boundaries, standards, and logical outcomes that follow basic laws of cause and effect.

Environmental Tans prefer structure and discipline. They process life in an orderly and sequential manner just as Logical Tans do, but they have the added ability to judge or measure their environment from an inner perception.

These amazing personalities can intuitively analyze spatial situations. They can sense the exact distance from one side of a room to the other just by looking at it. Environmental Tans relate kinesthetically and mentally to their environment.

The Logical Tan has a light tan-colored band that encircles the body and is usually kept tightly drawn to it. This reflects the Logical Tans' tendency to keep their feelings and thoughts to themselves.

Logical Tans are very logical and analytical. They choose to process every step, from one through ten. Logical Tans do not like to skip or miss anything. Their method of processing cannot be rushed. They need to analyze and comprehend the logic in each step before proceeding to the next.

Logical Tans like to establish a firm foundation, and then slowly build brick by brick, step by step. Otherwise, they are afraid the entire project will collapse on them.

Not being risk-takers, these methodical thinkers need to see all the data and all the facts before making any moves. Everything for Logical Tans is done in an orderly and sequential manner. Every detail is meticulously processed.

Logical Tans typically form very habitual patterns. They are more comfortable repeating the same duties day after day. They don't like their routines to be altered. Even rearranging the furniture in their homes can throw them off and cause them to feel awkward until they are able to readjust to the new situation.

Logical Tans are the least flexible and adaptable personalities of the aura spectrum. Their sense of security is attached to sameness, reliability and predictability.

The Sensitive Tan is the bridge between the mental colors and the emotional colors. Their auras are a combination of a light tan color with a light blue band next to it that encircles the body. Their personalities are a subtle combination of the mental Tan qualities and the emotional Blue qualities.

Sensitive Tans incorporate the characteristics of mental, analytical logic with loving and intuitive compassion. These gentle personalities are quiet, sensitive and supportive. They prefer, like Logical Tans, to maintain a rational, intellectual foundation while they analytically process data.

Sensitive Tans are more emotional and intuitive than Logical Tans, but they tend to keep their feelings to themselves. When a problem arises, Sensitive Tans will retreat inside to figure out the most practical solution.


Greens are some of the most powerful and intelligent people in the aura spectrum. Greens are extremely bright. They process information and ideas quickly; jumping from steps one to ten. They do not like dealing with all the steps and details in between.

A project that is too detailed is tedious and boring for Greens . They prefer to develop an idea, organize a plan, and then delegate someone else to take care of the details.

Greens are very drawn to money, power, and business. These quick-thinkers are very organized and efficient. They write lists and efficiently check off the items on the list as they are completed. Greens recognize patterns and discover solutions very quickly.

When Greens are in their power, they can accomplish anything. They love to set goals and are determined to achieve them. Greens are “movers and shakers” when it comes to taking action. They are also typically the workaholics on the planet.

Greens are highly competitive and enjoy challenges. They thrive on taking risks. Gambling is common for Greens , especially if there is a potential for large winnings.

Being strong-willed, these powerful personalities are determined to have their own way, which they usually feel is the right way. A person is rarely able to win an argument with Greens.


Crystal is a rare Life Color. Crystals have clear auras and are known as the "aura chameleons." Like chameleons, their auras will change colors to match those of the people they are connecting with at the time. They then take on the characteristics, behavior patterns, emotions and thoughts of that color.

Consequently, in power Crystals can get along quite well with almost anyone. Yellows , for example, feels they can relate to Crystals who, when they are with them, act and think like Yellows . Later, when the same Crystals spend time with Sensitive Tans, the Tans can feel as if they have found kindred spirits.

However, the Crystals' inconsistencies can also confuse people. One minute Crystals think and behave like Greens . A short while later, they can act like Blues . The more they connect and bond with others, the more their personalities change.

Because Crystals tend to absorb the colors of other people's auras, people can, at times, feel an energy drain when they are in the presence of Crystals. In power, Crystals can be a clear conduit or channel for healing energy. Being natural healers, the Crystals' gift is to help their clients clear blockages, thereby enabling the clients' own natural healing processes to take place.

While healing, balanced Crystals are able to keep their thoughts and emotions out of the way, making the healing more pure. Crystals do not always understand their healing abilities. It can often frighten and confuse them or cause them to feel overwhelmed. These rare souls are often physically fragile and delicate.

Because of their unusual sensitivity, they can only heal one person at a time. They then need to go to a peaceful place to cleanse their aura. Working with too many people can short-circuit their system.


Blues are some of the most loving, nurturing and supportive personalities of the Life Colors. They live from their heart and emotions. Their purpose for being on the planet is to give love, to teach love and to learn that they are loved. Their priorities are love, relationships, and spirituality.

Blues are traditionally teachers, counselors, and nurses---basically the loving, nurturers and caretakers on the planet. Blues are constantly helping others. They want to make sure that everyone feels loved and accepted. People are always turning to Blues for comfort and counsel because Blues will always be there for them. They consistently provide a shoulder for others to cry on.

Blues are the most emotional personalities in the aura spectrum. They can cry at the drop of a hat. Blues cry when they are happy, hurt, angry, sad, or for no apparent reason at all. Even watching a sentimental commercial on television can bring on tears.


Violets are the inspirational visionaries, leaders and teachers who are here to help save the planet. Most Violets feel drawn to educate the masses, to inspire higher ideals, to improve the quality of life on the planet, or to help save people, animals and the environment.

All Violets have an inner sense that they are here to do something important, that their destiny is greater than that of the average person. Most Violets have felt this way since childhood. As children, many Violets imagined becoming famous, or traveling the planet, possibly joining humanitarian causes such the Peace Corp. Many of these charismatic personalities take on roles as leaders and teachers, while other Violets prefer to reach people through music, film or other art form.

Because this era is currently the "Violet Age," any Violets who are not accomplishing what they came here to do are experiencing an inner “push” — even an inner “earthquake.” Inner forces seem to be shaking them up and pushing them to move into action, to fulfill their life purpose. Violets know they are here to do something significant. However, they aren't always sure what that something is or how to accomplish it.

Many Violets were taught as children that their dreams and aspirations were unrealistic, so they have lost touch with their original visions. It's important for Violets to reconnect with their life purpose and vision, and to take action. Otherwise they will always feel unfulfilled. They will always sense something is missing from their lives. Violets need to learn to slow down long enough to listen to their inner voice and to connect with their higher vision.


Fantasy, enchantment, dreams, myths, spiritual beings, angels, fairies are all concepts which fill the Lavenders' mind. Lavenders tend to live in a fantasy world. They prefer to spend their time out of their bodies, where life is pretty and enchanting. It is challenging for these airy beings to live in three-dimensional reality.

Lavenders prefer imaginary pictures of the world, seeing butterflies, flowers and wood nymphs rather than dirt, concrete and large cities. Physical reality seems cold and harsh to them. These sensitive creatures are fragile and frail, and their physical appearance is often weak and pale.

Lavenders' skin is often alabaster white because they don't like being outdoors, unless it is to be gently surrounded by beautiful flowers and gardens. These child-like personalities are sensitive and simple. Lavenders would rather spend time watching clouds float by or daydreaming. They prefer to escape this reality with all of its demands and responsibilities.

The Lavenders behavior tends to frustrate others who may expect them to be dependable and responsible. Lavenders have no understanding of what it means to hold a responsible job or to earn money. They are more familiar with other dimensions and imagined realities.

Lavenders even have a difficult time relating to or connecting with the concepts of time, space and physical matter. They tend to experience events in their imaginations, but they are not usually grounded enough in physical reality to actually accomplish anything tangible.


Indigo is the most recent aura color to arrive on the planet. Indigos are ushering in a new energy, a new consciousness, and a new age of peace and harmony. Whereas Violets feel driven to help save the planet, to educate the masses, and to improve life here, Indigos are here to live as examples of a new higher awareness.

At this writing, most of the Indigos are children, although there are a few Indigos who came as forerunners years ago. The words used to describe Indigos include honest, aware, highly intuitive, psychic, independent, fearless, strong-willed, and sensitive.

Indigos are old souls who know who they are and where they've come from. Some consider Indigos to be bizarre. These assertive individuals are born with their spiritual memories intact. Many parents report that their Indigo children regale them with vivid details of past lives or recent encounters with spiritual beings. Parents also report that these children can read their minds and seem to have amazing psychic abilities. Parents are often at a loss as to how to raise these amazing little beings.

An unusual characteristic of Indigos is that they frequently appear androgynous. It is often difficult to tell if Indigos are male or female, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, or asexual. It's as if Indigos have both the yin and yang, male and female qualities within them. Their sexuality is not their primary concern however; it is their spirituality.

Red Overlay

People are not born with a Red Overlay. A Red Overlay is usually added to the outer bands of the aura early on in life because the person felt a need for protection. While a Red Overlay can offer protection, it also can become a terrible burden to bear.

The two most common indications that a person is carrying a Red Overlay are either feelings of intense anger and rage, or continuous struggle and self-sabotage. If these people don't eventually remove the Red Overlay from their aura, their protective shield will eventually become their prison.

People usually add a Red Overlay to their aura for one or more of the following reasons:

They have had a life-threatening situation at birth or at a young age, which caused them to perceive that they may die, or that the world was not a safe place. Examples of life-threatening situations can include birth complications, severe illness, choking, drowning or suffocating. Many people do not remember these incidents, and so the source of their anger or struggle remains a mystery to them. They frequently have feelings of dread or of impending disaster for reasons unknown to them.

People may also add a Red Overlay if they have been physically, emotionally or mentally abandoned or rejected. Red Overlays frequently appear in people who were unwanted children, adopted or separated from a parent at a young age. This can also apply to children who felt emotionally abandoned by a parent, even when the parent appeared to be physically present in the home.

The most obvious and traceable causes for Red in the aura are those cases in which people have been physically, emotionally or mentally abused. Children who have been sexually abused, physically beaten, or raised by alcoholic or verbally abusive parents usually feel that the world is an unsafe and undependable place and that protection is necessary for survival.

Red Overlays can even appear around children who felt emotionally or physically smothered or suppressed. They feel betrayed by the adults, who were supposed to love, nurture and protect them as children. Not everyone who felt abandoned by a parent has a Red Overlay, however. The experience had to be intense enough or serious enough to have threatened the emotional or physical survival instincts of the child.

Authors Details:  Pamala Oslie is an accomplished psychic who uses the human aura to receive helpful, life altering information for her clients. Every living thing on the planet has an "auric" or energy field surrounding it. Because Pamala has been reading auras for over twenty years, she has fine tuned her ability to recognize common aspects of the various aura colors.

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